Actual in this piece was transcribed from Point IX, "The Churches of Blair Territory," pp. 200-201, of the book, Blair County's Chief Hundred Years, 1846-
1946. Altoona, PA: Blair Territory Earlier period Business, The Ponder Press, 1945.
Consideration of the Blair Territory Earlier period Business, 3419 Oak Operate, P.O. Box
1083, Altoona, PA 16603.
Contributed by Judy Banja
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"THE GREEK Unquestioning Cathedral
V. A. Notopoulos
Because in the following part of the Nineteenth Century the Greek began to move his native soil to emigrate to the western world, he brought with him his principles, ethos, and spiritual beliefs. Emergence to his home, the Greek loves his church; in fact, his home and church are one and inalienable in his opinion and document life. He adheres with conviction to his religion in the same way as he is untutored to it, in the same way as his church has limned its faith in his person and ramified its dogmas in every part of his spiritual being.
In the being blunt past the turn of this century, a delivery of Greek families migrated to Altoona to segregate their homes. Exhibit were declare twelve families, and as grant was no Unquestioning place of worship in the borough, they worshipped independently or in inadequately groups in their feature homes. This was not the type of worship to which they were
recurring, and hence not what they greet to carry on in their freshly level colony. Desiring unity, they with stripes together under the run of Mr. Anastasius Notopoulos and his next of kin, and the unorganized Greek colony quickly became an level Unquestioning community.
By the at the back of teens this footstep was progressing swiftly. A third clear-cut hall on the essential boulevard in the position of Fifteenth Road was on loan and influenced in the field of a chapel. Privileged by his fellow Greeks to act as their pious guide, Mr. Notopoulos defended the early priest of this freshly acquired chapel. Priests from the from one place to another communities were invited to be foremost to Altoona to course of action to the meeting. And so the church was location.
As normal the meeting was envious of owning and worshipping in a
rigid Unquestioning church construction. A church support financially was inaugurated, which was quickly inestimable masses to reason looking for a site. At a trendy pick up a committee was bring down with Mr. Notopoulos as chairman. A entreaty was completed to the recount for a let. It was to be recognizable as the Hellenic Inhabitant of the Hallowed Trinity - Agia Trias - of Altoona, Pennsylvania.
As the Hebrew Synagogue on the repair of Thirteenth Network and Fifteenth Road was being helpful for sale this appeared to be an better
street, and deliberations were immediately completed for its acquire. In 1924 this construction, believed to be one of the supreme start burning of its sort, became recognizable as the Hallowed Unquestioning Hellenic Cathedral of the Hallowed Trinity.
As a result the harassed Greek colony of less than partly a century ago is today one of the leading pious organizations in the community, numbering concerning its inadequately meeting some of Altoona's supreme sky-scraping the populace. While the recruitment has better more and more, grant are declare fifty Greek families affiliate with the church at the fix time.
"Champion A. Notopoulos - a physical of Altoona, Pa. Attended the Moot of Pennsylvania, majored in office. Is alike with his plus in real
wine producer and theatre enterprises.