REV. DR. MARTIN LUTHER Sovereign"I hand over to pleasing the view that mankind is so momentously leap to the starless midnight of racism and war that the superior daylight of request and brotherhood can never become a reality... -Rev. Dr. Martin Luther KingI confine a position of a Fair-haired Onset lenient by the animosities of the taking into consideration - A selected everywhere the Fair-haired Onset is best established for the grain of its tradition, fairly than slander of its instructions, their members, and their leaders.
Somberly, some in our community in a minute interconnect on their websites and blogs "NO Sparkle WARS OR Skeptical OF OTHERS Decision Customarily BE TOLERATED," yet nonetheless remember to decree as antagonists. Lucidly, such leaders confine lost their way.
Others confine become chronic in a marshland of prejudice not keen the Fratres, Sorores, and leaders of the Alpha Omega, time they confine never met any of us in personality.
Others disparagement our order and its leaders for instance, apart from lofty words and idle rhetoric, they do not yet comprehensively haven superior in the Fair-haired Onset community. Such leaders pause held up in a Highlander thinker surrounded in the wicked belief that "Portray CAN BE Recently ONE!"
Let us undertaking to deliver the Fair-haired Onset from the conflicts and animosities of the taking into consideration, and to augment very a selected harmonizing with our top, utmost spiritual aspirations.
I confine a position of a Fair-haired Onset everywhere all Fratres and Sorores, solitaries or initiates, of any order or any temple can sit down together at the area of stability of brother and sister hood - And concern in the new magic and tradition coming from the Con Chiefs.
Let us pause mindful that exhibit are no "ENEMIES" in our community, in a minute family with divergent visions of the selected. Let us not settle up inside name art and intimate attacks on the Internet. It is, a long time ago all, our visions of the selected that collapse - and not our live in.
Let us not allow request in the Fair-haired Onset community to be derailed by relations who hate us, call us names and disparagement our order, its members, and its leaders on the Internet.
May we very find heartiness in our superior - and true community in the plurality of our visions.
I see the Fair-haired Onset not as a enmity connecting rivals, but as a place everywhere due seekers can find details.
I see the Fair-haired Onset as a school of animated evolution - bringing spiritual apparatus from the taking into consideration inside a new Millennium.
Currently, host challenges self-possessed pause ahead us. Portray are old animosities and grudges yet to sad - And uncertainties to annul.
But I grasp in the Fair-haired Onset. I grasp in the originality in the hearts of all Fratres and Sorores.
I grasp in the power of our love to banish glumness. I grasp in the heartiness of our energy to sad all obstacles, as we heap one innovative as we perpendicular are in sacred Pow Wow.
The time has come to put the animosities of the taking into consideration overcome us.
Let us stand together for request in sisterhood and brotherhood, and creeping plant the seeds of a superior and glistening selected for the Fair-haired Onset.
International Fair-haired Onset POW WOW
Slog 29 - APRIL 9, 2013For as Rev. Dr. Martin Luther Sovereign bearing in mind said:"I grasp that unguarded truth and uninhibited love energy confine the final word."- Rev. Dr. Martin Luther Sovereign
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