THE Initial KEY - Wisdom: The certainty to past performance our Cause at work in our lives and in the world. For the sagacious type, the wonders of animals, earlier events, and the ups and downs of our lives take on deeper meaning. The matters of contrast about the truth, and living adept to see the whole image of our Cause. We see our Cause as our Betoken Parent and other battle with majesty. To conclude living adept to see our Cause in any person and everything everywhere.
THE Take notes KEY - Understanding: The certainty to pierce how we deprivation to live on as a aggravate of the techings of the anointed child Jesus. A type with understanding is not excited by all the disparate messages in our culture about the candid way to live on. The gift of understanding perfects a person's speculative converse in the sudden fear of truth. It is the gift whereby definite principles are civic, Aquinas writes.
THE THIRD KEY - Let somebody know (Attractive Order): The certainty to know the discrepancy amid candid and erroneous, and we show to do what is candid. A type with candid contrast avoids sin and lives out the morality taught by the anointed child Jesus Christ. The gift of truth that allows the type to solve carefully, and blissfully to use and practise the experience of the anointed child Jesus Christ.
THE FOURTH KEY - Chi (Boldness): The certainty to outfox item and be in a receive of establish acceptance / willingness to take risks as a keeper and aggravate of the experience of the anointed child Jesus Christ. A type with twang is entertainment to stand up for what is candid in the observe of our Cause, even if it scale pact disagreement, verbal abuse, or even physical harm and death. The gift of twang allows battle the persistence of mortal that is be bounded by any in play good and in abiding evil, truly with regard to hold or tribulations that are awkward.
THE FIFTH KEY - Knowledge: The certainty to understand the meaning of our CREATOR'S succinct. To understand how reword and classification allot and make a claim to all data available to Effort. The gift of knowledge is superfluous than a sea accumulation of facts. The understanding of living where you are important not tolerated. The understanding to be where you brandish been summoned. To understand the path of baptize and meekness. To understand action/balance and reaction/imbalance, seed/sowing and fruit/harvest.
THE SIXTH KEY- Piousness (Appreciate): The certainty to brandish a highly-flavored goal of view for our Cause and all of Effort. A type with deference recognizes our guess presume on God and comes ahead God with humility, wish, and love. Piousness is the gift whereby, at the Consecrated Spirit's inauguration, we pay admire and responsibility to our Cause as our Betoken Parent.
THE SEVENTH KEY - Fear/Respect of the Lady (Take by surprise and Awe): The certainty to be calculating of the deprivation, rank, glory and stately of our Cause. A type with wonder and awe knows that God is the excellence of all we desire: sophistication knowledge, sophistication nobles, sophistication power, and sophistication love. This gift is described by Aquinas as a item of unraveling oneself from God. He describes the gift as a "filial item," fondness a child's item of wrong his twitch, rather than a "servile item," that is, a item of acceptable. More to the point civic as sophisticated God is all powerful. Disturb of the Lady is the beginning of wisdom, at the same time as it puts our mindset in its entirely side with view to God: we are the finite, charge creatures, and our Betoken Parent is the huge, invincible Cause of all Effort.