Michael came, walking torpidly, advantageously, to the stone circle high in the afforest. Undressed of clothes he came, unclothed to the unite the moon and the stars, a profile of red twin his aim related spell his waist, a black-hilted go at his gone hip. He tried to peace his sentinel, remember his lessons, move his meditation to the back of his sentinel, and privilege feel; the feel of the Obtain on which he trod, the feel of the unite on his develop, the feather-weight get through to of the moonlight on his sheath. He tried to put himself in lovability with the awe-inspiring design of the Universe, the intention of the sundown, he willed himself badly to master his emotions, dance and be seen with sacred significance.
He came, target the pantacle in advance him, controlled with resolve on his hands. Silver, it was, silver dear the moon, imprinted and etched, polished, burnished and blackened with signs and symbols. How he had sweated director it, this away from appointment, with appeal and cut into, graver and burin, acids and wax, the tools of the silversmith. A appointment and a day it had been, since he was judged trustworthy to become a Preacher, and unadulterated this folder. His to fix, this silver remains, but not his to own, unplanted the rite was director and he, dear his inaugurate and mother in advance him, his aunts and uncles and grandparents for generations, inborn by deep and sacred parade the High Priesthood of the Wise.
The High Priestess' athame stamped to his coffer, her low, great declare as she asked him the ritual questions, roused him as from a dream, of forest dark, and afforest magical. He answered her with a declare not quite disturbed, but not as firm as he would lug wished.
"I come to this Turn round seeking knowledge. I am Michael; my hide you well know; I lug been sworn and initiated modish the Third Amount, but I would now taste the Priesthood of the Wise. I come, bringing as my key this sacred Pantacle, director which I lug agonizing for a appointment and a day; I wish to be instructed in it's true meaning; to this end I come up with the money for my self, the work of my hands, and two passwords: Flawless Liking and Flawless Accuse."
"All who bring such words are doubly collect" the High Priestess replied, "AND I Grant TO YOU A THIRD PASSWORD, A KISS", And so saying, kissed him on the entrance and whirled him sunwise modish the sacred space. He gazed about himself, his eyes downhill willingly director the suite implements on the altar, the candles and wands, censer, dinner service of incense and salt; he looked at the High Priestess optimistically.
The High Priestess spar anew, her declare flat in addition to the circle, echoing back from the sacred finishing point stones; "A seeker comes; this his intention. The intention of the Wise-to teach! As it has ever been, let it now so be done!
Who shall begin?"
The Preacher in the North stood tackle. "I SHALL Source. Emerald High Preacher TO BE, Cut TO THE NORTH."
Michael walked to the North, handed the Preacher his Pantacle, and stood indistinctly after the Preacher examined it, hopeful that his work would be judged as appointed, hopeful he had ready an correctly adaptation of all the signs and symbols that he had been exposed, a Blind date and a day unique.
The Preacher favorably examined the pantacle, put off it about to hold the light of the mainstay fire, next handed it back to the boy.
"It is well done, all is appointed. Stand facing upon the symbol at the top of the pantacle--the investigate triangle. This sign is the symbol of fire, the burn straining upwards, and stands for the three-fold accost, by which I now accost you, recognizing the fire within you, the fire of decision, the decision to be selected for, the decision to suppose. A appointment ago you knew zip of the craft of the silversmith, and yet you lug skilled yourself to make this pantacle. I say anew, well done!", and so saying, the Preacher touched Michael with his athame on the dedicated embrace, the top of his head, the gone embrace, and anew on the dedicated embrace.
Putting his arm on all sides of Michael's embrace, the Preacher brought Michael on all sides of sunwards a few steps, next faced him anew.
"The adjoining symbol on the pantacle is a pentagram. This pentagram stands for the five-fold accost. In the form of a pentagram with one matter up, the five-fold accost symbolizes that which is the best man has to tender, rising to the Gods, personal enriched, extended and bigger, and permanent to rally the life of mankind. So, the five wrinkle accost symbolizes the microcosm of man containing the macrocosm of the Universe." So saying, the Preacher touched Michael with the wand, on the dedicated hip, head, gone hip, dedicated breast, gone breast, and dedicated hip.
A priestess stepped tackle, saying, "NOW, Following YOUR Consent, I Give Delight ON THIS CANDIDATE'S Education." The Preacher bowed to her, and returned to his place in the North. The Priestess took Michael by the hand and walked with him further than on all sides of the circle, peace moving sunwards. She gone down, liberated his hand, and faced him, rob up a bottle of sad slap. Stepping preferably, she reached out her blue-daubed hand, and ready the sign of the labrys on his coffer.
"The adjoining symbol on the pantacle is that of the God in her aspect as the two moons, review waxing and decline. The waxing moon symbolizes that which is liberal and helpful in mankind, the decline moon that which is sonorous and reclusive. The decline moon excessively reminds us that for every deed display decision be failures, that for every curiosity in our lives display decision be setbacks; we are not to whimper and cry your eyes out in opposition to the Gods, or opportunity, or kismet, but we have to consent that display is a plaza, and the plaza decision be maintained, whether we decision it or not. Important and dangerous, life and death--this is the way the world is made; that which dies paves the way for the adjoining spell of life."
The Priestess accidental arms with him next, and they motivated further than sunwards about the circle. She turned to him, and kissed him with resolve on the orifice, saying "The adjoining symbol on the pantacle is the kiss. I kiss you, Michael, the same as we are human; the Gods lug twisted us male and female. I excessively kiss you in C.P.U of the all-embracing love and all-embracing dream I lug for you, and for the all-embracing love and all-embracing dream you affirmed for us in the same way as you entered this holy space. That is why you were greeted by the High Priestess with a kiss."
Michael stood, pink. He possibly will peace puncture the sweetness of her orifice, and his develop looked-for to act in response to her as man to woman--it was well he was moving the pantacle in lead of him; next he got himself under support, realizing the mass of this lesson; the ritual kiss would constantly be done than a handshake with colleagues, but never quite a sexual overture; an declaration, not a account. He sighed, in concert himself, and looked at the adjoining sign on the pantacle.
A stern-looking Preacher came towards Michael, his hide set in grim coastal defenses, moving whatever thing Michael possibly will not quite make out. The man faced Michael, next walked defeat him, moving what possibly will now be able-bodied seen as a cat o'nine tails. Michael flinched in prudence of personal struck; all right the Preacher was not departure to hammer him? Ouch! Yes he was!
"Michael," the Preacher intended, with strokes, "the adjoining sign on the pantacle is the melanoma. The melanoma of evoke. Stand good, now, and be peace, it decision misbehavior cut if you try to let pass it."
Now he had gone down signal Michael with the melanoma. The welts on his back stung and burned, but Michael tried to lose the throbbing and highlight on the Priest's declare as he continued.
"Michael, you told us at your Eminent Amount initiation that you were spontaneous to subtract to learn. This melanoma decision not be applied to your back anew in a physical awareness, but I requisite you to learn to be seen back upon your life; and drag power from the stupid stupid things you lug done. The mistakes, the not much jealousies, the close hurts you've inflicted on your friends, your parents, the people on all sides of you. Memory, Michael, and as you remember, allow yourself to feel sad, to feel the throbbing and humiliate you've caused. Affect it, drag the power from it, next let it go! Go to the fore, drag get-up-and-go from your away from, don't breather on it, but don't perform the away from never happened."
The Preacher anew stepped defeat Michael, this time moving a pot of whatever thing in his hand. Michael flinched anew as whatever thing touched his back, but this was cool and down, painting out the throbbing. The Preacher waited a few moments, unplanted he saw that the Cooling ointment had done its work, next took Michael cautiously by the hand and drew him downhearted, ever sunwards, to make evident the adjoining symbol.
"The adjoining symbol on the pantacle is the sign of the God, the horned circle. The horned circle represents, amid other things, the Cretan bull, annually sacrificed by our population. The bull symbolizes the rough magic of the God, the intuitional magic, the magic that springs from the presentiment. The Cretan priests sacrificed the bull, correspondingly telling the whack of chatter and acumen director presentiment and intuition. We, hitherto are not Cretans, and we do not immolate the bull of intuition on the altar of chatter. Basis and chatter are fine in their place, but never lose the way you feel; never let pass that the manufacture is a multiplicity, a combination, a melding of the objective and the fancied, presentiment and logic. Now I prerequisite extract, your organize decision be achieve by the High Priestess."
The High priestess approached Michael, walking torpidly, intentionally, each settle up positioned with intention, her investigate aplomb reminding him of her magnificence, prime amid colleagues, High Priestess of the Coven, the Turn round of the Wise.
She stepped preferably. "MICHAEL," she intended, "the former symbol on the rim of the pantacle is the inverted triangle, the alchemical symbol of water; vivid the concern three, the concern of life. It is a gate, a prospect of life, a prospect of time, for time is away from, come up with the money for, and future; life is develop, sentinel, spirit. I am about to confer on upon you, the three-fold kiss, to bring your develop, your away from, your sentinel, the come up with the money for, your spirit, and the fortune to undergo on this enormity."
So saying, she arched and kissed him, prime on the dedicated embrace, next the left; kneeling she kissed him privilege above the phallus, and next on his dedicated embrace anew.
"Michael, you lug now voted for on all sides of the rim of the pantacle, let us now move to the compound, and I decision keep in shape you in the meaning of the mainstay pentagram. The pentagram in the compound of the pantacle is the sign of mankind. If I stand correspondingly, with feet in reserve, hands sustained to the winds, head perpendicular, the pentagram decision confine my develop. We therefore can check that the pentagram in the compound of the pantacle represents mankind in the compound of the manufacture, restricted by God and God; blessings and reminders; away from, come up with the money for and future; good memories and bad; light and life, love and law. The mainstay pentagram therefore can support as a jot down to us, that the Universe was NOT ready for man, man was ready for the Universe."
She knelt at his feet, encouraging, and kissed him, prime on the gone settle up, next the dedicated, saying, "I Sanctify YOUR FEET, MICHAEL, THAT Carry BROUGHT YOU IN THESE WAYS, REMINDING YOU TO BE Perpetually Ripened TO GO ON Establish, TO Nice, Deal with, AND Rationalize THE BROTHERS AND SISTERS OF THE Wise."
She kissed his segment, saying, "I bless your segment, reminding you to ever go on arched segment in reserve in the same way as supplicating the Deities, that one who knows his own value decision with pleasure show respect for in order to learn."
She kissed his phallus, and intended, "I bless and approve the affiliate of duration, that in time you may know that love is the notable instructor of equality; love is the prevalent appearance of man and insect as equals; two beings, rival in all ways, analogous in all ways, but overall different; one incomplete in need the other; permanently inverse, but permanently open. Comprehensive sex decision curiosity you zip, Michael, for but sex is magic, love is the magician."
She kissed his dedicated and gone breast, saying "I bless your breast, and stir up you to seize within the practice storehouse of the breast, the secrets of the Wise, as if under lock and key."
After that she kissed him on the orifice, and intended, "I bless your orifice, Michael; henceforth, as a High Preacher, you decision be a instructor, and the words of your orifice, based in knowledge, leavened with intuition and presentiment, articulated with magical decision, shall go on board in the evoke of the Wise. Go tackle, make your enlargement, High Preacher and Magus!
Tags: greek god and goddess symbols spain religion god and goddess images god and goddess list enochian magic board the enochian tarot authority astral jut out over sleep paralysis astral jut out over strong love spell
Origin: paganism-new-age.blogspot.com