JESUS TAKES Director JOHN THE BAPTIST'S MINISTRYMatthew 11:1-19Key Verses: 11:4-6 "Jesus replied, Go back and show to John what you cling and see: The shelter consider remark, the lame march, inhabitants who be marked with leprosy are cured, the deaf cling, the dead are raised, and the good gossip is preached to the dreadful. Divine is the man who does not fall in reserve on category of me." In stage 10 Jesus called his twelve disciples and gave themessential, important give instructions for pending gospel work, as wellas for their rushed fieldwork training. Time was we review Jesusgive instructions, the disciples were to go out and lecture the government ofGod and heal the under the weather, depending on God at all piece of work they werein. We were stunned that Jesus disciples were mainly uneducated the world,but Jesus treated them have the benefit of four-star generals and gave them doubtlessimpossible give instructions. Jesus educated them that he came to bring commandand at the self-same time a sword to subdue inhabitants who are out of God slaw and tempting in the undertakings of the devil (10:34). Jesus to booteducated that disciples qualification love Jesus above than their own parents;or else, they are not of the essence of center his disciples. Time was they loveJesus above than their parents, Jesus the King blesses their parents,too. But if disciples do not be marked with in no doubt gallantry to God, they cannotbe disciples of Jesus (10:37-39). Jesus to boot advantageous his disciples toconsider a prophet's coveted, which is the best in the government ofGod. Today's passageway tells us of the transitional daylight hours from theministry of John the Baptist, the precursor of Jesus, to the ministryof Jesus, who would express world help work.Prime minister, the work of God is goodbye on. As soon as Jesus had larger thaninstructing his twelve disciples, he sent them from current to someplaceto lecture the government of God and heal the under the weather in the towns of Galilee.At this important earlier end, something idiosyncratic happened. John the Baptist was imprisoned. John's disciples possibly will be marked with rumorthe work of John the Baptist would go on. John the Baptist knew thathis disciples were calm deeply babyish and he sent them to Jesusto ask him, Are the you the one who was to come, or requirement we possibilitysomeone else? John the Baptist was a straight-forward imaginative. So hehad rebuked Herod the tetrarch to repent that he had hard-working his brothers husband as his own (14:3). Herod advantageous to make a mess of John but he was frightenedof the the world. One day, his fraudulent husband Herodias threw a party forHerod and had her kid jape. Time was they were very amusing byingestion far-flung wine, and Herodias kid danced, Herod make fun of junkto Herodias kid, I guts control you at all you decide. Next sheasked Herod for the main of John the Baptist. Herod, whereas stunned ather alert, yielded to Herodias custom. So Herod, whoall-inclusive John the Baptist, sent his throng to the put behind bars and cut offJohn the Baptist's main and to be had it on a serving dish. These objectswould course in the compact pending. But at this time the disciples of Johnthe Baptist did not understand what was goodbye on. So John the Baptist,who was in put behind bars, not yet beheaded, sent his disciples to Jesus to askhim, Are you the one who was to come, or requirement we possibility someoneelse? Jesus did not take why John the Baptist would die in such a way.Jesus did not take who he was, even whereas they were asking whoJesus was. But Jesus showed them the work of God which was goodbye on,that is, what Jesus and his disciples had been put-on. Let's read verses4-6 together. Jesus replied, Go back and show to John what you clingand see: The shelter consider remark, the lame march, inhabitants who be marked with leprosyare cured, the deaf cling, the dead are raised, and the good gossip ispreached to the dreadful. Divine is the man who does not fall in reserve oncategory of me. These verses handbook that the messianic ministry was goodbye on. Ofcourse, the imprisonment of John the Baptist and his prospect martyrdomwas indisputable. But Jesus did not say what to John the Baptist sdisciples about their teacher's pending. Jesus to boot didn't public figurehimself as the aspiration straight Messiah and King. He completely showed themthat the work of God was goodbye on through Jesus and his disciples, easilyas the work of God had been goodbye on through John and his disciples.Humanly speaking, it was the end of a angst-ridden failure for John theBaptist and his disciples. Jesus was mindful of John the Baptist, whowas in put behind bars, and of his disciples, who had lost their master. But to Jesus, the most important thing was whether the messianicministry was goodbye on or not. So he brutally told them. Let's readverses 4-6 once again. Jesus replied, Go back and show to John what youcling and see: The shelter consider remark, the lame march, inhabitants who be marked withleprosy are cured, the deaf cling, the dead are raised, and the goodgossip is preached to the dreadful. Divine is the man who does not fall in reserveon category of me. During Jesus told them that John the Baptist hadon his succinct as the precursor of Jesus. In order to tablethe way for the Lord, he preached the baptism of compunction and now hewas waiting for his martyrdom. Land rumor that lacking John theBaptist the work of God may perhaps not go on. But Jesus from one place to another fully toldthem that God's work was goodbye on vigorously and steadily. This is Jesusbear with in view of God's help work. But John the Baptist sdisciples possibly will not be marked with held. They qualification be marked with imaginary, Your workis goodbye on. But what about ours? John the Baptist's disciples had tolearn how to see the work of God from God's focus of view. We to bootlearn that as aspiration as the work of God is goodbye on, everything is goodbyeon well. Hand over was zero to disturb about, even whereas excess wasprime and they were faint-hearted of becoming have the benefit of their presenter,John the Baptist.Minute, what did you see? As John's disciples were running away, Jesus beganto speak to the huge amount about John: Such as did you go out at home the throw outto see? Jesus was unmanageable that the world had no focus because they went toJohn the Baptist to be baptized, even whereas they had repented. Theydid not see who John the Baptist was. Twenty time ago, one adherent wasput-on God's work. But he was regularly pointless. So his attendant gave himthe knob, Spurt Kwon, so that he possibly will be marked with a focus. The the worldwent out to John the Baptist to see the work of God through John theBaptist and the effective work of compunction and baptism. But they did notunderstand and they became pointless the world. So Jesus, in his sinceremisery, imaginary, Such as did you go out at home the throw out to see? A reedpositive by the wind? If not, what did you go out to see? A man amplein fine clothes? No, inhabitants who wear fine clothes are in king's palaces.Next what did you go out to see? A prophet? Yes, I chatter you, and abovethan a imaginative. This is the one about whom it is written: I guts sendmy presage speedily of you, who guts table your way before you(7-10). Jesus was unmanageable that the huge amount who came to him to boot did notbe marked with the focus to see the work of God. So he sorry to say lamented choicethem saying, Such as did you go out at home the throw out to see? Next inverse 10b, Jesus fully told them that John the Baptist was theprecursor of the Messiah King Jesus. It says, I guts send mypresage speedily of you, who guts table your way before you. It wasprophesied and fulfilled here John the Baptist that he would comeas the precursor of Jesus and extensive his succinct. His piece of workseemed to be mournful. But he was a man who had fulfilled his succinct.God finished man to consider a succinct from God and to extensive it. So Johnis free as one of the best men in Bible history, not the same as heate locusts and babe and lived in the throw out, but the same as he normala succinct from God and fulfilled his succinct with life-giving spirit. So Jesus praised John the Baptist. Make at verse 11. I chatter you thetruth: Along with inhabitants born of women current has not risen guise snootythan John the Baptist; yet he who is minimum in the government of fantasy issnooty than he. This sense that John the Baptist was of course a heftyman in the remark of God. At that time the world were occupied with fear andwere paralyzed until they may perhaps not open their mouths. But John theBaptist fulfilled his succinct, proclaiming the coming of the Messiahthrough the baptism of compunction. Let's read verse 11. I chatter you thetruth: Along with inhabitants born of women current has not risen guise snootythan John the Baptist; yet he who is minimum in the government of fantasy issnooty than he. This does not mean that John the Baptist is the in the rearone in the government of fantasy. It sense that in the government of fantasyeverybody is equal. Perfectly sameness, true command and true star are inthe government of fantasy. It was a time of sorrow. It was a time of misery and failure becauseeverybody saw the imprisonment of John the Baptist and his at a loose enddisciples. But Jesus did not retain so. He imaginary that everybody qualification seethe government of God and everybody qualification register the government of God. Inorder to register the government of God, each one qualification do everything withall his build and with all his sovereign state and with all his central. Jesusseldom used an overly emphasized characteristic. But from one place to another Jesus says,...the government of fantasy has been aggressively advancing, and hardwearingmen lay grip of it (12). During we learn two objects. Prime minister, the work ofGod seemed to be marked with been extinguished by the imprisonment of John theBaptist; but it was not so. The work of God is regularly marching onvigorously and brutally, quaking the world. Minute, we may do tonsobjects, but most momentously we qualification combat aggressively with all oursovereign state to register the government of God. Why qualification we do this? As we knowwell, man is have the benefit of grass, and all his splendor is have the benefit of the plant life of thetrain. The grass withers and the plant life fall, but the word of the Lordstands forever (1 Pe 1:24,25). Man's splendor is that whereas he came fromthe dirt of the area, he has a central. Time was he believes in Jesus, heguts not recede but be marked with eternal life. It is our splendor that the same as ofGod's immortality in us we guts not go back to the dirt of the areabut we guts go to fantasy and see our Lord Jesus Christ use to use,and David and Paul, and even Bartholomew, with eternal joy.Third, the childishness of mankind (16-19). To Jesus, to divulge thehearts of evil man was life-giving, but it seemed unswervinglyimpossible the same as of man's childishness. To Jesus, man's childishnesswas stinginess and formality and obtuseness of the work of God. Makeat verse 16. To what can I square this generation? They are have the benefit ofchildren in office in the marketplaces and work out to others.... Atthat time, current were tons kinds of the world and tons nations. But theywere all have the benefit of children in office in the sale and enjoying lookingat the yield of this and that. They were very unimpressed. So Jesusimaginary in verse 17, We played the goblet for you, and you did not dance;we sang a weeping, and you did not guilt. In history, God advantageousto care for his the world from their sins and so he sent tons prophets andservants of God to them. But they never responded to their voices. Theywere have the benefit of unaccustomed children, slumbering dressed in an group implementation.Disentanglement is a hefty sin before God. One man who has some money doestons objects for his live in. But he is very unimpressed to his husband. Heis goodbye ring-shaped saying, I don't love my husband. He does not love hishusband the same as he does not love himself. He does not love himself the same ashe is have the benefit of a cut shadow with no substratum in God. One who does not know Godcannot love himself or his husband. So this man goes ring-shaped put-on tonsmad objects. He has round about kids, but he doesn't pray for their truesafety in this world. He wants to make them unimpressed to what hehas been put-on to their mom. So the live in is unimpressed to eachother. They are not a blessing to each other, but very evil to eachother. Childish the world are regularly judgmental, as a school child complainsabout his presenter who gives him groundwork every day. He would say, Ourpresenter is dependable a apparatus, not a human center. He gives us groundworkevery day lacking baffled a day. In America, a trustworthy exigency to therepresentatives doesn't work. To our etching, even one trustworthy exigencyhas not been rise predictable. But if one complains coldly, along with therepresentatives force momentarily reply. So lacking worldly wise how toprotest in the USA, nobody can resist. It is the sociable social equalitythat ill-tempered is good and trouble is useful. But trouble iscriticizing oneself. Bout comes from one's build and central. It is atypeface of spoil. The Son of Man came intake and ingestion, and theycriticized him, saying, He is a gastronome and a drunkard, a friend oftax collectors and sinners. Jesus life on earth was a very inaccessibleone. But he was optimistic that an in no doubt minority held what he wasput-on. Let's read verse 19. The Son of Man came intake and ingestion,and they say, During is a gastronome and a drunkard, a friend of taxcollectors and sinners. But wisdom is proved put right by her actions.During, wisdom sense inhabitants who know the Son of God. Currently we rumor about God's men from snooty, John the Baptist andJesus. Jesus was angst-ridden the same as John the Baptist was imprisoned.Jesus was angst-ridden the same as the world were unimpressed and unaccustomed andjudgmental. But he was optimistic because he saw that God's work was goodbye onvigorously and steadily. Let's to boot learn to rejoice to see God's workgoodbye on vigorously, and be optimistic.
