CALCITE (upmarket) Carbonates 3 Black, pitch-black, obligated, gold, green, yellowish-brown, red Junction States America Undivided Not authoritative to bath in water CALCITE Gloomy (upmarket) Carbonates 3 Gloomy Texas USA Undivided Partiality, power, healing stone Not authoritative to bath in water CALCITE Crisp Carbonates 3 Crisp Mexico Undivided Cash, healing stone Not authoritative to bath in water CALCITE Dearest Carbonates 3 Dearest Kansas, Oklahoma USA Undivided Not authoritative to bath in water CALCITE Sour Carbonates 3 Kansas, Oklahoma USA Undivided Not authoritative to bath in water CALCITE Ocher Carbonates 3 Ocher, green, pitch-black, yellow, golden, obligated Iceland spa, white, deep-fry, promising, red, black and grey Undivided Kansas, Oklahoma USA Not authoritative to bath in water CALCITE Cold and damp (Also communal as mangano calcite) Cherub crystal Carbonates 3 Cold and damp Junction States America Undivided Partiality, healing, power stone Not authoritative to bath in water CALCITE Honestly /OPTICAL Also communal as Iceland sparCarbonates 3 Iceland, Mexico Undivided Not authoritative to bath in waterNotes Fair diversity comes from Oklahoma USA CALCITE REDCarbonates 3 Silvery, green, promising, yellowish-brown, pitch-black, yellow US, Brazil, Figurines, Mexico Undivided Not authoritative to bath in water CALCITE YELLOWCarbonates 3 Silvery, green, promising, yellowish-brown, pitch-black, yellow US, Brazil, Figurines, Mexico Undivided Not authoritative to bath in water CATS EYE Synthetic No attributes as they are man made but charming stones and colourfulCats Eye (Cat's Eye, Tiger's Eye, Falcon's Eye or Hawk's Eye) Beryl 8.5 Crisp, yellow-green, yellow, deep-fry, yellow-brown Myanmar Undivided Suitable to bath in water Facts Chrysoberyl is the traditional Brickwork hand-me-down for natural Cat's Eye, important to Alexandrite (Cats eye is constructive) CARNELIAN Also communal as yellowish-brown chalcedony or Sard Mecca Brickwork, Pigeon's blood and Sadoine frequently heat treated (Participate of agate exceedingly communal as yellowish-brown agate) Quartz 6.5 Red, yellowish-brown, promising, yellowish-brown deep-fry Wildly heat-treated to pile on its colour. Uruguay, Brazil, Germany, Cornwall UK, Scotland, Arizona USA, India Undivided Command stone Suitable to bath in water Facts Can be found on beaches. Carnelian is a flowing, muggy coloured stone ranging from yellow/orange with to yellowish-brown deep-fry. Grading with to deep-fry it may be referred to as 'Sard' or Sardstone. Lucent it frequently has very depths mottling and colour variations within. CELESTITE (exceedingly communal as Celestine) Cherub crystal Sulphates 3 -3.5 Gloomy, yellow, red, white Madagascar, Mexico, USA, UK Undivided Dream Not authoritative to bath in waterNotes Crystalline form of angelite Manage one with you whenever you like you dependence help from Quality Guides and Angels CELESTOBARITE Also communal as Barian CelestineOrange with white veins Austria, Figurines, Czech republic, France, Italy, Russia, USA, UK (Bristol) Facts Shamanic crystalCHALCEDONY frequently heat treated/dyed see various colours belowQuartz 7 Silvery, promising, pitch-black, red, greyish Arizona Undivided Suitable to bath in water Facts Specified forms of chalcedony are highlighted above from Brazil. Chalcedony is a significantly stirring mineral belonging to the quartz group; these microcrystalline varieties of silica form a enormous put out of minerals. Flint and Chert are chalcedonies for archetype and the coloured varieties are sought in the past. If microcrystalline silica forms in transparent to clear lots it is referred to as chalcedony; If it forms with bands, an agate; if it forms in sphinx-like lots it is called jasper. Chemically, all chalcedony's, agates and jaspers are at hand alike, minimally adequate impurities imparted alter colour and rub. CHALCEDONY Gloomy frequently heat treated/dyedQuartz 7 Gloomy Arizona, South Africa Undivided Partiality, healing, power stone Suitable to bath in water Facts Huge form of quartz with mineral inclusions altruistic sundry colours including; white, promising, pitch-black and red. Theoretically it can be any colour. Slightly convinced varieties of chalcedony are discussed under their own sections; see agate, bloodstone, carnelian, Chrysoprase, flint, jasper, onyx, sardonyx and petrified wood. CHALCEDONY Cold and damp Also communal as Wilderness Rose frequently heat treated/dyedQuartz 7 Cold and damp Arizona Undivided Partiality, healing, power stone Suitable to bath in water Facts If chalcedony is definitely colour-banded, it may be called agate and with other minerals it has sundry other names in addition to carnelian, mocha stone, onyx, bloodstone to name a few. CHALCEDONY Ocher Also communal as Carnelian frequently heat treated/dyedQuartz 7 Ocher Arizona, Cornwall UK, Scotland, Germany, Brazil Undivided Partiality, healing, power stone Suitable to bath in water Facts Angrily stripy tangible is communal as carnelian agate CHALCOPYRITE Also know as Peacock OreSulfide 3.5 Impatient yellow Northern Wisconsin Northern Minnesota overcome the Canadian veer Undivided Not authoritative to bath in water Do not use in elixirs harmful Facts Systematically entangled with Pyrite CHAROITESilicate 5 Blue, blue, light deep-fry Painstaking Suffer at Aldan in Russia Sore Partiality, power, healing, protection Not authoritative to bath in water Facts An sphinx-like mineral with accurately out-of-the-way chemistry, unprepared, and noted for its dark blue, fibrous rub. It occurs above all in one tackle of Russia and appears in veins within a innumerable rock. This is contemporary stone that has a at hand extraordinary rub and good examples of Charoite are beloved for use in jewellery. CHERT/FLINTSilicate 7 Facts Chert and Flint are communal stones stirring in a enormous diversity of seating. The silica is frequently infused with impurities and crude compounds which let somebody have temporarily increase to a gigantic diversity of kitsch colours. Flint has a steady association with mankind at the same time as it was hand-me-down all through the Stone-Age for making tools. The public figure Flint is frequently frigid for the nodular grey/black lots found in chalk formations. The scale public figure for Flint, Firestone, stems from the sparks that are arranged off whenever you like Flint is struck decide. Chert frequently appears as woody coloured lots within a innumerable rock and whichever Flint and Chert are found in huge quantities in gravels, shingles, and on beaches. It is a decide durable stone that takes a good undergrowth. CHIASTOLITE Cross Brickwork a diversity of Andalusite Silicate 6.5 Brown-grey, rose, grey, golden-brown, environmental greenArizonaCommonMoney, healing, power, loveSuitable to bath in waterNotes CHRYSOPRASE Also communal as Australian JadeQuartz 7Apple green, lemonAustralia, USA (Arizona, California) Germany, Tanzania, Poland, Russia, and BrazilCommonSuitable to bath in water CHRYSOPRASE LEMON exceedingly communal as CitronQuartz 7Lemon greenAustraliaCommonSuitable to bath in waterNotesA Garish post name for nickel magnesite, which is a form of magnesium carbonate, Citron is a form of Chrysoprase that comes from Australia. Also communal as Lemon Chrysoprase. CHRYSANTHEMUM Brickwork Cherub crystalSilicate 9.5Brown, grey with whiteChina Undivided Cash, power, love, luck stoneSuitable to bath in waterNotes CHRYSOCOLLA Silicate 2 - 4Green, pitch-black, turquoiseCornwall, Arizona, Utah, Peru ">CommonLove, healing stoneDo not use in elixirs toxicNot authoritative to bath in waterNotes CITRINE (Inherent) A shield crystal frequently heat treatedQuartz 7Yellow or orangeNatural Citrine Russia, Spain, France, and Hungary RareHeat treated Undivided A self cleansing stoneMoney stone, protection stoneSuitable to bath in waterNotesDoes distribute ordinarily but a lot are heat treated Amethyst or smoky quartz. Citrine is yellow gold quartz. The heat function changes the colour of the stone to a commentary of yellow. It is defiant to make out natural citrine from heat-treated citrine unless you are a gemmologist and know what to rigorous for. CITRINE (Congenial TREATED) Quartz 7Yellow or orangeNatural Citrine Spain RareHeat treated Undivided A shield crystalA self cleansing stoneMoney stone, protection stoneSuitable to bath in waterNotesDoes distribute ordinarily but a lot are heat treated Amethyst. CINNABAR Sulfide 2Red, brown-red, greyUnited States AmericaCommon Dream Do not use in healing it is poisonousNot authoritative to bath in waterDo not use in elixirs toxicToxic in it's raw formNotesThe sparkly red ore of mercury is the poisonous metal. Anything made out of Cinnabar would be very unpleasant to wear or use due to the heat from your character would be lots to vaporise the mercury from the stone which would learn during your character. Utmost jewellery has a elastic resin, which is encrusted and moulded to protect you. NEVER use raw Cinnabar.Cinnabar is an Eastern Indian word for Dragon's blood. The impurities in Cinnabar let somebody have temporarily it a brownish colour.Cinnabar is very POISONOUS! Do not use it for healing or magical purposes.Tumblestones nice to stand for prettification but not to be hand-me-down for any other summit. CONNEMARA Deseed Partnership of Serpentine and MarbleSilicate Shades of freckled greenGalway, in the West of IrelandNotes COPPER Natural elements 2.5 - 3Copper red to brownMichigan, Bolivia, Russia, Cornwall England, Arizona USACommonNot authoritative to bath in waterNotes CORAL RED Widely highlighted and/or blanched to multiply colourOrganics 3.5VariousMediterranean Sea, off the coast of Australia, the South Pacific, the waters of Japan, and Africa exceedingly Algeria, Tunisia, Spain, Italy, France, Corsica, Sardinia, Sicily and India.CommonNot authoritative to bath in waterNotesDue to their crude concept, Coral gems are whichever squat and porous and essential minimally be wiped clean with wan cloth. Not the same to extra special support depending on dye hand-me-down. Fail to attend chemicals, powder and paint ">If real Coral is placed in skylight of cow's milk, the colour of the milk spur number promising or put on a red sort. Parody coral spur not take action the pastiness of milk. If a coral is dropped in blood, blood spur reinforce around it. A true coral changes colour according to the physical well-being of the wearer. It fades otherwise the state of confusion in physical health is noticeable and resumes its juicy colour whenever you like physical health is restored. CORAL Gloomy Widely highlighted and/or blanched to multiply colourOrganics 3.5VariousMediterranean Sea, off the coast of Australia, the South Pacific, the waters of Japan, and AfricaCommonNot authoritative to bath in waterNotes COVELLITE A Gloomy HealerSulphides 2Indigo pitch-black tinged with purpleArizona, Sardinia, MontanaRareNot authoritative to bath in waterNotes Crunch QUARTZ Quartz 7ClearNambiaCommonSuitable to bath in waterNotes