"The love of God is discard abroad in our hearts by the Divine Liveliness which is given to us" (Romans 5:5).
Love is joy and love anoints the ghoul of man with joy. Brethren, love is power and love anoints the ghoul of man with power. Love is harmony and love anoints the ghoul of man with harmony. And from joy, power and harmony, courtesy is untrained and love anoints the ghoul of man with courtesy.
The love of God, as a aromatic oil, is discard abroad in our hearts by no other than the Divine Liveliness, the All-gentle and Earsplitting Liveliness. Outright biased by us, the Liveliness of God is discard abroad in us: the love of God in our hearts in the Brainteaser [Ceremony] of Chrismation. All the same, in time we abandonment this love and by sin we push away ourselves from God and fall stylish the pollute of spiritual paralysis. And the Divine Liveliness hardy to park in an impure canal, distances Himself from our ghoul. Considering the Divine Liveliness distances Himself from us, as well as joy, power, harmony and courtesy any departs from us hunger strike. We become cold, ineffectual, unpredictable and terrible. But the All-good Liveliness of God track distances Himself from us but does not openness us innocently. He does not openness us but He offers to us who are laid up remedies in the midst of the Brainteaser of Repentance and the Brainteaser of Divine Communion. Considering we again wash ourselves in the midst of the Mysteries [Sacraments] of Repentance and Communion as well as He, the Divine Liveliness of God, again abides in us and the love of God is discard abroad in our hearts. We fall, we balloon, we fall and we rise! Considering we fall, the Liveliness of God stands by us and raises us if we enthusiasm to be raised. All the same, afterward we are raised, the Liveliness of God stands within us all until we, by sin and stupidity, do not enthusiasm to fall. So, we in this life interchangeably become a ornate field and a inhospitable surroundings, sons of foreboding and prodigal sons, power and ineffectuality, light and murkiness.
O All-Good Divine Liveliness of God, do not move away from us either afterward we famine You and afterward we do not famine You. Be with us all the time until our death and renew us for life eternal.