Title: Kether, the Sunshade
Magickal Image: An Dreary bearded King seen in EP.
Glasses case on the Tree: At the be in charge of the tree in evaluate in the Supernal Triangle.
Yetairatic Text: The surpass path is called the Creditable or Hidden Sanity given that it is ithe light agile the power of skill of the surpass ideology, which has no beginning. It is the Primordial Glory given that no created essence can make to its anoint.
Titles unadulterated to Kether: Eminence of existences. Clandestine of the out-of-the-way.
Tncient of ancients. Dreary of days. The antiquated clock. The clock within the circle. The supreme high. The inordinate counterance. The white be in charge. The be in charge which is not. Macroprosopus. Amen. Lux occulta. Lux Interna. He.
God Name: Eheieh.
Archangel: Metatron.
List of Angels: Holy living creatures. Chaioth Ha Qadesh.
Sequential Chakra: Rashith Ha Gilgalim. Primum easy-to-read. Summit swirling.
Dutiful Experience: High society with God.
Vitue: Accomplishment. Close of the prohibitive work.
Comparison in microcosm: The journey. The sah. Yechidah. The divine glint.
The thousand petalled lotus.
Symbols: The clock. The crown. The Swastika.
Tarot Cards: The four aces.
Ace of Wands: Stand of the powers of fire.
Ace of Cups: Stand of the powers of water.
Ace of Swords: Stand of the powers of air.
Ace of Pentacles: Stand of the powers of earth.
Blemish in atziluth - Distinction.
Blemish in Briak - Clear white glow.
Blemish in Yetzirah - Clear white glow.
Blemish in assiah - Pallid, piebald gold.
Origin: theartofastralprojection.blogspot.com