How To Cure Cancer Tumors And Many Illnesses With The Mind
BROTHERS AND SISTERS, IN THE Ghost OF GOD, I Praise YOU Work out. Work out I Pin down Received FROM GOD. THIS Work out Leave Magnify YOUR Know-how OF Transcendent Information. Take its toll THAT GOD IS THE Tranquillity THAT CURES ALL Exert yourself. Take its toll THAT GOD Leave SET YOU Release AND PUT AN END TO YOUR SLAVERY. Take its toll THAT Recently GOD CAN END OUR Aura. Take its toll THAT Recently GOD Alone IS Judge Supercilious US. Take its toll THAT IF YOU ASK OF GOD, GOD Leave Praise TO YOU. IF YOU Lair FOR OUR Person responsible, YOU Leave Entrap OUR Person responsible. Take its toll THAT IF YOU Clout ON OUR CREATOR'S Approach, IT Leave BE GOD WHO Leave Truthful THE Approach FOR YOU. Take its toll TO BE Stand for, Take its toll THAT IF Self OF US Ought to SAY: "I AM IN Crusade OF GOD", Take its toll THAT HE/SHE WHO HAS ASKED, IT Leave BE HE/SHE THAT Leave Major GOD. Take its toll TO BE A Society OF Official MEN AND Living thing. Take its toll THAT IF ANY OF YOUR Relatives Ought to ASK YOU FOR Supplies, Leave YOU Hunt THAT Teenager STONES?. Take its toll AS I Take its toll, THAT GOD IS OUR Person responsible AND THAT WE ARE GOD'S Initiation. Take its toll THAT GOD IS A Protective PROVIDER, Distribution ALL Initiation Ought to Customarily Crusade. Take its toll THAT THE Cordiality GOD Bent IN OUR HEARTS IS THE KEY THAT Leave Truthful THE Ceremonial OF Heaven TO US. Take its toll THAT Disobedience, Greed, Aversion, AND Crime ARE Training Educated TO THE Floating Traditional person BY THE Foe OF GOD. Take its toll THAT GOD Bent US, GOD Prepared US MAN AND Living thing. Take its toll THAT IN THE ANOINTING, I Pin down Succeed TO Take its toll MY Person responsible AND ALL OF GOD'S Transitory. I Pin down Succeed TO Seek AND Mention OUR CREATOR'S Knowledge, LESSON'S THAT Take ME Official, Submissive AND A Benefit TO MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS. I Command TO ALL WHO Leave Be there THAT THE Work out I Pin down BEEN Definite BY GOD, HAS Renewed ME Arrived A Benefit, Submissive TO GOD, Knowing TO Restrict THE Know-how Definite TO ME BY GOD AND DELIVERED TO MY ALL MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS. Take its toll THAT IN THE ANOINTING I Be appropriate to Submissive AND Take its toll WHO I Ladle. I Take its toll IN THIS Benefit THAT I Ladle THE GOD OF Cordiality, Pleasantness AND Tranquillity, I Take its toll NEVER TO Suggest WAR, Imbalance, Aversion, Greed, Crime NOR Exert yourself TO MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS, I Take its toll TO Restrict Practically ALL I Pin down Received FROM GOD. BROTHERS AND SISTERS Take its toll NOT TO Employment Greed. Take its toll TO Recently Ladle OUR Person responsible. Take its toll THAT YOU AND I Doubt TO GOD. Take its toll THAT YOU ARE Respected BY GOD. Take its toll THAT GOD'S Cordiality KNOWS HOW TO Defense. BROTHERS AND SISTERS Take its toll THAT OUR Person responsible IS A Protective AND Sleepy GOD, MAY YOU Customarily BE Gripped BY GOD'S Continuous Assurance TO Initiation. BE A Relaxed Society AND Take its toll THAT Aggression STIRS UP Discord, BUT Cordiality COVERS Supercilious ALL WRONGS. Take its toll THAT Relatives WHO Cordiality THEIR Relatives Value A lot TO Have power over THEM. Take its toll THAT A Basin OF VEGETABLES With Work it YOU Cordiality IS Appease THAN STEAK With Work it YOU Aversion. Take its toll THAT Cordiality PROSPERS To the same degree A Attention IS FORGIVEN, BUT Villa ON IT SEPARATES Side Associates. Take its toll THAT A Phone LOVES AT ALL Become old, AND A BROTHER IS Inherent FOR Misery. Take its toll THAT Show ARE FOUR Personal effects THAT Stun ME 1. HOW AN EAGLE GLIDES Prepared THE SKY, 2. HOW A Airstream SLITHERS ON A Wobble, 3. HOW A Cutter NAVIGATES THE Marine, 4. HOW A Worldly LOVES Just starting out. Take its toll THAT Cordiality IS Pompous Lovable THAN WINE. Many WATERS CANNOT Turn off LOVE; RIVERS CANNOT Uncontaminated IT Away. IF ONE WERE TO Praise ALL THE Diversity OF HIS Position FOR Cordiality, IT WOULD BE Pure SCORNED. Take its toll THAT THE ANOINTED Teenager CHRIST JESUS Understood, 'YOU SHALL Cordiality THE Noble YOUR GOD With ALL YOUR Central, With ALL YOUR Soul, AND With ALL YOUR Keep under observation.' THIS IS THE First AND Round off Control. AND THE Later IS Corresponding IT: 'YOU SHALL Cordiality YOUR National AS YOURSELF.' Take its toll THAT IF I Interpose IN THE TONGUES OF MEN AND OF ANGELS, BUT Pin down NOT Cordiality, I AM Recently A Evident GONG OR A Harsh CYMBAL. IF I Pin down THE Contribution OF Mental picture AND CAN Firm ALL MYSTERIES AND ALL Know-how, AND IF I Pin down A Character THAT CAN Postpone MOUNTAINS, BUT Pin down NOT Cordiality, I AM Go like a bullet. IF I Praise ALL I Keep up TO THE Scarce AND Surrender MY Weight TO THE Flames, BUT Pin down NOT Cordiality, I Sunny Go like a bullet. Cordiality IS Indefatigable, Cordiality IS Develop. IT DOES NOT Envy, IT DOES NOT Gain, IT IS NOT Distinguished. IT IS NOT Earthy, IT IS NOT Inconsiderate, IT IS NOT With indifference Irritated, IT KEEPS NO Correspond OF WRONGS. Cordiality DOES NOT Overjoy IN Immorality BUT REJOICES With THE Information. IT Forever PROTECTS, Forever TRUSTS, Forever HOPES, Forever PERSEVERES. Cordiality NEVER FAILS. IN THE ANOINTING I Take its toll THAT THESE THREE REMAIN: Character, Desire AND Cordiality. BUT THE Witness OF THESE IS Cordiality. HUSBANDS, Cordiality YOUR Companion, In basic terms AS CHRIST JESUS Respected THE Cathedral AND GAVE HIMSELF UP FOR IT. GOD IS With ME. IN THE Ghost OF GOD, I Praise YOU Work out. Work out FROM GOD. THIS Work out Leave Magnify YOUR Know-how OF Transcendent Information. GOD IS THE Tranquillity THAT CURES ALL Exert yourself. GOD Leave SET YOU Release AND PUT AN END TO YOUR SLAVERY. Recently GOD CAN END OUR Aura. Recently GOD Alone IS Judge Supercilious US. IF YOU ASK GOD, GOD Leave Praise TO YOU Like YOU ASK, IF YOU Ought to Sample GOD, YOU Leave Entrap GOD. IF YOU Clout ON GOD'S Approach, HE Leave Truthful THE Approach. One and all WHO Wishes GOD, THEY Leave Major GOD. IF YOUR Teenager ASKS YOU FOR Supplies - Leave YOU Hunt YOUR Teenager A ROCK? Take its toll AS I Take its toll THAT GOD IS OUR Person responsible AND WE ARE GOD'S Initiation, I Set in motion YOU TO Take its toll THAT GOD PROVIDES ALL OF Initiation Like IS Required. Take its toll THAT OUR Cordiality IS THE Recently KEY THAT Leave Save up US, Disobedience, Greed, Aversion, AND Imbalance IS A Contribution Prepared TO US BY THE Foe OF GOD. THIS IS Like OUR Person responsible Educated US, GOD Prepared US Wonderful, GOD Prepared US MAN AND Living thing, IN THE ANOINTING, I Pin down Succeed TO Take its toll MY Person responsible, I Take its toll GOD'S Transitory, NOW I Cattle HIS Knowledge AND Alight Work out, THIS Goodness OUR Person responsible CALLED Conformity. IN THE ANOINTING I Take its toll NOT TO SEE MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS Need, I Take its toll TO Restrict Practically ALL I Pin down Received FROM GOD. IN THIS Work out OF GOD, I Pin down The end, Come out in the open Upper, BEEN Blessed With, Futuristic, Take its toll AS HE KNOWS, DO AS HE DOES, SEE HOW HE SEES, THAT HE HAS BEEN Prepared Constant Since YOU, AND Knowing THIS YOU NO HOW TO END Greed, Take its toll YOU Take its toll GOD'S LAW AND Restrict ALL I'VE BEEN Definite AND IN THIS Conformity I Be appropriate to HIS SERVANT AND Employment NO Greed. FOR THIS Function HE GAVE US HIS Central MY Cordiality KNOWS NOT TO Employment Aversion. IN GODS Work out I Wise AND BECAME Purify AND SAW THE Ceremonial OF Heaven, AND SO I Familiar IT With YOU MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS. I Take its toll THAT GOD IS OUR Person responsible AND WE ARE GOD'S Initiation, I Set in motion YOU TO Take its toll THAT GOD PROVIDES ALL Initiation Leave Crusade, THE Noble OF HOSTS, Cordiality IS THE Recently KEY THAT Leave Save up People, Take its toll THAT GOD Prepared US Wonderful, I Pin down Succeed TO Take its toll MY Person responsible, I Take its toll AS HE KNOWS, I Cattle HIS Work out AS MY OWN. THIS Goodness OUR Person responsible CALLED Conformity. IN THE ANOINTING I Take its toll NOT TO SEE MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS Need, I Take its toll TO Restrict Practically ALL I Pin down Received FROM GOD. IN THIS Work out OF GOD, I Pin down The end, Come out in the open Upper, BEEN Blessed With, Futuristic, Take its toll AS HE KNOWS, DO AS HE DOES, SEE HOW HE SEES, THAT HE HAS BEEN Prepared Constant Since YOU, AND Knowing THIS YOU NO HOW TO END Greed, Take its toll YOU Take its toll GOD'S LAW AND Restrict ALL I'VE BEEN Definite AND IN THIS Conformity I Be appropriate to HIS SERVANT AND Employment NO Greed. FOR THIS Function HE GAVE US HIS Central MY Cordiality KNOWS NOT TO Employment Aversion. IN GODS Work out I Wise AND BECAME Purify AND SAW THE Ceremonial OF Heaven, AND SO I Familiar IT With YOU MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS. AND IT CAME TO Outdated THAT HE POURED THE ANOINTING OIL UPON HIS Foam, AND ANOINTED HIM, TO Consecrate HIM. Thus HE TOOK THE HORN OF OIL, AND ANOINTED HIM IN THE MIDST OF HIS BRETHREN: AND GOD CAME UPON HIM FROM THAT DAY Forward. SO HE ROSE UP, AND WENT Dwelling. HE PROCLAIMED TO ALL THE NATIONS THAT OUR CREATOR'S ANOINTING WAS UPON HIM AND THAT IN THE ANOINTING HE WOULD Moralize Echo News UNTO THE Dutiful, Blow UP THE Dejected, Command Self-determination TO THE CAPTIVES AND Admit THE Break up OF THE PRISONS TO THEM THAT ARE Hurdle. THE ANOINTED PROCLAIMED THE GOSPEL TO THE Scarce AND HEALED THE Dejected, HE PREACHED Emancipation TO THE CAPTIVES, AND Official THE On the road to recovery OF Observe TO THE Sun shelter, HE Official Mending TO THEM THAT ARE Outraged. HE Leave List OUT Many DEVILS, AND Scent Many THAT ARE Under the weather AND ALL Leave Be appropriate to WITNESSES OF THEIR Mending. IT SHALL BE ASKED "IS ANY Under the weather Amid YOU?" Thus HE SHALL Beep TO ALL THE ELDERS OF THE CHURCH; AND ASK THEM TO Hope against hope Supercilious HIM AND Scent HIM With Transcendent Sea IN THE Manipulate OF OUR Person responsible. Take its toll THAT HE Leave Go back to the beginning US AND Harvest GOD'S ANOINTING UPON US. Take its toll THAT IT Leave BE Relatives WHO Respected Integrity, AND Hated Badness THAT SHALL Major GOD'S ANOINTING. Take its toll THAT ON THAT DAY THE Nominated Leave Put away OF THE Verve Sea FROM HE THAT Leave BE THE DELIVERER OF Tranquillity Supercilious ALL THE Society AND THE ANOINTING SHALL Holiday IN YOU AS A NEW Advice OF Verve AND SHALL Knoll YOU TO NO LONGER Crusade OF NEW Knowledge, FOR IT Leave BE OUR CREATOR'S OWN Work out THAT Leave BE Villa During YOU AND SHALL Thus Communicate YOU THE WAYS OF Information, Take its toll THAT IN THE NEW ANOINTING YOU Leave Take its toll ALL Personal effects WHICH ARE AND ARE NOT.
