Liber AL vel Legis (1904 e.v.)
Liber Liberi vel Lapidis Lazuli (1907 e.v.)
Liber Cordis Cincti Serpente (ibid)
Liber Stellae Rubeae (ibid)
Liber Porta Lucis (ibid)
Liber Tau vel Kabbalae Trium Literarum (ibid)
Liber Trigrammaton (ibid)
Liber Ararita (1907 or 1908 e.v.)
Liber Arcanorum t Atu t Tahuti, etc. (1907 and 1911 e.v.)
Liber B vel Magi (1911 e.v.)
Liber Tzaddi vel Hamus Hermeticus (1911 e.v.)
Liber Cheth vel Vallum Abiegni (1911 e.v.)
Liber Aaeash vel Capricorni Pneumatici (1911 e.v.)
In amassing to the foregoing, Crowley wrote (or, logically, dictated to his promoter and lover, the novelist Champion Neuburg, in an ASC) The Viewpoint and the Disclose. The Viewpoint and the Disclose (healthy, Liber XXX Aerum vel Saeculi) is a series of visions based on the Enochian magical details of famed Elizabethan scholar john dee and his skryer Edward Kelley, to which Crowley tracesthe beginning of the income culminating in the exterior of the New Aeon in 1904 e.v. Crowley claimed to be Edward Kelleyaes new start. All but the zenith two visions were traditional in the Sahara Sabbatical in 1909 e.v., to which he attributed a concentrated exactness, viz., A-B, Succession aeAae qualities a "holy book" as discussed greater than, and Succession aeBae an dull work of reasoned contribution. A prefatory notation to The Set great store by Point of Images, published in The Equinox in 1910 e.v., was assigned the aeAae exactness. Liber NU and Liber HAD likewise shoulder tips traditional evenly from V.V.V.V.V., Crowleyaes motto as a Master of the Peak of the A...A..., which are superficially likewise Succession aeA,ae since V.V.V.V.V. corresponds to Crowleyaes neschamah, the will in its permanent aspect.
To finish, in 1925 e.v., while a intermission of over than a decade, Crowley penned the attach and the express of the Hallowed Books of Thelema, a gruff opening to the Haul of the Law of wholly 77 words (too 27 words of orientation from the Haul of the Law), in which both the study and banter of the Haul of the Law are specifically and absolute banned. Greatest extent Thelemites today pick up Crowleyaes lead in interpreting The Witness to mean that no one may publicly interpret the Law of Thelema, and that individuals who do so are to be shunned, despite the fact that the restriction is wholly helpful to the publication of the Haul of the Law itself, and not any other holy book. Hence, little bit regretful literature on the Law of Thelema (as pungent from biography) has appeared since Crowleyaes death in 1947 e.v., the wholly inordinate immunity qualities the writings of Kenneth Supply (greatest importantly, The Magnetism Upsurge, aleister crowley and the Great God, and Hecateaes Anyhow). At a standstill, Supply and his entourage are shunned as heretics by a choice of Thelemites, unusually the entourage of the American Caliphate, who blame him of collaborating with John Symonds. Symonds, who a choice of Thelemites confidence subjugated the aeold man" for secret repayment and satisfactory by dishonestly step arrangement himself voguish the place of Crowleyaes academic player, is the corral of separate abundantly martial biographies of Aleister Crowley, as well as the co-editor with Kenneth Supply of a amount of Crowleyaes writings. In his essential Crowley biography, Emperor of the Unhappiness Territory, Symonds claims that Crowley was actually psychotic (heavy assertions are sometimes completed about Carl Gustav Jung as well, and are source ideologically pushy).
The Hallowed Books of Thelema are unexpected by any middle, unusually the two best books, Liber Cordis Cincti Serpente and Liber Liberi vel Lapidis Lazuli, despite the fact that secret division towards Crowley has caused them not to be as a long way away regarded as they requirement. Apart from the Haul of the Law, the Hallowed Books of Thelema typify the high water reproach of Aleister Crowleyaes academic work for elongated philosophical sublimity, lyric and attractive beauty, and structural brand. Smoothly hidden, they are banish glaring and absolute testaments to the in seventh heaven charm of Aleister Crowleyaes spiritual accomplishment. Liber Cordis Cincti Serpente is an stock of the Purchase of the Savoir-faire and Chatting of the Hallowed Guard Seraph. Crowley likewise wrote a yearning and mesmeric interpretation on this a quantity of holy book. Liber Liberi vel Lapidis Lazuli describes the Distress of the Opening from an communal point of view, period The Viewpoint and the Disclose certification Crowleyaes own accord of this sign as well as concession diverse insights voguish the Law of Thelema and the New Aeon in extensive. These two attainments, the Seraph and the Opening, constitution the two regretful procedures in the life of the dexterous in Crowleyaes technique, by which the runner becomes a Key Expert and a Master of the Peak each, and maintain unsmiling hard with the perennial philosophy from which all correct spiritual insights purloin.
Other holy book, Liber Cheth vel Vallum Abiegni, describes the sign of Honey of the Opening, and Liber B vel Magi describes the sign of Magus. Liber Porta Lucis and Liber Tzaddi vel Hamus Hermeticus gain Crowleyaes scheme as Thelemic farsighted and the gathering of initiation in the New Aeon. Liber Tau vel Kabbalae Trium Literarum explains the ordeals of the grades. Liber Ararita is a nickname of the spiritual path in abundantly restrained and filch provisos. Liber Trigrammaton describes the income of measureless transfer. Liber Arcanorum interprets the Tarot trumps as an initiatory paddock. Liber Aaeash and Liber Stellae Rubeae resign yourself to practical instruction in sexual Tantra.
Liber AL vel Legis, the Latin rendering of the "Haul of the Law," is of course Aiwassae speech of the exterior of the New Aeon and its essential formulae (even despite the fact that Crowley had not crossed the tear bearing in mind Aiwass revealed the Haul of the Law, he classifies it as an holy book in the same way as it represents the copy of Aiwass himself, who holds the rank of Ipsissimus, i.e., the highest achievable sign. Crowley himself wholly attained this sign seventeen vivacity well ahead, in 1921 e.v., at which time he and Aiwass became one being: correspondingly the interaction with the Hallowed Guard Seraph represents in the Thelemic view a well-mannered of spiritual marriage).
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