Australian Pagans, Witches + Paganism Australian Pagans, Witches + Paganism MESSAGES IN THIS Abrupt (6 MESSAGES) 1.1. Re: Witchcraft in Germany From: scott bisseker 1.2. Re: Witchcraft in Germany From: scott bisseker 1.3. Re: Witchcraft in Germany From: Sue Pallid 1.4. Re: Witchcraft in Germany From: scott bisseker 2. Research on Pagan Attitudes on the way to Elders From: Caroline Tully 3. Witchfather - A Handiwork of Gerald Gardner From: Caroline Tully Hold close All Topics Award New Trouble MESSAGES 1.1. RE: WITCHCRAFT IN GERMANY POSTED BY: "SCOTT BISSEKER" NU SCOTT@HOTMAIL.COM SCOTT BISSEKER Thu Jan 12, 2012 4:09 pm (PST) Greetings CB Depraved about animal deferred but I am having PC dramas at the moment in time. > Appropriate me if I'm dishonest, but did you absolutely say that "animal gently" is a new, present, peculiar road according to "your forbears" ? Fully... what that is Next no not at once - that would be skewing the imply of my words really. The same as I said: "our" common "forebears" said such views as "ally formerly ability enemy" I understood it reasonably ominously as it reads really but to be strict about the meaning I had in intelligence.. I apparition break it down and explain. I held our "common" (plural and manifestly resolved the tone as a generalisation) "forebears" (in upturned commas in the function of I don't plainly mean genetic OR "spiritual" unequivocally) and "ally formerly ability enemy" to make specific the subject that friendship is a thing that is whatever thing that is proved aloof time. It is enhanced would-be that outsiders be willful feasible pressure until such time as they suggest good expect. So.. again... welcoming of but not really. Of course I apparition demolish out period (or consent to as some would thrill that to read! lol) that diverse of associates who came formerly me in the unfriendliness to which I benefit from belonged were greatest manifestly amend described as you put it.. but I was referring to a wider common than them. Subsisto Scott Supply to top Reply to sender Reply to group Reply via web post Messages in this come forth (34) 1.2. RE: WITCHCRAFT IN GERMANY POSTED BY: "SCOTT BISSEKER" NU SCOTT@HOTMAIL.COM SCOTT BISSEKER Thu Jan 12, 2012 4:18 pm (PST) Hey Do something, Yes rightly.. in fact I had reasonably ominously that very congregate the topmost time I went to one of associates frequent meetings existence ago. Show I was leave-taking as a appoint of my in addition to group. Waiting with a friend in a place that I did not know for someone I did not know to go to a place I had never been but that I knew would be gorged with domestic whose sentiments I wouldn't carton. The topmost thing they did was pass up to me with arms widely spread teeth out! Lol They were relatively lovesick aback later than I had recoiled with a undergo inclined on both sides of amongst us in a preventative bracket. lol Great ol Darren comes hurtling on both sides of to respect the apt colllision (cultural and sooner than) explaining at a million miles an hour to me that this was our contact and to him that not all and sundry has the exceedingly extroverted rules! lol Avoidable to say that day it was explained to diverse domestic that not all and sundry finds physical contact with domestic they don't know all right, that it is not perpetually payable - soon for reasons other than sexual category and that the subject that "we all absolutely run about and hug" in the function of that is "gently" can get you hurt reasonably fast free of strong-minded pagan/occult circles! lol Subsisto Scott Supply to top Reply to sender Reply to group Reply via web post Messages in this come forth (34) 1.3. RE: WITCHCRAFT IN GERMANY POSTED BY: "SUE Pallid" BASTKITTYCAT@YAHOO.COM BASTKITTYCAT Thu Jan 12, 2012 5:04 pm (PST) Lol! I really abhor that about the pagan community. The hugging the and kissy, kissy that goes on later than you visit up, treat from domestic I haven't met formerly. I find it a bit meddling, and sometimes out and out insincere. I table too ominously of the new agey object has kicked in to modern paganism. Since I'm about, I would absolutely because to benefit from a bit of a bitch about how ominously Buddhist practices benefit from each persuaded a lot of Paganism so ominously so that you are frowned upon in some circles if you are a extract eater. Gods excluding if you don't give refuge to in the 3 pleat law and are moderately cheery to curse someone who has pissed you off! Sue Territory who don't because cats were greatest would-be vermin In a departed life. > >. > > [Non-text portions of this piece of mail benefit from been unconnected] Supply to top Reply to sender Reply to group Reply via web post Messages in this come forth (34) 1.4. RE: WITCHCRAFT IN GERMANY POSTED BY: "SCOTT BISSEKER" NU SCOTT@HOTMAIL.COM SCOTT BISSEKER Thu Jan 12, 2012 5:39 pm (PST) Greetings Sue, lol I because how you table. Voguish are a twosome of thoughts i had reading your post. > I really abhor that about the pagan community. The hugging the and kissy, kissy that goes on later than you visit up, treat from domestic I haven't met formerly. I find it a bit meddling, and sometimes out and out insincere. The way I was skilled, later than you floorboard on this path in a real way you swamp yourself. In numerous ways you become the channel for the gear you work with (and not absolutely on special dates!) - in ghost you become magical. Swear word is later than you table ill and blessing later than you table well of someone/thing. Seeing that of this, (and the fact that apparently one contemplates the rammifications of this insincerely and has the entry of tag on for it) contact of ANY welcoming with ANY other in this tag on is willful (and be required to be considered!) a standard of furnish to some part. Guaranteed domestic you benefit from no contact with, some you shove connect with, have a chat with, visit manifestly, visit at your place or theirs and so on. This manifestly follows honest to physical contact of any welcoming which is willful a gift of furnish. How you greeted sundry showed who you were, who they were in which you were in relationship to eachother and so on. How you shook hands even what words you used.. so from that society the subject of absolutely hide one's appear to sundry even if you don't know them is.... well let's say "imprudent" to say go of unwise, dreadful and frank. lol >I table too ominously of the new agey object has kicked in to modern paganism. I regulate ardently but do try to evoke for myself that I benefit from benefitted from some of it - even some bits I model slim psychosis. Clearly some days I do crack than others on that blot. > Since I'm about, I would absolutely because to benefit from a bit of a bitch about how ominously Buddhist practices benefit from each persuaded a lot of Paganism I lived down the inside lane as a kid from the Chenrezig Set up - longing formerly it got money, later than you had to get show put away a uncleanness inside lane and if it rained you'd probably get stranded show and seeing the way strong-minded gear benefit from been bastardised (Luck at the moment springs to intelligence) so again I regulate. How ego gets the subject that Luck manner don't act as your essential nature moves you I don't know - but in addition to again I don't see how ego can make suffer of Luck weakening Dharma so I speculate that is hurdle. > so ominously so that you are frowned upon in some circles if you are a extract eater. *G* I am affectionate of observing that if someone hadn't been eatin Heart we wouldn't benefit from the watch over form and fitness to be able to benefit from insightful debates about the emphatically or spiritual ramifications of utilization extract I the topmost place. For the shade I am very contented with it and absolutely really scheme to vegetarianism later than it is unspoken that I be required to be one. I don't say that all and sundry be required to be a canivore (despite animal steadily of teh opine that a three course meal manner three out of the usual run of things kinds of meat!) so steadily sense affronted later than someone suggests I be required to become a herbivore. > Gods excluding if you don't give refuge to in the 3 pleat law and are moderately cheery to curse someone who has pissed you off! It used to be held that a witch had to be two handed - venture I call to mind such equates with animal even handed? *BG* Innocently put if you can't pest you can't bless and for numerous reasons (by way of some about in this post) manifestly I crutch such views. I benefit from no misfortune with some brutal to on target such top shelf ideals - at a halt beyond your reach they may be. I am all for domestic shootin fer the moon in specifications of their own morals in fact I find it laudable; BUT show is a none too positive word for thinking that all and sundry shares one's own views and ethics. I can table of diverse for associates who table one *should* do so - the topmost of which animal "forgetful". Hell I even tried that as soon as a longing time ago. I completed my promises of non harm and in addition to destitute them. I felt moderately bad for a bit but in addition to spotted the misfortune. I found for myself thinking that if I would do the exceedingly again and plainly felt it fine - possibly I be required to really be saying guilty not for opening the give an undertaking but sooner for animal silly prosperity to give an undertaking whatever thing I was in detail not understood to give an undertaking in the topmost place! lol Subsisto Scott Supply to top Reply to sender Reply to group Reply via web post Messages in this come forth (34) 2. Research ON PAGAN ATTITUDES En route for ELDERS POSTED BY: "CAROLINE TULLY" HELIADE@BIGPOND.COM WILLOWITCH2001 Thu Jan 12, 2012 4:57 pm (PST) From.. Research on Pagan Attitudes on the way to Elders Posted on January 10, 2012, 5:12 PM, by Chas Clifton. If you shove be willful a Pagan over, benefit from opinions on who be required to be willful an over - not admit domestic, but domestic holding what anyone - or table that show be required to or be required to not be councils of elders, help a educational by cargo this keep. [Non-text portions of this piece of mail benefit from been unconnected] Supply to top Reply to sender Reply to group Reply via web post Messages in this come forth (1) 3. WITCHFATHER - A Handiwork OF GERALD GARDNER POSTED BY: "CAROLINE TULLY" HELIADE@BIGPOND.COM WILLOWITCH2001 Thu Jan 12, 2012 6:40 pm (PST) Forwarding. Subject: [thewicca] Witchfather - A Handiwork of Gerald Gardner You shove because to know that my new biography of Gerald Gardner is now not taken in electronic (pdf) format. Describe are detailed beneath. The embossed report apparition admire rapidly. New eBook releases by Philip Heselton honest Thoth Publications Witchfather A Handiwork of Gerald Gardner Volume 1. Popular the Witch Vogue, 330 Pages Volume 2. From Witch Vogue to Wicca, 426 pages eBooks priced at absolutely lb6.99 each are not taken now to read from Embossed books not taken tersely From the poet of the admiringly venerated "Wiccan Roots", this is the topmost complete biography of Gerald Brosseau Gardner (1884-1964) - a very common commentary of the man who abandoned brought about the revival of witchcraft in England in the mid 20th Century. From his open now an old kin of well-to-do Liverpool merchants, honest an inappropriate setting by his vivacious tutor in the resorts of the Mediterranean and Madeira, it tells how, having skilled himself to read, his life was another by verdict a book on spiritualism. Within a working life as a tea and rubber planter in Ceylon, Borneo and Malaya, he came to know the area domestic and was invited to their secret rituals. But it was absolutely on his retirement to England, settling on the edge of the New Afforest in Hampshire, that proportion took him decisively by the hand. Floor something else twists and turns connecting naturist clubs and a extraneous esoteric theatre, he became friends with a group of domestic who at the end of the day revealed their true nature - they were members of a surviving witch coven. One dusk in 1939, as the hounds of war were animal unleashed, he was initiated now the witch cult by these domestic, who called themselves 'the Wica'. Gardner was snowed under by the congregate and was tough that the witch cult be required to hold out. This book chronicles his efforts aloof the remaining zone century of his life to contract not absolutely that it survived but that it would become the focal artiste on the world dutiful stop that it now is "the absolutely religion that England has ever detailed the world", in the words of Ronald Hutton, Mentor of Pure-bred at the Assistant professor of Bristol, who calls it "a very fine book: gentle, quick-witted, compassionate, chary, and based upon a enormous quantity of first lessons". Innate in 1946, Philip Heselton is a geographer and retired family unit direction certified who has written much on Go ashore Mysteries and our spiritual relationship with the place. He has each carried out older lessons now the story of the modern witchcraft revival, chronicled in his books, "Wiccan Roots" and "Gerald Gardner and the Cauldron of Picture". Hutton has described him as animal "the greatest glamorous, precious and nourishing poet who has yet written on what is becoming one of the entry riddles in the history of modern religion: the origins of pagan witchcraft. Nonentity has ever done enhanced than Philip Heselton to reveal the world of magic, paganism, naturism and faerie that lay to the rear the garden gates of inter-war English uptown villas; and possibly absolutely he can benefit from done it at all." eBooks priced at absolutely lb6.99 each are not taken now to read from Embossed books not taken tersely [Non-text portions of this piece of mail benefit from been unconnected] Supply to top Reply to sender Reply to group Reply via web post Messages in this come forth (1) Flow Bustle * 3 New Members Dwell Your Society Yahoo! Groups Slender Unyielding Society Ask questions, carton experiences Yahoo! Groups Mental Health check Strip Schizophrenia groups Find support