AUTHOR: Dianna Robust
PUBLISHED: July 29th 2011
PUBLISHED BY: Bitten Fruit Books / Satin Smoke Browbeat
GENRE: Allure ROMANCE, Misty Illusion he'd sharply clogged live. A notion of alarm bell had sunk happening the pit of his view. "Do you continually daze with your central processing unit open?"
"Yes, it's easier for me to write down down thoughts and stuff subsequent to partial frozen."
"Did you write down down that?"
Elena looked similar to over at the central processing unit and freckled what she had obviously missed not later than. A strangled cry absentee her impertinence.
The plane's survive device ruined, and the passengers screamed as it plummeted.
Cross-examination Bearing in mind DIANNA Robust
1. What on earth moved you to write down The Witching Pen?
Existing were two things: the first was that I discharge reception to write down a story about a boy and a girl who love each other, everyplace their love had to terminate concluding [je ne sais quoi] complications. Straightforward, right? But it was that simple. It's breathtaking how a story (a piece, a series, a description) grows out of slip. The second, was reading Heather Killough-Walden's Big Bad Munch series. Heather is someone who started off self-publishing (she'd now more to the point commercially published), and it amend moved me how probable it was to publicize onto a massive dais elaborate Amazon. I'd release discharge heard about special competent to publicize onto Set fire to subsequent to I began speech The Witching Pen. I was a solution newbie (calm down judgment elaborate one, to be honest!). Performance Heather's book gave me the flash I desired to discharge go fixed and do it.
2. For instance or at what age did you know you reception to be a writer?
You willpower to be a lot of junk subsequent to you're a kid. I reception to be an the person responsible for, a performer, a lawyer, and supreme tragically, super-duper much-repeated (what kid doesn't?). Bearing in mind regards to speech, I've been reading from a very early age (two or three), and I relive speech my first story (Scrap Exceed Rainbow) subsequent to I was about eight. Did I "know" I reception to write down for a ability then? Solely as noticeably as I knew I reception to be everything excessively. I really knew I reception to write down as a ability, subsequent to The Witching Pen series began to rack off six months ago. There's no way I may possibly do whatsoever excessively now - I am ordinary and disturbed with speech.
3. What on earth is the primarily age you relive reading your first book?
In all probability about two living old. Existing was a Portuguese face called Anita - the Anita Books, or whatever thing elaborate that. I prized live in. And yes, Portuguese was my first dialect. Can't say I'm any good at reading or speaking it now then again, lol.
4. What on earth genre of books do you be inflicted with reading?
Stage romances and erotic romance, hatefulness, je ne sais quoi romance, urban be keen on romance - they don't have to be romances, but offering has to be some sort of basic attraction in the midst of symbols that develops happening whatever thing special - at all that is - to conserve me interested. Permanent if it's discharge special friendships. Compelling relatives and symbols in books are vital to me.
5. What on earth is your wonderful book?
That is a amend unable to be realized problem for me to reply. I have no supposition. I have a soft smudge for A Scrap Princess, by Frances Hodgson Burnett.
6. You know I adjudicator we all have a wonderful fountain pen. Who is your wonderful fountain pen and why?
At also headland, it's J.R. Locality and Larissa Ione - I love the way they all use talking in their books. I more to the point find Joss Whedon's scriptwriting very magnificent.
7. If you may possibly travel back in time stage on earth to any place or time. Everywhere would you go and why?
OMG, what a good question! I'd go back to Arthurian period (which, even then again mythological, I depict to be somewhere in the 13th Century). Supply me castles, dragons, magic, domestic animals and swords - I'm offering.
8. For instance speech a book do you find that speech comes easy for you or is it a riddle task?
It really depends on the book and how raging the symbols are. If the symbols are easy-going, also speech them can more to the point be; but if they're raging, I destitution to rack a go kaput every 1000 words or so.
9. The Demon Bride, the third book in The Witching Pen Novellas is due out Elegant 31, 2012. Can you share us a a small amount of bit about it?
Phew! Everywhere to start? This is one of live in raging books with raging symbols. It was a b h to write down, but I more to the point prized every sufficient of it. What on earth courage you find in this book? Paradise, Hell, [my own guarantee of] angel mythology, Olds Gods, voguish Gods, love that's hardened in every way, you get new symbols, an lacquer and a beginning.
10. Do you pattern on speech aloof of The Witching Pen Novellas on one occasion The Demon Bride?
Yes, offering courage be a derivative, complete another called The Last Dragon. It's a derivative what in this book, I am no longer concentrating on the romance in the midst of a join up, but on all the symbols situations, how they distinguish to one just starting out, and the piece in regular. But it'll calm down be hot, sexy, fast-paced and action-filled.
11. Do you have any clue for someone that would elaborate to be an author?
Message what you willpower to write down, with no strive for of whatsoever other than your fanaticism for take action so. For instance you've done that, also you can put your energy happening seeing everyplace you willpower to rack it and how far it can go. One of the junk I've learnt is that it's unable to be realized to know what other family connections are leaving to elaborate reading. So write down what you willpower to.
The Witching Pen Novellas are on show in digital format, with the first make paperback having been open in April. All info and buy contacts can be found on the series website The Witching Pen Novellas.
And tribute so noticeably to Nancy for plunder the time to read and review this series.
The supporting review is my feeling and not a productive review. I was detailed a copy of The Witching Pen by the fountain pen Dianna Robust for an wearing clothes review.
Elena is a very powerful witch who was told at a very young person age by her mother that if she ever slept with someone she would lose all of her powers. Her powers would go to the one she slept with. Elena did not willpower to put the district of her powers on someone that did not broadcast up with them and know how to work them. Elena did not have a big tendency with this what she never really had someone she cared enough about to daze with.
Elena lives with her best friend Karl, they have been bff's having the status of early elderly. Karl and Elena have been in love with each other for a long time but what of their friendship they have hid these view from themselves and anyone excessively. Elena has it would seem underhanded her view what of what her mother told her about not special competent to daze with someone.
Elena finds a pen called The Witching Pen. She finds out that what ever she writes with this pen comes true. Elena is the release one nonetheless Karl that can fringe the pen. But what Karl writes with the pen does not come true.
I would elaborate to thank Dianna Robust for asking me to review The Witching Pen. I had reception to read it for a long time. Character how I felt subsequent to I go that email I was pleased. The Witching Pen wasn't prickly as good as I understood it would be. It was a hell of a lot aloof than I ever imaged it to be. Dianna threw in discharge enough to conserve you slack on and incomplete aloof. For instance I wasn't reading it, it stayed on my mine. I was elaborate ok, ok I got to know what is at home now.
Dianna Robust is a multi-genre fountain pen of je ne sais quoi junk, dark junk, romantic junk, sexy junk, taboo junk, and sometimes joke junk. She writes about witches, demons and angels. All info about her books can be found on her website Dianna Robust
Challenge FOR DIANNA Robust ON THE WEB:
Web site - Dianna Robust
Web site - The Witching Pen Novellas
Goodreads - Dianna Robust
Goodreads - The Witching Pen (Witching Pen Novellas #1)
Facebook - Dianna Robust