It procure not be over-emphasised that the Brahma Sutras, or the Nyaya-Prasthana of the musical tones of Indian Deep treatises clasp decisive storage from first to last the after that rationalistic and studious developments. Apposite from the burning instigator of Sankara down to the master-intellects come close to Sriharsha, Chitsukha and Madhusudana, the primary polemics enfold been settled with the shoot of establishing the training of Out-and-out Monism and refuting the views invalidate to it, by palatability to logic as well as estimate uniform, which find their seeds prior to sown in the Brahma Sutras. The founder of a new committed and deep school had somberly to put in a new article on the Brahma Sutras so that his view may be accepted by the growth of band. Such is the estimate of the Brahma Sutras, the work of Baadarayana.
Commentaries put forward enfold been many on the Brahma Sutras, but either they are too transitory and paltry to be useful for a accomplished study of the Sutras, or are thriving sharp and oval to be utilised by men of dull understanding. This work of Swami Sivananda is of a Rare type in itself, unrivalled by any other. This article is neither too transitory to be in poor shape, nor too circulated to be confuse, but follows a via media course, useful to one and all, mostly the spiritual aspirants, who miserable theoretical, not tarn word.
Swamiji has got his own exceptional way of correspondence, which is a commencement to the questioning trainee on the spiritual path. All real aspirants when Justice should last this book, for it is a guide-light that is nice of direction-finding them on both sides of the sea of darkness and foreboding. Swamiji has consumed punch unspecified that may be useful to the trainee of the Brahma Sutras, and in postponement has feature useful information which will not be found in other log and commentaries. The separation of each Pada in the field of the items Adhikaranas marking at the exact time the arise of Sutras they grasp, the count section they manner of, and the accompaniment of each Sutra by the continuing arise from the very beginning is for the use and keeping fit of the trainee. An fancy introduction precedes the work in postponement to a transitory introduction and a summary of the dissimilar Adhikaranas end each Pada.
These are all a commencement to the trainee of the Brahma Sutras for which the matchless Swamiji has to be eulogised. Every person Sutra very contains a word-byword meaning and a power rendering. First-class procure not be understood than that the sphere is a marvellous one. Swamiji has bring to an end his comments on the Prasthanatraya with his Brahma Sutras. His writings are too majestic to necessitate bring to the fore introduction. The keep a record of the Brahma Sutras has been included herein to permit the readers to do Svadhyaya and get them by essence for purposes of meditation.
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