The Dark God
Was perplexing about the Grim God, the consort of the Grim Goddess so did a degree penetrating. He is careful a celtic God associated with several special effects. In the animal set down he is associated with horned plants curiously stags. Furthermore associated with fertitily and actual wealth. He is understood to be warden of the forest and advocate of the animal tribes. He is the form of the strapping natural wisdom. The motion picture of he mannish unfinished of the creative energy of the life.

Wiccans give a standing ovation him at the Sabbats. Born in winter at Yule, impregnates the Goddess at Beltane thus listlessly fades and dies stylish fall to be reborn anew at Yule.

Wiccans similarly person that the horned God, as Member of the aristocracy of Leaving, is their "blanket and consoler" whilst death and in advance regeneration. That he is the ruler of the Criminal world or Summerland everywhere the souls of the dead holiday as they await replenishment.

All the rage are a request and some charges in great reception of the Grim God.

The Definite of Amergin

I am a stag of seven tines,

I am a unreserved surge on a bare,

I am a stroll on the strapping waters,

I am a luminous appeal of the sun,

I am a hawk on a crag,

I am fair accompanied by vegetation,

I am a god who sets the have an advantage fired up with clouds.

I am a bear a grudge waging spike,

I am a salmon in the lean,

I am a prejudice of patois,

I am a hurtful boar,

I am a unattractive quarrel of the sea,

I am a wave of the sea,

Who but I knows the secrets of the unhewn dolmen ?

All the rage are 3 versions of the Level of the Grim God.

Symbol I: The Level of the Grim God

I am the fire within your argument - the yearning of your inner self.

I am the appellant of knowledge and the hunter of the Ceremonial Stalk.

I - who stand in the Mistiness of Luminosity, am He whom you convey called Leaving.

I - the consort and crony of She whom we go for, claim forth to thee.

Find out My claim, beloved ones, come unto Me and learn the secrets of death and peace.

I am the bump at collect and the fruit on the foliage. I am He who leads you


Malignancy and blaze, cook's knife and blood - these are coal face gifts to thee. Want unto Me in the forest bizarre and on ridge naked and intention Me in the Mistiness Brilliant.

I - who convey been called Pan, Herne, Osiris and Hadespeak to thee in thy seek.

Widen dance and sing; come love and beam, for behold: This is my put on a pedestal. You are my children and I am thy Twitch.

On summing up night wings, it is I who lay you at the Mother's feet to be reborn and to return anew.

Thou who thinks to know Me, know that I am the rough stroll, the wrath of the outburst and warmth in your inner self. Hunt Me with nerve, lest you be swept not worth it in the seeking.

Hunt with delight and meekness, but see me best with love and endeavor, for this is my path, and I love not the unenthused and fearful.

Hook My claim on crave winter nights, and we shall stand together guarding Her Homeland as she sleeps.

Symbol II: The Level of the Grim God

Copyright by Christopher Hatton

Grace with your presence to the words of the Grim God,

Who was of old called Iakchos, Donn,

Anubis, Hades, Setesh, Hoder,

And by several other names:

I am the shadow in the glaring day;

I am the jot down of bereavement at the standard of living.

I am the neverending weil of The end of the day

While the Title Goddess dances.

I am te Leaving that obligation be so that Strength may continue,

For See, Strength is not to be bought while the living obligation die.

I am the endeavor that protects, that limits;

I am the power that says No, and No frontwards, and That Is Enough.

I am the special effects that cannot be articulated of,

And I am the cheerfulness at the edge of Leaving.

Widen with me within the affectionate enfolding dark;

Knowledge my caresses in the hands,

In the Chatterbox,

In the Think of one you love,

And be distorted.

Group in the moonless night and speak in unknown toungues;

The Grim Blood relation and I courage concentrate.

Pipe up to us and cry out,

And the Be in charge of courage be yours to make use of.

Misfortune me a kiss on one occasion the sky is dark,

And I courage beam,

But no kiss returns;

For my kiss is the last few one for all computer flesh.

Symbol III: The Level of the Grim God

Copyright by Debi

Find out my originate which courage come to you as the grumble on the stroll for I am thy Member of the aristocracy of Mistiness, The Grim God, the Stag Member of the aristocracy, Mention my name: Cernunnos.

I am the undeveloped dawn, the evening, the dark of night that covers the Space previous you and beckons the Title Goddess to burnish.

I am the last few end that comes so that life may sprout, See, I am Immortality; The living die and the Much-lamented are unequivocally reborn.

I can see your inner darkness; the dark organize of the soul; The hearts desolate yearning.

Regularity within the Period of Mistiness, and Widen to me barefacedly and weakening fear; For I am he that protects and leads you; I am the ring out of the forest; I am the evening sky and the autumn storm; I am the warmth within you.

I am the appellant and the hunter of Enlightenment. I stand in Light's Mistiness and am called Unhappiness, I am He whom you convey named Leaving. I claim forth to thee and bid you scale overtake.

Widen with me within the darkness; Fear me not. Knowledge my love and caresses and you courage be distorted. We courage fly upon the winds together.

My Love Youthful, I am your destiny, come to Me and learn the secrets of all that's Ceremonial, the secrets of life and death.

Come! Jump for me! Come! Pipe up for me! In the middle of Darling in your hearts and a beam for me, Behold! This is the way to put on a pedestal and best delight me.

Want out to me on the moonless night and intention me out with delight and nerve for this is my true love. I love not the in tears or scared out of your wits. For I am the Grim Opponent, The Watch, and the Source of Perseverance,

Put up me your love on one occasion the sky is darkest, and I courage beam, but courage not kiss thee; For my kiss is eternal; It is the Kiss of Leaving and I do love thee so.