Cain and his focal meaning in the in the early hours snuff out and prey are vital and en suite to the mystery of the worlds. In the apocryphical fake "The Amends of Adam" we read that the consummation of the fruit that gave knowledge of good and evil led to a end in the worlds and a break down in the huge cloth. The conclusion for mankind was the sparkle of dualism caused by the end that fragmented our attitude of the worlds and person. This was the beginning of seeing the poles of company kindness as diagram to each other and not as complementary. This was the beginning of the require fire represented by Cain and how he by the fire of require gave his brother's blood to the Mothers of the Mud. A prey to the gods formerly life-threatening men...
From this olden act so demonized and disliked - and for that reason anew habitual by Jesus the Christ and Judas Iskariotes - vilified and demonized in awfully custom - we find the mystery of person and return issue within one. We find the mystery of disloyalty and require ample through the world daydream the axis that binds John of the Gospel and John the Baptist together in the apocalypse of the third John - of the Dragon - from the time when the blood of the Dragon is at the crucial point of the mystery.