Fart Runes Nordic Spell
Recognize translation from ancient icelandic Harass book:

"Summary these inscription on white calf skim with thy blood. Dead heat blood from your thigh and speak: Cut do I eight 'Asar (Aesir), Naudir (Shade) nine, Thursar (giants) thirteen, each persecute your mortal with malign shit and diarrhea, and all of them let your mortal stand a immeasurable gas. Let your supports unpick, your innards catch light, may your farting never silence, neither day or night, may you be as tormented as the devil Loki which of all gods is regulate. In your all original name, Noble god, Supernatural being, Cause, Odin, Thor, Liberator, Freyr, Freyja, Oper, Satan, Beelzebub, Isolated, almighty god, you who protect your allies, Uteos, Morss, Noht, Vitales.."

This spell bids the scrounger to cut his skim and make a opening in his thigh to let his blood forth. He call for use this blood to current of air down thirty magical runes on white calf skim, relatives call for be eight aces, nine despairs and thirteen giants, which are types of Nordic runes yearn hand-me-down for magic.

If the witch or Warlock makes this spell or add up to in shape her demur call for be enveloped by darkness and flattening, for the spell brings together the runes of the aesir and the runes of the giants or Thursar who are sworn enemies, this is a tie that call for bring forth fire. It call for succeed extreme ruin and end in the victim's mortal to explode!

Fartrunes themselves at the condense conviction side:

Don't be impressed this spell is supposed to end in the death of the being it is inflicted upon, it is easy to claim this a evil spell and one of the leader powerful. Because of the poverty of this spell we organize of course vanished out parts so don't try this at home it chutzpah not work!

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