So, pretty than tying the calendar to the increasing of Sirius, which in next to no time has no real meaning in attachment to either the "primed" calendar or to the wanderer Through the ceiling engagement, if we greeting a armed calendar that accorded with the seasons, it would be whatever thing corresponding this:
"Hru diu Heru Renp-t": The five Epagomenal days:
1st Epagomenal Day, 17 JUNE 2011, "Hru mesut Asar", Bicentennial of Osiris
2nd Epagomenal Day, 18 JUNE, "Hru mesut Heru-ur", Genesis of Horus the Good
3rd Epagomenal Day, 19 JUNE, "Hru mesut Set", Genesis of Set
4th Epagomenal Day, 20 JUNE, "Hru mesut Aset", Genesis of Isis
5th Epagomenal Day, 21 JUNE, "Hru mesut Nebet-hes", Genesis of Nephthys
1 "Tepi Hai-t" 1 "Aakhet", 22 JUNE, Summer Solstice 2011 and "Wp-rnpt", New Year's Day; "Hru mesut Re-Heru-iakhuti", Bicentennial of Re-Horakhty. "Tepi abt", beginning of the month of Thoth.
2 "Tepi Hai-t" 1 "Aakhet", 23 JUNE, "Heb djeni-t", Stay alive constituency Moon of old lunar engagement.
7 "Tepi Hai-t" 1 "Aakhet", 28 JUNE, Day of self-serving the increasing of the flood and award to the gods.
10 "Tepi Hai-t" 1 "Aakhet", 1 JULY, end of real thing dekan, "Dena Tep" performance of 1st New Moon of lunar engagement.
15 "Tepi Hai-t" 1 "Aakhet", 6 July, "Smet-t" or Half-Month, contending of Horus and Set.
17 "Tepi Hai-t" 1 "Aakhet", 8 JULY, 1st constituency Moon, "Heb sis", Before time constituency Moon, on which nation carry out emit to the populace.
18 "Tepi Hai-t" 1 "Aakhet", 9 JULY, "Hru utchay medu em Geb", Day of the Caution of Horus and Set (maximum days of this month alarm their contending with one fresh)
20 "Tepi Hai-t" 1 "Aakhet", 11 JULY, end of the instant dekan
24 "Tepi Hai-t" 1 "Aakhet", 15 JULY, Total Moon, "Iah meh Uatchet "Osiris is prepared whole! (Dying travel is a time of Set, the 14 days in place of the dismemberment and dispersal of the rod of Osiris.)
30 "Tepi Hai-t" 1 "Aakhet", 21 JULY, end of the third dekan
1 "Penip-t" 2 "Aakhet", 22 JULY, "Tepi abt", beginning of the month of "Ptah-ineb-res-f"; "The Ennead is in festivity...the progeny [Horus] is comfortable" (Brier, 1980, p. 230).
2 "Penip-t "2 "Aakhet", 23 JULY, "Hru utcha Heru-ur em Sais", Horus the Good of Sais processes to his mother, Neith, "Heb djeni-t", buttress constituency Moon performance
11 "Penip-t "2 "Aakhet", 30 JULY, "Dena Tep" or 2nd New Moon begins
10 "Penip-t" 2 "Aakhet", 31 JULY, end of 1st dekan, Bast of Ankh-Towe processes to Iunu to pay evidence to the August Tree, which has the names of kings on its grass.
11 "Penip-t" 2 "Aakhet", 1 August, (Lughnassadh)
14 "Penip-t" 2 "Aakhet", 4 August, the day Horus receives the Pale Highest of Lower Egypt
15 Penip-t 2 Aakhet, 5 August, "Smet-t" or Half-Month, make aid to gods of your city/Nome
16 "Penip-t" 2 "Aakhet", 6 August, the day of Osiris-Onnophoris, "Heb sis" for 1st constituency Moon
17 "Penip-t" 2 "Aakhet", 7 August, Cross-quarter day with Summer Solstice and Breakdown Equinox
18 "Penip-t" 2 "Aakhet", 8 August, helical increasing of Sirius (modern era)
20 "Penip-t" 2 "Aakhet", 11 August, end of 2nd dekan
21 "Penip-t" 2 "Aakhet", 12 August, "Hru utcha Neith ay Re-Harakti", goodbye forth of Neith formerly Re-Horakhty
23 "Penip-t" 2 "Aakhet", 13 August, "Iah meh Uatchet" or Total Moon
30 "Penip-t" 2 "Aakhet", 20 August, end of 3rd dekan
1 "Het-hert" 3 "Aakhet", 21 August, "Tepi abt" or beginning of the month of Hathor; "Hru nefer Het-hert" or feast of Hathor; "Heb djeni-t", buttress constituency Moon
8 "Het-hert" 3 "Aakhet", 28 August, Day of Isis celebrating Horus of the Two Lands
9 "Het-hert" 3 "Aakhet", 29 August, "Dena Tep" or 3rd New Moon
10 "Het-hert" 3 "Aakhet", 30 August, end of 1st dekan
13 "Het-hert" 3 "Aakhet", 2 SEPTEMBER, "Tcha-t netjer em Iabdu", day of Osiris sailing to Abydos to go featuring in the West ("Dwt")
15 "Het-hert "3 "Aakhet", 4 SEPTEMBER, "Smet-t" or mid-month, "Heb sis" for 1st constituency Moon
17 "Het-hert" 3 "Aakhet", 6 SEPTEMBER, day of Isis and Nephthys regret Osiris in Abydos
20 "Het-hert" 3 "Aakhet", 9 SEPTEMBER, end of 2nd dekan
21 "Het-hert "3 "Aakhet", 10 SEPTEMBER, "Hru nefer Shu"/feast of the God Shu
22 "Het-hert" 3 "Aakhet", 11 SEPTEMBER, Raising of Ma'at formerly Re at the effrontery of the "mesektet" clipper
23 "Het-hert" 3 "Aakhet", 12 SEPTEMBER, "Hru en utchay medtu", Ausar-re sits in judgment; "Iah meh Uatchet" or Total Moon
24 Het-hert 3 Aakhet, 13 SEPTEMBER, "Hru utcha Aset Nebet-hes ay Asar Khentimentiu", goodbye forth of Isis and Nephthys in jubilation for the risen Osiris Khentimentiu
26 "Het-hert "3 "Aakhet", 15 SEPTEMBER, "S-ayhay djed em Asar-Atum", Raising of the djed maintain of Atum to foot Horus and Set; Thoth accords Choice Egypt to Set and Lower Egypt to Horus
"29" Het-hert "3 "Aakhet", 18 SEPTEMBER, Red covering of Choice Egypt unchangeable to Set and white covering of Lower Egypt to Horus
30 "Het-hert "3 "Aakhet", 19 SEPTEMBER, end of 3rd dekan
1 "Kaherka" 4 "Aakhet", 20 SEPTEMBER, "Tepi abt" or beginning of the month of Sekhmet; "Heb djeni-t", buttress constituency Moon
2 "Kaherka" 4 "Aakhet", 21 SEPTEMBER, "Heb Kaherka" performance of the end of the Flood.
3 "Kaherka" 4 "Aakhet", 22 SEPTEMBER, "Breakdown Equinox.
5 "Kaherka" 4 "Aakhet", 24 SEPTEMBER, "Hru utcha Het-hert ay Kher-ayha", Going forth of Hathor formerly the gods of "Kher-ayha", yielding life, resolution, and safety to the land
8 "Kaherka" 4 "Aakhet", 27 SEPTEMBER, "Dena Tep" or 4th New Moon begins
9 "Kaherka" 4 "Aakhet", 28 SEPTEMBER, Thoth decides to cause Horus the covering of Choice Egypt and connect the two lands
10 "Kaherka" 4 "Aakhet", 29 SEPTEMBER, end of 1st dekan
11 "Kaherka" 4 "Aakhet", 30 SEPTEMBER, "Hru nefer Asar em Iabdu", Festival of Osiris in Abydos in the "neshmet" clipper with the dead
12 "Kaherka" 4 "Aakhet", 1 OCTOBER, "Hru kheper Benu", Rejuvenation of the Phoenix of Iunu
13 Kaherka 4 Aakhet, 2 OCTOBER, "Hru nefer Hetch-t ay Re", Going forth of the Pale Idol (e.g., Hathor) formerly Re.
14 "Kaherka" 4 "Aakhet", 3 OCTOBER, "Hru utcha Hedj-htp Tay-t ay Neith", Going forth of the weaving goddesses, Hedj-hotep and Tayet formerly Neith to cause her their weaving
15 "Kaherka" 4 "Aakhet", 4 OCTOBER, "Smet-t "or mid-month; "Heb sis" or real thing constituency Moon; "Hru nefer Bast Sekhmet", Festival of Bast and Sekhmet
20 "Kaherka" 4 "Aakhet", 9 OCTOBER, end of 2nd dekan
23 "Kaherka" 4 "Aakhet", 12 OCTOBER, "Iah meh Uatchet "or Total Moon
30 "Kaherka" 4 "Aakhet", 19 OCTOBER, end of 3rd dekan and sense of Aakhet, make aid to the gods of the Ennead
1 "Imes ims-t" 1 "Peret", 20 OCTOBER, "Tepi abt" or beginning of the month of Min-Amsu. "Hru djeni-t" or buttress constituency Moon.
5 "Imes ims-t" 1 "Peret", 24 OCTOBER, "Hru utcha Sekhmet ay Ma'at Ptah Djehuti Hu Sia, "Going forth of Sekhmet [in tease] formerly the severe ones who detained Her
7 "Imes ims-t" 1 "Peret", 26 OCTOBER, "Dena Tep" or 5th New Moon. "
9 "Imes ims-t" 1 "Peret", 28 OCTOBER, Sekhmet offers "pawet" cakes to the Gods.
10 "Imes ims-t" 1 "Peret", 29 OCTOBER, end of 1st dekan, "Hru utcha Heru-pa-Aset m ith", Going forth of Horus, son of Isis, from the marshes.
12 "Imes ims-t" 1 "Peret", 31 OCTOBER, (Halloween)
14 "Imes ims-t" 1 "Peret", 2 NOVEMBER, "Hru sis "or real thing constituency Moon.
15 "Imes ims-t" 1 "Peret", 3 NOVEMBER, "Smet-t" or mid-month.
17 "Imes ims-t" 1 "Peret", 5 NOVEMBER, Cross-quarter day with Autumn Equinox and Chill Solstice.
20 "Imes ims-t" 1 "Peret", 8 NOVEMBER, end of 2nd dekan", Hru utcha Bast," Going forth of Bast, protect of the Two Lands.
22 "Imes ims-t" 1 "Peret", 10 NOVEMBER, "Iah men Uatchet" or Total Moon.
30 "Imes ims-t" 1 "Peret", 18 NOVEMBER, "Hru djeni-t" or buttress constituency Moon, end of 3rd dekan.
1 "M'khir" 2 "Peret", 19 NOVEMBER, "Tepi abt" or beginning of the month of "Rehk-ur". "Hru nefer Ptah s-aysay Re em Pet", Festival of Ptah raising up Re featuring in heaven.
6 "M'khir" 2 "Peret", 24 NOVEMBER, "S-aysay djed em Asar", Raising up the djed maintain of Osiris.
7 "M'khir" 2 "Peret", 25 NOVEMBER, "Dena Tep neshen", 6th New Moon, one-sided Through the ceiling outshine.
10 "M'khir" 2 "Peret", 28 NOVEMBER, "end of 1st dekan.
11 "M'khir" 2 "Peret", 29 NOVEMBER, "Hru nefer Neith ih hru utcha Sobek", feast day of Neith and goodbye forth of Sobek to guide Her.
13 "M'khir" 2 "Peret", 1 DECEMBER.
14 "M'khir" 2 "Peret", 2 DECEMBER, "Hru sis", real thing constituency Moon.
15 "M'khir" 2 "Peret", 3 DECEMBER, "Smet-t", mid-month.
19 "M'khir" 2 "Peret", 7 DECEMBER, "Day of regret Osiris in death.
20 "M'khir" 2 "Peret", 8 DECEMBER, "end of 2nd dekan.
22 "M'khir" 2 "Peret", 10 DECEMBER, "Iah meh Uatchet neshen", generally lunar Stub out at Total Moon.
26 "M'khir" 2 "Peret", 14 DECEMBER, "Hru utcha Min em Coptos", Going forth of Min to Coptos.
27 "M'khir" 2 "Peret", 15 DECEMBER, "Hru nefer Sokar ay Asar-In-her-t em This", Festival of Sokar formerly Osiris-Onnophris in Abydos.
30 "M'khir" 2 "Peret", 18 DECEMBER, "Hru djeni-t", buttress constituency Moon, end of 3rd dekan.
1 "Pen-Amen-htp" 3 "Peret", 19 DECEMBER, "Tepi abt", beginning of the month of Rekh-netches.
3 "Pen-Amen-htp" 3 "Peret", 21 DECEMBER, "Chill Solstice.
5 "Pen-Amen-htp" 3 "Peret", 23 DECEMBER, "Hru utcha Neith em Sais", Going forth of Neith from Sais.
6 "Pen-Amen-htp" 3 "Peret", 24 DECEMBER, "Dena Tep", 7th New Moon of the year; "Heb Asar em Per-ba-tet ih hru utcha Inpu", Jubilee of Osiris in Busiris and goodbye forth of Anubis (Rejuvenation of Osiris).
10 "Pen-Amen-htp" 3 "Peret", 28 DECEMBER, "Hru utchat Djehuti", goodbye forth of Thoth, who guides "Nesert" (the Excellent char-grill) featuring in her strand habitat of time without end.
12 "Pen-Amen-htp" 3 "Peret", 30 DECEMBER, "Hru utchat Asar-Het em Nun", goodbye forth of Osiris-Het [the Nile] from Nun.
14 "Pen-Amen-htp" 3 "Peret", 1 JANUARY 2012, "Hru sis", real thing constituency Moon.
15 "Pen-Amen-htp" 3 "Peret", 2 JANUARY, "Smet-t", or mid-month.
18 "Pen-Amen-htp" 3 "Peret", 5 JANUARY, "Hru nefer Nut", Festival of Nut, who counts the days.
19 "Pen-Amen-htp" 3 "Peret", 6 JANUARY, "Hru mesut Nut", Bicentennial of Nut.
20 "Pen-Amen-htp" 3 "Peret", 7 JANUARY, "end of 2nd dekan.
22 "Pen-Amen-htp" 3 "Peret", 9 JANUARY, "Iah meh Uatchet", Total Moon; "Hru mesut Apep", Bicentennial of Apep, severe Serpent of the Dwt.
28 "Pen-Amen-htp" 3 "Peret", 15 JANUARY, "Hru nefer Asar em Iabdu", Festival of Osiris in Abydos.
29 "Pen-Amen-htp" 3 "Peret", 16 JANUARY, "Hru djeni-t", buttress constituency Moon.
30 "Pen-Amen-htp" 3 "Peret", 17 JANUARY, end of third dekan and month of "Pen-Amen-htp", "Hru nefer Per-ba-tet", Festival in Busiris celebrating the doorways of the horizon coming featuring in time [for the reawakening of Re].
1 "Pen-Rent" 4 "Peret", 18 JANUARY, "Tepi abt", Outset of the month of Rennuttet.
5 "Pen-Rent" 4 "Peret", 23 JANUARY, "Dena Tep", 8th New Moon of the engagement.
7 "Pen-Rent" 4 "Peret", 24 JANUARY, "Hru utcha Min", Going forth of Min to the performance gazebo.
8 "Pen-Rent" 4 "Peret", 25 JANUARY, "Heb ruai iakhuti Heru-ur", Festival of the healing of the eye of Horus the Good.
10 "Pen-Rent" 4 "Peret", 27 JANUARY, "S-ayq netjert Uatchet", Day of introducing the healed eye of Horus (Uatchet) to the Gods; end of 1st dekan.
14 "Pen-Rent" 4 "Peret", 31 JANUARY, "Hru sis", real thing constituency Moon.
15 "Pen-Rent" 4 "Peret", 1 FEBRUARY, "Smet-t", mid-month; (Imbolc).
16 "Pen-Rent" 4 "Peret", 2 FEBRUARY, "Hru utcha Kheperi", goodbye forth of Khepera view the words of his cronies.
17 "Pen-Rent" 4 "Peret", 3 FEBRUARY, "Cross-quarter day with Chill Solstice and Admirably Equinox; "Hru utcha Set em Sew", Going forth of Set to his clearing of Sew.
19 "Pen-Rent" 4 "Peret", 5 FEBRUARY, "Hru utcha Re em uia heh ih hru nefer Iunu", Going forth of Re in his clipper of millions of natural life and feasting in Heliopolis.
20 "Pen-Rent" 4 "Peret", 6 FEBRUARY," end of 2nd dekan.
21 "Pen-Rent" 4 "Peret", 7 FEBRUARY, "Iah meh Uatchet", Total Moon.
24 "Pen-Rent" 4 "Peret", 10 FEBRUARY, Day of the non-cooperation of Set against Osiris.
28 "Pen-Rent" 4 "Peret", 14 FEBRUARY, "Hru djeni-t", buttress constituency Moon.
30 "Pen-Rent" 4 "Peret", 16 FEBRUARY, "Emanate aid to Ptah-Sokar-Asar-Atum, Member of the aristocracy of the Two Lands; 3rd dekan ends, "Pen-Rent" ends, "Peret" ends.
1 "Pa-Khons" 1 "Shomu", 17 FEBRUARY, "Hru nefer Heru-pa-Aset ih Shemsu Hor", Festival day of Horus, son of Isis, and his followers; "Tepi abt", beginning of the month of Khonsu.
5 "Pa-Khons "1 "Shomu", 21 FEBRUARY, "Dena Tep," 9th New Moon of the Year; "Hru nefer Ba-neb-djedet", Festival of "Ba-neb-djedet", god of sexual fertility.
10 "Pa-Khons" 1 "Shomu", 26 FEBRUARY, end of real thing dekan.
14 "Pa-Khons" 1 "Shomu", 1 Totter, "Hru sis", real thing constituency Moon.
15 "Pa-Khons" 1 "Shomu", 2 Totter, "Smet-t", or mid-month.
20 "Pa-Khons" 1 "Shomu", 7 Totter," end of 2nd dekan.
21 "Pa-Khons" 1 "Shomu", 8 Totter, "Iah meh Uatchet", or Total Moon.
28 "Pa-Khons" 1 "Shomu", 15 Totter, "Hru djeni-t", or buttress constituency Moon.
30 "Pa-Khons" 1 "Shomu", 17 Totter," end of 3rd dekan and buttress day of "Pa-khons".
1 "Pen-Ant" 2 "Shomu", 18 Totter, "Tepi abt", beginning of the month of "Heru-khenti-khadit", the unborn Horus. "Anit", one of the tension mothers of Horus, in the same way secret code this month.
2 "Pen-Ant" 2 "Shomu", 19 Totter, Admirably Equinox.
3 "Pen-Ant" 2 "Shomu", 20 Totter, "Hru nefer Shemsu Re", Festival of the cronies of Re.
5 "Pen-Ant" 2 "Shomu", 22 Totter, "Dena Tep", 10th New Moon of the engagement.
10 "Pen-Ant" 2 "Shomu", 27 Totter, "end of 1st dekan.
11 "Pen-Ant" 2 "Shomu", 28 Totter, "Ferh en hati", Night-time of the Stroke, in the role of the Snivel of Isis regret Osiris renew the String.
13 "Pen-Ant" 2 "Shomu", 30 Totter, "Hru sis, "real thing constituency Moon"; Hru nefer Uatchet em Dep", Festival of Uatchet in Dep, on stage, chanting, award of incense and honeyed herbs to the Gods.
14 "Pen-Ant" 2 "Shomu", 1 APRIL.
15 "Pen-Ant" 2 "Shomu", 2 APRIL, "Smet-t", mid-month.
18 "Pen-Ant" 2 "Shomu", 5 APRIL, "Hru utcha Asar-Khesti", goodbye forth of Osiris-Khesti to the majestic bunch.
19 "Pen-Ant" 2 "Shomu", 6 APRIL, "Iah meh Uatchet", Total Moon.
20 "Pen-Ant" 2 "Shomu", 7 APRIL, "end of 2nd dekan.
26 "Pen-Ant" 2 "Shomu", 13 APRIL, "Hru djeni-t", buttress constituency Moon.
30 "Pen-Ant" 2 "Shomu", 17 APRIL, "end of 3rd dekan and month of "Pen-Ant".
1 "Ipip" 3 "Shomu", 18 APRIL, "Tepi abt", beginning of the month of Ipit, a nursing-goddess form of Hathor; "Heb Ipet-Hemet", Festival of Ipet-Hathor.
4 "Ipip" 3 "Shomu", 21 APRIL, "Dena Tep", 11th New Moon of the engagement.
5 "Ipip" 3 "Shomu", 22 APRIL, "Hru setcha-t Het-heru", day of the evaporation of Hathor to whence she came. The Gods be sad.
10 "Ipip" 3 "Shomu", 27 APRIL, "end of 1st dekan.
12 "Ipip" 3 "Shomu", 29 APRIL, "Heb Re", Festival of Re; "Hru sis", real thing constituency Moon.
13 "Ipip" 3 "Shomu", 30 APRIL, "(Beltane).
14 "Ipip" 3 "Shomu", 1 MAY, "day of the tease of the eye of Horus the Good, place fired up suchlike.
15 "Ipip" 3 "Shomu", 2 MAY, "day in which Horus hears your words in the manifestation of the Gods; "Smet-t" or mid-month.
17 "Ipip" 3 "Shomu", 4 MAY, Cross-quarter day intermediary with Admirably Equinox and Summer Solstice.
18 "Ipip" 3 "Shomu", 5 MAY, "Day that Ma'at and Re go forth in secret. Observe of helical conditions of Sirius (modern), which donate be invisible for the therefore 75 days.
19 "Ipip" 3 "Shomu", 6 MAY, "Iah meh Uatchet", Total Moon.
20 "Ipip" 3 "Shomu", 7 MAY, end of 2nd dekan.
25 "Ipip" 3 "Shomu", 12 MAY, "Hru djeni-t", buttress constituency Moon.
29 "Ipip" 3 "Shomu", 16 MAY, "Heb Mut em Shera", Festival of Mut in Shera [temple collection in Karnak].
30 "Ipip" 3 "Shomu", 17 MAY, "end of 3rd dekan and end of month of "Ipip".
1 "Mesut-Ra" 4 "Shomu", 18 MAY, "Tepi abt", beginning of the month of "Re-Heru-iakhuti" (Re-Horakhty).
2 "Mesut-Ra" 4 "Shomu", 19 MAY, "Hru Ma'at", Day of Ma'at.
3 "Mesut-Ra" 4 "Shomu", 20 MAY, "Dena Tep neshen", 12th New Moon, annular Through the ceiling outshine.
4 "Mesut-Ra" 4 "Shomu", 21 MAY, "Peri em Sopdu", Procession of "Sopdu", the before time male form of Sirius coupled with "Heru-iakhuti".
5 "Mesut-Ra" 4 "Shomu", 22 MAY, "Heb Min em Akhmim", Festival of Min in Akhmim.
6 "Mesut-Ra" 4 "Shomu", 23 MAY, "Peri em Asar-In-her-t em Rostau", Procession of Osiris reborn to Rostau.
10 "Mesut-Ra" 4 "Shomu", 27 MAY, "end of 1st dekan.
11 "Mesut-Ra" 4 "Shomu", 28 MAY, "Hru sis", real thing constituency Moon.
13 "Mesut-Ra" 4 "Shomu", 30 MAY, Break of defending the son of Osiris, "Heru-pa-Asar".
15 "Mesut-Ra" 4 "Shomu", 1 JUNE, "Smet-t", mid-month; Day Re goes forth to pull Nun in his cavern below Elephantine for the imminent Flood.
18 "Mesut-Ra" 4 "Shomu", 4 JUNE, "Iah meh Uatchet neshen", one-sided outshine of the Total Moon.
19 "Mesut-Ra" 4 "Shomu", 5 JUNE, Get-together the feast of your family unit god.
20 "Mesut-Ra" 4 "Shomu", 6 JUNE, "Hru uab", day of sanitization and renewal; end of 2nd dekan.
22 "Mesut-Ra" 4 "Shomu", 8 JUNE, "Heb nefer tepi du", Festival of Anubis, who is on his bunch.
25 "Mesut-Ra" 4 "Shomu", 11 JUNE, "Hru djeni-t", buttress constituency Moon.
28 "Mesut-Ra" 4 "Shomu", 14 JUNE, "Hru nefer Min", feast of Min.
29 "Mesut-Ra" 4 "Shomu", 15 JUNE, "Heb Ptah-Sokar", Festival of Sokar in the assets of Ptah, celebration of health and good understand.
30 "Mesut-Ra" 4 "Shomu", 16 JUNE, "Heb irq rnpt", Festival of the buttress day of the engagement, Genesis of Re.
1st Epagomenal Day, 17 JUNE 2012, "Hru mesut Asar", Bicentennial of Osiris
2nd Epagomenal Day, 18 JUNE, "Hru mesut Heru-ur", Genesis of Horus the Good
3rd Epagomenal Day, 19 JUNE, "Hru mesut Set", Genesis of Set; "Dena Tep", 13th New Moon of engagement.
4th Epagomenal Day, 20 JUNE, "Hru mesut Aset", Genesis of Isis; Summer Solstice 2012
5th Epagomenal Day, 21 JUNE, "Hru mesut Nebet-hes", Genesis of Nephthys
1 "Tepi Hai-t" 1 "Aakhet", 22 JUNE, "Wp-rnpt", New Year's Day; "Hru mesut Re-Heru-iakhuti", Bicentennial of Re-Horakhty. "Tepi abt", beginning of the month of Thoth.
I am conjoin portray are other festivals I've no more out, as I was working at the outset from Bob Brier's (1980) articulation of the Cairo Manual. Let me know which ones you expect luxury. The lunar festivals are in perception with "The American Ephemeris for the 21st Century" (1996); aspect that eclipses were calculated period of bad luck in the role of of Set was triumphant against the light of Osiris.
Convincingly, aspect that I've luxury identifiable dates for the cross-quarter days, congruent to the points at which the Sun is at 15-degrees in the armed Language, i.e., carefully mid-way with the equinoxes and the solstices. Mass of us blot the cross-quarter days on the 1st of the month, or the day's end before; I've tried to judge persons holidays in the calendar as well.
Your reply is correctly respected.
Brier, B. (1980). "Ancient Egyptian magic: Spells, incantations, potions, stories, and rituals". New York, NY: William Morrow & Item.
Clark, R. (2004). "The Blessed Control in ancient Egypt: The esoteric wisdom revealed". St. Paul, MN: Llewellyn Publications.
Michelsen, N. F., & Pottinger, R. (1996). "The American Ephemeris for the 21st Century: 2000 to 2050 at Twelve noon" (2nd ed.). San Diego, CA: ACS Publications.