In interleave to the Cernunnos ritual dowry are classes educated by elders and other teachers from the Construction of the Holy Reins, the sponsoring group (a diversity of Wiccan Covens with members in PA, NJ, DE, MD, DC, and VA).
For me the hub of Pleasantly Magick is usually whatever classes are having the status of educated by Ivo Dominguez, one of the elders of the Construction and author of the books "Castings" and "Choice About". The opening Pleasantly Magick that I attended he gave a captivating class on Destiny from a Wiccan incline, and hutch time he gave a class on modification "castings" other than the representation "four studio circle" regular.
For aristocratic information review out this link:
The notice is Saturday April 25 - the posture is the Pact Nucleus of Delaware Region in Springfield, PA: