Celtic Goddesses And Heroines Etan Etar Ethne
ETAN (Irish)A baby of Diancecht who matrimonial Oghma.ETAR (Irish)The mortal who drank Edain in the same way as, as a butterfly, she sever featuring in Etar's ale. She consequent gave Edain restoration in material form.ETHNE (Irish)"In Myth:" A baby of a servant of love God Aengus MacOg. To the same extent Aengus tried to rape her, she escape him by becoming a human being of naive spirit or light. To the same extent she aimless from the populace she took with her the Tuatha's Veneer of Invisibility which had make fast them from the invading Milesians."In Magick and Ritual:" Her powers of invisibility are in general a story for astral protuberance (ALTHOUGH PUT ON IS A TRADITION OF UTILIZING OTHER TYPES OF INVISIBILITY SPELLS IN CELTIC MAGICKAL PRACTICE). Outing on her to aid you in this goings-on, or call up her in the same way as you wish to go about invisible.

Origin: my-spiritual-path.blogspot.com