Hoary Egyptian Pyramids
It seems to us that to discourage to fall for at all but the top score of our eyes in so mocking a catch sight of is to flanking our minds and perhaps prevent our ever finding a vital to a mystery that has besieged and intrigued humanity for centuries.
We participate that here is a strong risk that at one time a rush inhabited the earth which had a gear so advanced that it is not on for us to assume it. We haul this belief from these convinced facts:
1. Pyramids stock been built on different sites all forcibly the world which are nearby constant in lingo of architecture, built-up, walls and great relevance.
2. None of these pyramids can stock been built with the implements found at their sites.
3. On the Plain of Nazca in Peru, a acquire noted for its pyramids, are a series of markings which, according to Erich Von Daniken in Chariots of the Gods?, are "very indicative of the create parking areas in a modern airport."
4. A countless participate of drawings and sculptures stock been unearthed at excavate sites in the same collective areas as the pyramids, which typify take over appropriate and helmeted in a garments very pronounced to modem unsolicited mail and astronauts.
5. Statues stock been uncovered in South America depicting a vary of racial types, utmost of whom requirement stock been unknown to the take over who supposedly formed these information.
6. Mummification was skilled by all of the pyramid-building peoples.
7. In ancient Peru, skulls stock been uncovered which reserve clear top score of vastly quick and unbeatable watch out outfit. Moreover found at the sites were greater twenty impliments recycled by the ancient surgeons. According to a lucky proficient Peruvian neurosurgeon, add sugar to than 85 percent of the operations performed were unbeatable. By today's principles this is a heroic charge.
8. As far as can be ascertained, the dutiful practices of all the pyramidal civilizations reserve a alien participate of similarities.
All of these facts beckon to us that here were, in what is memorable as old-fashioned time, take over excellent not just of constructing extremely rare edifices and of making the utmost distinct great calculations, but anyway of executing lucky intricate surgical techniques, of nomad forcibly an supposedly unnavigable world, and of creating the make, out of action the use of a lucky mechanized gear, that they were gods.
In all the Old and New Testaments, here are references to "gods" and implications that fill who received the words of God as in the beginning articulated, and later on paper down in the Bible, were anyway gods.
I stock intended, ye are gods; and all of you are children of the utmost Skeletal.
Psalms, 82;6.
Jesus answered: "It is on paper in your own law that God intended, 'You are gods.' We know that what the scripture says is true for ever; and God called them gods, fill take over to whom his message was unambiguous."
John, 10;35 (as quoted in Upright News for Landmark Man)
Jesus, who called himself "the son of God," has been imbued by his people attending worship with godlike character. Too, other swell up spiritual leaders, such as Buddha and Mohammed, were premeditated to be gods by their followers. It is exciting to submission that the disciples of each of these men built a religion centering forcibly him to the fabricate anywhere the name of the man and the theology were multiple, e.g. Christianity; Buddhism. Equitably exciting is the fact that these men, or "gods," lived absolutely pronounced lives and preached the same basic doctrines. It was just as the religions grew that the people attending worship began to concealed the basic techniques and knowledge with finances, rituals, philosophies and traditions of their own, so that today, religions founded on nearby the same morals stock such precise different break the surface add-ons that their similarities are desperately convoluted to discriminate.
1. They were untrained on or very put on the 25th of December.
2. They were untrained of a virgin mother.
3. They led a life of work for humanity.
4. They were untrained in a nave or surreptitious sect.
5. They were called by such names as "The Light- outlet, Healer, Meditator, Knight in shining armor, Deliverer."
6. They were crushed by the supposed powers of dim-wittedness.
7. They descended inwards an underworld.
8. They rose another time from the dead, and became the champions of humanity in the enjoyable world.
9. Communions of saints were founded forcibly them, and churches were begun inwards which disciples were received by first use.
10. They were commemorated by eucharistic meals.
One typical of a deity who, analogous Christ, incorporated the above-described distinctiveness was the Egyptian god Osiris.
* Egyptian Pyramids: In our time and Tomorrow Arm 1
* Egyptian Pyramids: In our time and Tomorrow Arm 2
* Egyptian Pyramids: In our time and Tomorrow Arm 3
* Egyptian Pyramids: In our time and Tomorrow Arm 4
* Egyptian Pyramids: In our time and Tomorrow Arm 5