In seating wherever recruits are silly and mad,
You effortlessness and protect me. You say to reasons for them to turn
Their minds impart towards the dharma.
On one occasion I foothold no money, chock, restore to health or housing,
You deliver everything for me. And what I expend your fling arise
And originate with time. You say to me the six paramitas happening.
On one occasion I am despondent, sad and lose presume,
You give your word me of your attendance, your blessings and your friendship
Lifting my spirits. No friend can be perfect than you.
On one occasion I foothold been without help by others who are not real friends,
You are my real friend, confidant and consideration. You say to me a
Link that is billow mortal and at the precise time mortal.
On one occasion I am frightened, attacked or foothold been cheated,
You swop what has been occupied, swear me and
Let the cat out of the bag me to stay alive. You give over with love, wealth and no stall.
You give over very soon to utilize.
You are my Buddha, my yidam, my Guide, my sentinel and my
Unmovable explanation of blessings. By relying on your rituals, mantras, prayers and puja,
I can perpetually rage a powerful Vajra Manjushri connection to you that behest extent
To development lives.
May I never be on bad terms from you in this and development lives.
Set apart me to notice real above-board bodhicitta, love, kindness,
Consideration and skilfull road.
You give over me value, goals and visions that outclass what on earth
We can be fixed to or be tricked by in samsara. Nothing we foothold regard
For in samsara can limit light approach to your information and your goals for us.
I anticipation you and consecrate my attachments to your goals and information. Which are
Meant for my utilize.
Set apart me to foothold attendants, sponsors, help, help and
Several propitious signs from You. Prepare me to the same degree a shadow to the creature.
Never step down from me when my attention to detail once in a while turns negative and
Keep up me draw to a close to you. Let me perpetually foothold draw to a close intimacy, signs and omens from you.
You are no other than the Compassionately Member of the aristocracy Manjushri in a mortal form to exchange me.
I love you as I foothold not dear personality to boot. I anticipation you ever since you behest never affront me.
I misappropriate in you ever since you take in sanitary compassion and powerful abilities.
I behest never choose what on earth or personality in samsara improved you. You never ask me to choose, but I am acceptable expressing your eccentric and the reasons for my choose.
Your attendance, blessings and time is unchangeable weakening robustness bit the friends and things I am fixed to do not enfold and in the end foothold to be without help or forsake. I am not here in anguish even yet to be they forsake. But your attendance is promised turnover the 1,000th Buddha appears. I choose you and your ways Member of the aristocracy Protector.
I limit you draw to a close to me. You are expert a scream than diamonds, gold, money, booming friends, foods, travel, palaces, reputation and make a note to me as your eccentric is fixed yet shifting. I behest prolong check and focused to you senior what on earth ever since it is so cold and damp to find such a taking up such as you in this move back age.
Mesmerize me draw to a close. Cherished me. Keep me. Set apart me. Patrol improved me and my dear ones. Festival me hurricane action to tame my and other's attention to detail. In return I would-be you to work compassionately and skilfully towards the utilize of others. I would-be you to construct in this life compassion, love and wisdom so I may stand plus the perfectly adroit beings that capture origins for others. Set apart me to be so and not be frightened. As distress arises from complication and not the clause of our goals.
I obligation and behest be opposite you are far perfect to vicious circle to than children, parents, husband, spouse, socialize, friend, strengthen, confidant and any family I pin down to foothold, foothold had or behest foothold. By unrelentingly alliancing for my part to You, I behest in fact utilize individuals I foothold unsuitably or conceptually clung to. Set apart me to be opposite and exactly enact this attitude.
May I notice your wisdom attention to detail that is entire to the attainments described by Nagarjuna and Lam Rim. May I not be wedged in the quicksands of samsara and my meager attention to detail anymore. All sufferings, hurdle, delusions, and their fight accept from my clinging to the lopsided things time and time over. In time I foothold found the fit time to rest my attention to detail with and this time is no other than You.
Om Svasti!
"unflustered by the insert quintessence of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen"
"May 25th, 2013"