The CROSS meets ALL HUMAN NEEDS. Many people today wear a cross around their neck, but Satan is still laughing at them, in many cases. "Wearing a cross" has nothing to do with the TRUE POWER OF THE CROSS. If only people could see it, the cross where Jesus Christ died is the place where ALL THE ROTTEN STUFF in your life got dealt with. There is no way people can save themselves by their own merits. You cannot make up for your past crimes against God. BUT God in His love stepped down as a man - Jesus Christ - and did for us what we could NEVER do for ourselves. He took the guilt of our sin. He took the burden of our sin. He took the punishment of our sin. He took the power of our sin. He took the nature of sin. He took the death we deserve. He took the curse that plagues us and ruins our life. He took the rejection from God the Father that we deserve. He even took the bodily infirmities that we get through the curse. In his crown of thorns I believe he took the mental torment we may experience. Jesus took the harrassment from demons so we could be free. He took it all. This list is not complete. Jesus took it all so that WE could receive the blessings HE DESERVES. We can know forgiveness, spiritual regeneration, acceptance, love, peace, freedom, healing, health, joy and lots more because all these things now belong to Jesus Christ and He makes them available to us through His sacrifice. That is the extent of the love of Christ. Can you dare to believe in that love? It is all possible, but have you taken advantage of it. Have you ever said to God, "I accept and receive into my life all the benefits of what you did for me in your sufferings."? List them one by one, something is going to happen when you do. It takes a childlike trust, it takes faith, to receive the things of the Kingdom of Heaven.