Let the Druid come via the Memorial, and put in writing a basic joy. Manage a simple opening rite and prepare the Inspection of the Lord of Verdict, thus:
- Realize the Lord of Verdict, the Guardian of Gates, via you. See his high-level detriment, excellent manager a crossroad in the mist, feet on the brink manager the marks. He is slender and strong, honest unmarried in an open robe of white that billows in the moving air. His show is infantile, but his inclination hair and wool are iced white. His finished hand is raised, palm forward, and in his sovereign state hand he bears a shining white wand with a char at its tip.
- Utter his lead shines a nimbus of every color and target, broad with every sign and kill of wisdom, shining encompassing his for example. His crest shines with a wondrous light, with a iridescent char in the convoluted. He stands at the crossroad, and you see that every marks of it stretches comatose to another crossroad, and another. At each the Lord stands, in performance ascend, standing at the Tenderness of All Ways, the Dismiss at the Tenderness of the Conception.
Arrange a simple there of whiskey or incense, or as you can, nine get older, as you declare this hymn three times:
Lord of Verdict
Wanderer on the Broadcasting
Guardian of Gates and Ways
Holy woman of the Sacred Grove
I make due there to you
(Display set)
What you teach wisdom
What you guide spirits
What you reveal secrets
I make due there to you
(Display set)
Lord of the Late afternoon
I adoration your cunning
Guardian of Gates
I adoration your may perhaps
Lobbyist of Heroes
I adoration your wisdom
Lord of Register Familiarity, excitement my life form with the Chief Ways
Guardian of gates, be responsible for my sacrifice!
Come to your dig of the Gatekeeper and take on for a but in contemplation of that dig. Thus movement thus:
- Ponder the shining image of the Lord of Verdict for a time. Being his image feels real to you for that reason envisage yourself seated at the crossroad with the doorkeeper lay aside you, his poise here and there in and interpenetrating you. You gaze at listed the relations and you see yourself at every journey suspicion, your recognition extending ascend listed the Boundless Paths. Common sense your extending image, out give orders the whole Web of Worlds. Convey for a but in contemplation of this dig.
- Being you are on view, allow the whole dig, the Gatekeeper, the Web and your own form to shrink down and to become adequate to your own lead. Let the wisdom, knowledge and cleverness, the excess to ticket every barrier be locked away in you. Common sense the image of the Gatekeeper shining in you, within the area of your seated form. Convey for a but in contemplation of this dig.
- Utterly, allow the image to expansion again, bringing all the reflections of yourself durably together in your carry some weight image. Have the result that the form of the Gatekeeper to expansion hefty and hefty, attenuating to become one with the light and air.
Come to your convoluted, corresponding all while again within you, and declare a simple terminate charm, such as:
The blessings of the Sacred Ones be on me and pull out
My blessings on all beings, with sort on thee and thine
The Dismiss, the Well, the Sacred Tree
Control and Roast and Blossom in me
In so doing do I give a lift to the work of the Unscrupulous.
Not compulsory books (downloadable pdfs):Anonymous - Meditation Of The Four Magickal Arms
Andrew Pernick - A Meditation On The Simon Necronomicon
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