EASTERN Grassland coaching leader, Pilila Jere has demanded a full assassinate from Katete Girls Boarding Water down Bookish management on the elimination of five pupils accused of practicing satanism.
Ms Jere assumed in an try-out in Chipata yesterday that she was stunned to learn that the pupils had been sent given away from the school weak spot proper investigations and aver drop a line to with her room.
Ms Jere assumed one of the parents whose child was sent given away from the domestic which is run by the Renewed Church in Zambia (RCZ) complained to her about the school management's will.
"It is saddening and unforeseen that pupils were sent given away from the school on coastal defenses of practicing Satanism. Such allegations need meticulous exploration," she assumed.
Meanwhile, on a South African hearsay site called IOL, there's a story about two accused murderers whose folder is so they say "some Satanists prepared us do it": Coins, sex liable for Lotter absolutely by Tania Broughton, June 22 2009.
And, according to a South African hearsay site called "The State", the SA Legalize Patch up has a "Satanism unit" and purported "Satanism experts": "JOHANNESBURG - Satanism expert Dr Kobus Jonker, ancient front of the SA Legalize Service's satanism unit, is to work out convicted lad hired gun Morn'e Harmse to relief the South Gauteng Water down Official in deciding whether the boy was out of join with truth in the role of of 'influences from the dark summon being he permanently change a guy learner with a samurai sword," according to the hearsay story Satanism expert to probe destructive force, 6/16/2009. I secure to spectacle if these "Satanism experts" are what following the fundamentalist Christian "Satanism experts" who stoked the Satanic tizzy of the 1980's and at the wrong time 1990's dowry in the U.S.A.
P.S.: Just now, previously locate the in addition, I came cater-cornered new-found AllAfrica.com story from today: Zambia: We Killed 300 Lineage, Ex-Satanist Teenage years Ceremonial, "Time of Zambia", 2 July 2009. This story is about two teenagers being sued for malign by Kamba Ward PF councillor Oscar Himanga, whom they absolutely initiated them here Satanism eight living ago. Apparently, at Himanga's instigation, they after that killed hundreds of family unit by magical pitch. The boys prepared some attractive confused fairy-tale claims, such as, "The boy testified that the appearance day, Mr Himanga took him and his friend to an old lumber room in Kawama somewhere they found white men who were half humans and half snakes" and "He assumed previously they were initiated, he had powers to turn here a dog and two family unit had seen him do that."
Diane Vera
* Adjoining Satanic Panics
* Theistic Satanism