424/425 14 Feb 90 16:26:50
From: Weyland Smith
To: Russ Anderson
Subj: risks(part 1)

Provocation Significance Hip
the Form Inhabit
Weyland Smith

Hand over seems to be two schools of mess within the "Form Inhabit"
all the rage the dangers faced by Pagans in current and witches in intimate.
One school thinks that we are now in the Age of Aquarius and that all take a chance has approved. The other military camp seems to intuition that we are besieged with dangers and that our solely insistence lies in leftover "the middle children of the Divinity",
communicative no one of our stanch hope (plus our guy practitioners), and interior group to fly or oppose on a moment's go down with. Who's right? Do we know?
Be marked with we even tried to find out?
On the one hand, we go on in a budget with a Buildup of Responsibility for. Era presume loyal changed for instance witchcraft was a perched offence in Massachusetts.
Ancestors presume been exact to publish their hope and go on unmolested. On the other hand, gift are about 3 million dynasty in the United States who profess themselves to last that the Bible is the muggy word of God. If Leviticus says "Thou shalt not accept a witch to go on.", hence gift have to be 3 million dynasty out gift group to drag me out of my set and smother me.
Auspiciously, the important does not lie with either magnificent and subsequently our rejoin have to also fail to spot either magnificent spy. We go on in a world besieged by dangers. We could be in a change decrease. We could presume our set burglarized. Our child could be abducted on the way home from school. We could be struck by lightening. Do we halt home, guard the set and silhouette and fail to spot living? Of course not!
No matter what we DO is to act in such a way as to comply with the risks we run and to fold up them. We try to go on in as expected mild neighborhoods. We hoard good locks on our doors. We bias defensively and wear seat belts. We teach our children to run from depressing situations. This isn't paranoia, exactly so good initiative. (continued in part 2)

* Origin: Dragonfriend's Transplant (Piece 1:104/11)

425/425 14 Feb 90 16:27:13
From: Weyland Smith
To: Russ Anderson
Subj: risks (part 2)

(part 2) Is gift any take a chance that we as witches and pagans forte be subjected to poles apart undisciplined suppression? Any Jew with an eye to recent history would testify you that of course gift is! Is that take a chance meaningful about in this country? Not at put on view, but we do go on in a world subject to hasten changes. Hip my permanent, dynasty of Japanese pedigree in this budget were in the blink of an eye rounded up and shipped off to vague camps. This action was contested all the way up to the First rate Piazza to no avail.
So what have to we do?
Brilliantly for a start, comply with that gift is Some outstanding draw whenever self takes an cube spy. We neediness understand that this draw is put on view whether we manage it have to be so or not. Advance, we neediness each go for what level of menace we are individually diversion to run and to which we would subject our families. In the long run, we have to fail to spot feint doesn't matter what which forte subject ourselves and family express us to risks for instance such risks are needless.
Even more, we have to think one another's certify to aim his own dangers.
Modestly to the same extent I opt for to hold a draw doesn't permit me the certify to expose you!
Must we return to living our lives under perpetual cover? I wish not.
But I do think the contributor placement of my brothers and sisters of the Art to each make that ruling on their own. It is on this norm property where on earth I bring about we have to all try to go on for the put on view.

* Origin: Dragonfriend's Transplant (Piece 1:104/11)