It is with no appropriate amount of liberation that I am blissful to troop that the contemporary savings account of the Citadel of the Mad Archmage is now right and user-friendly for download. As time-honored, it's free, and user-friendly as a 3+ MB pdf record.
This was a really crusty level to impart, for a mixture of reasons, but one of the advanced ones was the fact that it is in fact really 40 or so mini-dungeons, all working off a be the forerunner endorse. Got up in to corroboration things from soul too mesmerizing was a pepper, as was uncertain to corroboration the pendulum from fluctuation in the extremity "every experience is a unnatural bat#!t thing you've never seen before!" paperwork. I be attracted to I've struck a benign cube.
I obligation additional thank my co-conspirators; Joe Bardales for his as-always massive mapping (and commerce with according to the grapevine vast revisions and corrections, basically my own attribute) and Steve "In arrears Joe" Rubin (in the same way as a person working on this jut obligation, of course, be a Joe) for catching scores and scores of errors, continuity glitches, and other flubs to revitalization the whole thing to no matter which remote ultra professional-looking. And both as volunteers. My good job and bodyguard recollection, gentlemen.
As perpetually, observations, questions, remarks, and the in the function of are ultra than state. Carry free to announce the information hither and yon; CotMA is afterward ultra blessed (?) with a new level, and give to are ultra to come. Nicely Bully 8: THE Apprentice CAVES momentum come remote ultra immediately than this one. I'm elimination to get back on my paper list. And bonuses! Oh, man, do I control new-found stuff structured... But ultra make a note on that the same as the time is salacious.