Revolution In Consciousness
"For me, transformation is identical with religion. I do not mean by the word transformation imprudent financial or expansive change: I mean a transformation in consciousness itself. All other forms of transformation, whether Communist, Factory owner or what you drive, are really narrow-minded. A transformation in the assiduousness, which road the close up finish of what has been, so that the assiduousness is decent of seeing what is true in the absence of misrepresentation, in the absence of illusion- that is the way of religion. I bear in mind the real, the true holy assiduousness does figure, can figure. I bear in mind if one has gone appearing in it very very much, one can seize such a assiduousness for oneself. A assiduousness that has injured down, vanished, all the barriers, all the lies which party, religion, rule, belief sway imposed upon it, and gone what went before to seize what is true, is the true holy assiduousness. " JKRISHNAMURTI"(Utility Innovation)"LET Be real IF YOU Mean TO Be real
