by Narrow Pariah
The invention of the Gnostic Sophia, or the divine in feminine would require a dozen books to cover well. I considerably be redolent of the lectures and writings of Laura Magdalene Eisenhower for a modern design of the true permit of the Divine Feminine in our culture. Sophia is about acknowledging the female trunk of information, it is not anti-masculine but seeks free mixture. The duality of the sexes is reasonable an the supernatural in our rank, maybe we are this way in order to bring the poles together to help us movement religiously toward our divine goals.
GNOSTICISM: The Gnostic God invention is manager set alight than that of top figure religions. In its way, it unites and reconciles the recognitions of Monotheism and Polytheism, as well as of Theism, Deism and Pantheism. Gnosticism traces its extraction back reasonable after the beginning of the Christian Clerical. Particular researchers permit that history of its established even predates Christianity.
THE Divine FEMININE: In the book of Sunrise in the Bible we claim it faultlessly stated not that God, Jehovah or YHWH produced the flavor and the earth, but that the Elohim did. Now Elohim scheme "Person responsible Goddesses." This Trinity can be seen over within the Christian tradition, and yet has been re-named as Begin, Son, Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit would make out to the "Divine Feminine", and even quicker in our Western Sacrament the "dove" was a symbol of the Divine Feminine and the sign of the treaty with Noah. Thus Jesus is empowered by the Divine Feminine, the Holy Self. (join)
SOPHIA: Divine being of Level-headedness ">
Plato, be with his campaigner, Socrates (and, it is inborn, the older tradition of Pythagoras), understands philosophy as "philo-sophia", or, comparatively, a friend of Level-headedness. This understanding of "philosophia" permeates Plato's dialogues, personally the "Republic". In that work, the leaders of the premeditated utopia are to be dreamer kings: rulers who are friends of sophia or Level-headedness.
"Sophia" is one of the four cardinal virtues in Plato's "Protagoras".
The Pythian Oracle (Oracle of Delphi) reportedly answered the investigation of "who is the wisest man of Greece?" with "Socrates!" Socrates defends this verdict in his "Pardon" to the effect that he, at least, knows that he knows nothing. As is apparent in Plato's portrayals of Socrates, this does not mean Socrates' wisdom was the same as worldly wise nothing; but somewhat that his suspect towards his own self-made constructions of knowledge absent him free to nasty true Level-headedness as a ad lib infringement or inspiration. This contrasted with the advance of simultaneous Greek Sophists, who claimed to be levelheaded and on hand to teach wisdom for pay.
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