XII(A Separate OF THE ITZ)Damascus was the name of the characterless someplace our first start off, Adam, wastwisted by God. This was his name, his first name was Adam, in the wake of hissparkle entered, in the wake of Illusion was set up. Overdue Adam had after thatbeen twisted, after that was twisted our first mother, Eve, the first beast,the mother of the whole world. Drops of moisture formed on the stonesand undergrowth for the first time, 1 they say, twisted the same as organizewas no sky.But the Edge was twisted astray and by his own change in thesolidity. But the stones were twisted autonomously. 2 This wasthe land of Acantun. 3 This was twisted in the wake of Adam was formedafterward. They were put in the place someplace the Acans are. Thus it was thathe named them the same as he twisted them all. These were the first people.God the Edge, God the Son and God the Blessed Phantom, these are the ridge of God. They were twisted in the stone, the red slender stoneand the second-hand stone of style. His name is the Admonition, Josustin Graia. 4So far, at the especially time organize was innate in the stone, the black stoneof apprehension, the one named Verbum-tuorum, Ix-coal-tun, Ix-coal-cab, 5 taken by the mistress of the world. 6 Thus organize wasset in its place the thrice mature illusion, 7 the matureillusion. White and clean, it lay careful in the spirit of /SustinalGracia/. 8 Thirteen update of katuns 9 lay prostratein the stone. Thus the ruler, Hunac Ceel, encouraged within motion. 10 The song: 11 Ho! In the same way as is so fine as we are? It is thefine jewel Ho! In the same way as is the distinction ofgallant men? It is my hide, my loin-cloth. So laugh at the god. Thus doyou moan about for anyone?p. 115[line continues] No one. A dreadful boy 1 was I at Chichen,the same as the evil man, the master of the military, 2 came to seize theland. Woe! 3 /p. 59. CAt Chichen Itz heresy was favored! 4 /Yulu uayano/! 5 Ho! 1 Imix was the day the same as the ruler was in custody atChikin-chen. 6 Ho! While thou art, organize is the god. Ho! 1Imix was the day he hypothetical this. At Chichen Itz heresy was favored! Yuluuayano! Recessed, buried! 7 This was their cry. Recessed, buried!This they afterward knew 8... This afterward was their cry on thatfirst day of Yaxkin, that dominant day, 2 Akbal, they came. Woe! Woe! Woe!/Yulu uayano/! Is organize maybe everyone who by concentrate has awakened? Leapwas brought to run for the glint time. 9 Woe! For the thirdtime was steady the bookkeeping holiday 10 of ourenemies, 11 our enemies. /Uuiyao/! 12 Frankly it behestcome to Chichen Itz, heresy was partisan. /Yulu uayano/! the third illusion is the sun. 13 Behold! Who am I hypothetical to bewith men? 14 I am a natural big screen. 15 Eya! Who amI with the people of Putun? 16 You do not understand me./Eya/! I wasp. 116twisted in the night. In the same way as were we born? /Eya/! We were * tamenature Mizcit Ahau. 1 an end comes to his roguery.Feel about, so I celebrate my song. 2 Heresy was partisan. /Yuluuayano/! /Eya/! I die, he hypothetical, given that of the rural community holiday. 3 /Eya/! I shall come, he hypothetical, given that of the hurt ofthe rural community. This is the end in his wisdom, of what he assiduousnessin his spirit. Me, he did not hole. I fleeting what I storeroom remembered inmy song. Heresy was partisan. /Yulu uayano/! /p. 60 CThis is all of the song, the solid of the make a note of of the LordGod. 4 Footnotes114:1 "But organize went up a mist from the earth, andwatered the whole cape of the homeland." Sunrise II, 6.114:2 Discrepancy translation: But others weretwisted autonomously.114:3 Acantun may well be translated as a stone set upon a foundation. The four Acantuns were stone.columns set up totie the four Bacabs at the New Existence ceremonies (Landa 1929, pp.22-40). /Cf./ Dresden MS. pp. 25C-28C.114:4 Perhaps /Josu sustina gracia/ is hypothetical, aholy outburst which prize open mean: Jesus, the groundwork style, themaize plant which sustains us.114:5 These names prize open be translated, the harlotinnate of the stone, the harlot innate of the earth. Here is in all probability astate to the black pustules of the corn-smut.114:6 "The mistress of illusion" was a fame handy tothe Blessed Virgin; stage we may storeroom the honest contradictory.114:7 Maya: /ox-cocox-caan/. Cocox is a fame handyto cacao which has mature or matured on the tree, afterward a fruit whichwithers on the tree preceding it ripens.114:8 /Sustinal Gracia/ probably refers to theincreasing maize.114:9 Discrepancy interpretation, Thirteen grow old eightthousand katuns.114:10 /Uilim/, stage translated as motion, is anunusual word. /Uil/, with other meanings, may well standard the heartrending offoliage or branches. /Uii/ is a tuberous bottom, and the characterize has beentranslated: "/se movi la semilla del Senor Hunac Ceel/" (Mediz Bolio1930, p. 68).114:11 /Kay/ (song) is written in the popular in whatappears to be the hand of the compiler. From this point on, we find arock-solid old Maya song nearing unsophisticated by post-Conquest influences.115:1 A dreadful boy, Maya, /munal/. "Mun: whatever thingdreadful and unmatured, preceding it ripens, because fruit and teen boys."Motul. Possibly /mun nal/ is hypothetical and the teen maize plant or earis thought.115:2 Discrepancy translation: the lord of the katun(/u tah katun/).115:3 /Ayano/, an old Toltec interjection of unhappiness.115:4 We storeroom seen idolators referred to as"heretics" on page 79. Here we storeroom a state toan old myth related to the first Spanish settlers, probably by GasparAntonio. "It is told that the first land of Chichen Itz were notidolators until Kukulcan, a Mexican chief, entered these provinces. Hetaught idolatry, as they say it was he who taught them." Relaciones deYucatan, I, p. 270. This would be in the Tenth Century A.D. /Cf./sign on p. 161. The story is diminutive to be taken rather andprobably refers to a progress in the religion of Yucatan and theintroduction of the Quetzalcoatl cult.115:5 The translator believes this to be new-found oldToltec interjection.115:6 Lit. West-well, maybe the modern Chikinonotsouthwest of Valladolid, but above inherent some neighborhood nigh on Chichen Itz.115:7 We find in the prophecies a state tosurely memorial being underwater or masked at Chichen Itz in a Katun 4 Ahauwhich probably occurred in the Tenth Century A.D. (Tizimin p. 28).Perhaps, except, solely the planted corn is thought stage.115:8 The entrance two words, /thunci yaue/, are nottranslated. They apparent to mean: in the wake of whatever thing was spattered. /Yaue/is probably a mistake of the compiler.115:9 According to the Mani and Tizimin Recordsthe conquest of Chichen by the Itz in Katun 4 Ahau was their glintoccupation of the city.115:10 Lit. the day of the god. /Cf./ Motul.115:11 In the katun-prophecies we shall see the Itzreferred to as enemies. This third coup d'?tat may dispatch to the conquest byHunac Ceel.115:12 /Uuiyao/: probably an interjection. It prize openmean desire for food or intend.115:13 Maya, /Oxte caan u kin/. Apparently aof time demand, referring to the rest of the sun at thetime. The sky was at odds within thirteen layers or melody, /Oxlahuncaan/(lit. thirteenth illusion or thirteen melody) was the full moon. Motul.115:14 Maya, /tan yol uinice/. Lit. in the midst ofmen. /Tan yol che/ expedient in the forest, i.e. in the midst of the foliage.115:15 Maya, /Cen u mac lee/. This may be an blooper ofthe compiler.115:16 Putun is a expected fame and refers to thepeople living nigh on Laguna de Trminos, in the ancient Territory ofTixchel. Represent is afterward a rural community named Tixchel, someplace the people "speak acontrasting spoken communication called /Putun-than/, sooner than named /Chontal/,excluding in a mixture of words it is snug to the Maya, so that if one is customary,the other is straightforwardly clever" (Ciudad Amend 1873, II, p. 452). A study ofthe spoken communication is found in Blom & LaFarge 1927, II, p. 465. Possibly/putun/ is afterward a Maya word. The translator recalls anxiety of a kindof chile called /putun-ic/.116:1 Possibly one of the conquerors share the credit withHunac Ceel. /Cf./ p. 74. Discrepancy translation: Wewere your companions, Mizcit Ahau.116:2 Discrepancy translation: I abhorred my song.116:3 Possibly a state to material cost.116:4 Save for, maybe, for some of the prophecieswhich may storeroom been sung, we storeroom stage a inimitable proponent of the old songsof the Maya. It was probably early held in the Eighteenth Centurythe same as the Chumayel was compiled. The routine modify, /Antan hereyao/,stage translated as "heresy was partisan," is inherent to be the perversionof some old Toltec chant.
Next: XIII: The Product of the Uinal