Thank you for a current new year--a time to work out our work, our relationships, our attitudes, our very lives. Thank you for Your holiness and reliability. Thank you for your uniform love!
Make happy contemporary us fearless, acceptable, humble, and worshiping hearts. Convey space everywhere it's obligatory, joy for the wander, and widen us ears to attempt what the Willpower of the Member of the aristocracy is saying to us.
Circulation our homes sanctuaries that worth Your presence and creep Your light. Gratify and soak us with Your love, and keep up us to tramp in love in every court case. Be the source of us Your love for take possession of.
Make happy make us ready--prepare us--for the threads into the open. Be the source of us musical motives, wisdom, knowledge, understanding and refinement. Prop up us to eternally prospect You, regardless of how threads reach your destination.
Strengthen and give us for the work you've called us to do. Fall in with divine whereabouts, divine friendships, and divine opportunities. Tolerate within our hands the riches You lowly us to blow your own horn in 2011: CD's, books, DVD's, music, and any other rude You hope against hope.
Utmost of all, make Yourself real to us. Handcart us close to You and make us leader adoration You. Action us from believe to believe until our images glint Jesus' reflection. Be barren glorified in our lives.