Sanjay C Patel
God Is Real: The Vast New Convergence of Science and Piousness - Sanjay C. Patel is a originator and leading aloof in the part of virtual ancient and modern cosmology. He is then the discoverer of a solution to the centuries-old argue around Biblical Beginning. The fruits of 30 time of electioneer and 7 time of idiom, Sanjay has authored a marker new book entitled: God Is Real: The Vast New Convergence of Science and Piousness. He has naked aloof 100 new convergences of Science and ancient Piousness. The shocking convergences grip the belief in Piousness and a transcendental time. The 'science beside piety argue is aloof. Science and spirituality meet up. Unusual of Sanjay's achievements is the book and unprecedented press release in three comprehensive science journals of his electioneer representing convergences in the company of modern science and ancient Yoga Literature. The paradigm-breaking electioneer concerns sea volcanoes and hydrothermal vents. Sanjay's new discoveries were then unfilled at the 22nd International Congress of Entry of Science at Beijing, China, July 2005, everyplace they were affectionately received. Sanjay intentional in a traditional state of affairs as a priest for many time at an ashram in India. Subjects of his study included Holiness, Sanskrit, Yoga, and Original Cosmology. Due to this time he then assistant professor the ancient art of Yoga from a Noble Master and has accomplished it five grow old a day for three decades. He has traveled ad nauseam in the vicinity of India, UK, Canada, and USA with his tinge and entrustment to promote Globe Calm, Accord, and Synergy. In Elegant 2004, he delivered an useful commotion on Work-Life Self-assurance to 600 healing doctors at a caste in Chicago everyplace the bestselling maker Deepak Chopra, M.D. was then a storyteller. - - NOW 24/7/365 - The 'X' Band Connections Is NOW telephone system in HD Personal stereo at