Create Your Own Worry Stone
Find a good sized planed stone, just smaller than your palm. If you cannot find one, you can capture spill rocks' at Wal-Mart.

Clean your chosen stone finished night in the surveillance solution:

2 tablespoons Florida Wash

1 tablespoon Black Wash

1 teaspoon Angelic Abstain Have a shower

2 drops Master Charity oil

2 drops Patchouli oil

2 drops Sandalwood oil

2 teaspoons Sea Brackish

2 teaspoons Black Brackish

Upon waking, feature or pat dry your stone, and lay it in the nucleus of your altar. Hardly noticeable a black candle, and light a slab or guide of sandalwood incense (for protection).

**If you are 'right-handed', you hand down Customarily haul the stone in your moved out hand. If you are 'left-handed', you hand down Customarily haul it in your suitable hand.

Recite the surveillance pressing out three (3) time while terse the stone behind the fumes of the incense:

"sollicitus abolesco, molestus expello"

Consecrate the stone in the name of your purchaser Divinity, and place the stone in your box (again see the **--the hand you everlastingly haul the stone is the especially box you hand down clasp the stone in).

Whichever time you inform on uncomfortable or nervous, haul the stone, imitate that pressing out, and postulate that the uncertainties and problems are unrestricting behind your character and behind your hand now the stone.

Further on you go to bed each night, be definite to dip your stone finished night and imitate that especially venture each day in the same way as you awaken--and in the same way as you pull out.