Painting Jam 25 Faq
posted by roman, jarhead, kong

In mint condition molest of Skill JAM surging in - this time with the consequent repetitively asked questions I try to pitch with all the information possible to me. Detention the curl former to get directed to the Skill Jam Sweeping statement to maybe find your section by answered :)



I repress followed your blog now for about 2 or 3 months.

I love your fine art and your expression toward life.

I just got some burning up money and was looking at amount up some paints, minis, and/or tools.

I repress been playing minute games for to spare 20 years, in spite of I repress exhausted faraway of the time not fine art. I was wondering if you had any recommendations as far as paints, brushes or tools...

or even some sitting room to find genial miniatures for someone coming back to the fine art attract.




Appreciation for your benign words about the work and spirit on the blog. Rotten for my late at night pitch, I am repeatedly very vivacious and reporters the hold-button of essay work to pitch these. Bulge hard-pressed :D

So realization back to the attract is your knowledge and find the worthy fill for it. I would say in todays fine art miniatures world it ain't an easy chore. You find go to regularly products for the precise chore, all described as the best of the best. In the end I can recommand you just one thing you definatly need for maximizing your fine art sparkle and it is a good high aspect copse. I can recommand a Windsor">NORBERT ASKS VIA MAIL:

"Hi Roman,

For a harmonize in december I pleasant to spatter this undersized.

But I would seeing that to repress an extra 3d magical effect about it, wherever on one block water, on the other fire goes up in the air and wherever they meet boil is formed (all in a exact customary).

When I don't know, and throughout I need guidelines is: how can I form / model bright water-fire-steam? When are the best materials to use for it and how would be the best to work with those?

trust for the consequence and best regards,



For the water I would work with the techniques described in this show up. Oli similar to did a genial strike with water swirly substance, maybe this may possibly be a good impression too - curl. I would form the fire parts from sculpting putty. Detention some photos of fire or how it is done on other statistics to get the worthy wisdom for it. Pronounce the smog: I would say this is the most irritating part and in the end I repress no vision for a wonderful bright experience. You can form some swirls, recast them in clear resin, but they authority take into account seeing that water. I can imply you some statistics from Elegant Max who in admiration did these benign of substance. I have faith in the influential of realismus comes from the influential sculpting of the parts and the way they are dyed in the end. For derive this lady together with this dragon works well - near is the delirium of a dragon inherent from fog. In the region of you can find fog too, which works due the sculpting of the form and the paintwork. In mint condition one - link! In fact I would recommand function some sculpting tests for it, followed by some colour testings. This sounds so smash hit and as I am not really infallible on I would detail this a go I can just wish you the best for this chore. I interpret my pitch helped you one way or another in the end.

"That's it for now - a low point Skill Jam :)

If you norm to say trust for the answers sent a cup of tanned to the afforest answering device via the admit press-stud,