Bismi-llhi r-ramni r-ram,All Give enthusiastic approval to is due to Allah, Who has prepared salah a time-out for the scholar, a hole for the bashful, and a opinion for the savage. May the calm and blessings of Allah be upon the upper of inhabit who perform salah, perform tahajjud, and make rukoo and sujood. And more to the point upon his forebears, companions, and inhabit who register them in the right way until the day of judgement.As for what follows:Dim prayer is the exactness of the sincere, the treaty of the believers, and the action of the dominant. At night the believers are bewildered with their Member of the aristocracy - they turn towards their Artist complaining about their situations and asking of His bounties. They are standing in front of their Member of the aristocracy, persistent to the in treatise with their Shaper, compassionately living the fragrances, sack from the lights of the good happenings, and seeking and petitioner for the chronicle of gifts.Dim Prayer as mentioned in the QuranAllah the Highest Profound said: "They spring from [their] beds" [As Sajda 32:16]Mujahid and AlHasan said: "it average night prayer".Ibn Kathir explained the verse: "The meaning is night prayer, departure have forty winks and rest upon a sensitive and smooth furnishing.AbdulHaq al Ashbeeli said: "Their sides find no rest upon a bed. So they are not colonized on it while of the distraction of the telling off, and eager for judgment."Allah the Profound mentioned about the people who make tahajjud: "They hand-me-down to have forty winks but microscopic of the night, And in the hours prior dawn they would ask freedom" [Dhaariyaat 51:17-18]AlHasan said: "They burdened themselves with the night. They prolonged the salah until the primeval dawn, next they sat making dua and seeking freedom."Allah said: " Is one who is devoutly conventional person by way of periods of the night, prostrating and standing [in prayer], fearing the Hereafter and eager for the refinement of his Member of the aristocracy, [desire one who does not]? Say, "Are inhabit who know equivalent to inhabit who do not know?" Straightforwardly they give observe [who are] people of understanding." [Zumur 39:9]In other words: Is the one whose kind is this, compact to the one who sleeps at night and wastes himself? Can he be what on earth other than one who is astute about Allahs rewards but innocent of His punishments?My brothers and sisters: Everywhere are the people of the night? Everywhere organize the beatific gone, and deserted the lazy and departed are left?!Oh people of the night use yourselves [Seeking] A Member of the aristocracy who does not refuse subsequent to askedDim Prayer as mentioned in the SunnahMy dear Muslim brother/sister: The Vision SAWS pressed making night prayer and start anxiety in it."It is upon you to perform night prayer, while it was the practice of the sincere people prior you. It is a average of obtaining closeness to Allah the Profound, it erases sins, it prevents wrondoings, and it drives away sicknesses from the cadaver." [Narrated by Ahmad, AlTirmidhi, and graded saheeh by AlAlbaani]The Vision SAWS alleged about the condition of Abdullah ibn Umar: "How all-inclusive Abdullah is! If deserted he would pray salah at night " [Setting upon]Saalim ibn Abdillah ibn Umar said: "Time was that, Abdullah slept very microscopic at night."The Vision SAWS said: "Existing is a room in Jannah where the shallow is seen from the home-grown, and the home-grown is seen from the shallow. "Get-together said: "Who is it for, Advocate of Allah?"He said: "It is for the one whose testimony is polite, he feeds others, and he spends the night standing clock the people are deadened " [Narrated by AlTabarani, AlHaakim, and graded saheeh by AlAlbaani]The Vision SAWS said: "Jibreel came to me and said: Oh Muhammad: In performance as you wish for you give die. Eagerness whom you give for you give be detached. Do as you give for you give be recompensed for it. Endure that the most valued of the scholar is his standing at night, and his praise is in not needing what on earth from the people " [Narrated by AlHaakim and AlBaihaqi. It has been graded hasan by AlMundhiri and AlAlbaani]He SAWS said: "Whoever stands at night and recites ten ayaat is not recorded connecting the inattentive. Whoever stands at night and recites one hundred ayaat is recorded connecting the smug. Whoever stands and recites one thousand ayaat is recorded connecting inhabit who acknowledged a huge aim of good happenings." [Narrated by Abu Dawood and graded saheeh by AlAlbaani]Get-together told the Vision SAWS about a man who slept the night until morning time. He alleged "That is a man in whose ear the Shaytan urinated! " [Setting upon]The Vision SAWS said: "The best prayer in the rear the cover ones is night prayer" [Narrated by Muslim]The Dim Prayer of the Vision SAWSAllah the Highest Profound sensible His Vision to perform night prayer in the following: "O you who wraps himself [in clothing], Documentation [to pray] the night, bail out for a microscopic - Deficient of it - or strip off from it a microscopic. Or add to it, and repeat the Quran with moderate recounting. " [AlMuzzammil 73:1-4]And He said: "And from [part of] the night, pray with it as supplementary [regard] for you; it is open that your Member of the aristocracy give resuscitate you to a praised upright support." [Israa 17:79]Aisha, may Allah be opportune with her, said: "The Vision would stand at night until his feet became cracked. I alleged to him: Why do you do this oh Advocate of Allah, clock all of your sins past and proposed organize been forgiven? He said: Shouldnt I be a in somebody's debt slave? " [Setting upon]This proves that thankfulness is not deserted by the foreign language. It is deserted done by the force, the foreign language, and the limbs. The Vision SAWS renowned the duties of regard in the most do produce, and in the most enchanted form. He did all of this in spite of the fact that he had to upsurge the Islamic Aqeedah, teach the Muslims, use himself in the path of Allah, and shelve the duties of his forebears and children.He was as Ibn Rawaha said:By way of us is the Advocate of Allah reciting His book Having the status of the valor is detached from the morning, positively. He showed us opinion in the rear blindness, so our heartsAre full of uprightness that what he alleged is truth.He spends the night detached from his bedHaving the status of the beds are plucky with the idol-worshippers.Hudhaifa said: "I prayed with the Vision one night. He started with AlBaqara, so I consideration that he give make rukoo in the rear that. Later he started AlNisaa and recited it. Later he started Aal-Imraan and recited it. He would repeat slowly; subsequent to he came to an ayaa with Tasbeeh, he would make Tashbeeh. Having the status of he came to a deduce, he would deduce. Having the status of he came to a seeking of hole, he would dig hole. " [Narrated by Muslim]Ibn Masood said: "I prayed one night with the Vision. He continued standing until I consideration of a bad speculation. Get-together said: While did you grasp of doing? He said: I consideration to sit down and lay him! " [Setting upon]Ibn Hajar said: "In this hadeeth is essentials that the Vision SAWS chose to gap the night prayer. Ibn Masood was energetic in preserving his emulation of the Vision SAWS. He did not grasp of in office down until the prayer was a good deal longer than he was hand-me-down to." Look 2: Dim prayer in the lives of the primeval MuslimsImam AlHasan AlBasri said: "I did not find any regard outstanding powerful than salah in the imply of the night".Abu Uthmaan AlHindi said: "I was the guest of Abu Huraira for seven [days]. He, his husband, and his servant would guard the night here three parts, praying one part and staying informed for further part".Taawus would powerfully awaken his forebears, next he would make wudhu and guard the qibla until morning. He would say "The have forty winks of the parishioners has caused them to pleasingly ruin detection the hell-fire!"Zuma al-Aabid would pray hope hours of the night. Having the status of dawn would draw up to, he would reproduce his around and announce: "Oh riders of the beds, are you departure to have forty winks and spend away the unreserved night? Ghoul you not get up and lay the bed!" He would next be trained crying from one place, a personality making dua from further place, and someone making wudu from further place. Having the status of fajr time would come, he would say: "At the morning time, the people are in somebody's debt for the discern"The levels of the primeval Muslims with regards to Dim PrayerImam Ibnul Jawzi said: You should know that the primeval Muslims were at one of seven levels with regards to night prayer:Highland one: These would stay up the unreserved night. Accurate of them would pray Fajr with the enormously wudu as Isha.Highland two: These would pray short of the night.Highland three: These would pray one-third of the night. The Vision SAWS said: " The most sweetie salah to Allah The Profound is the salah of Dawud. He would have forty winks short of the night, pray one-third, and have forty winks one-sixth". [Setting upon].Highland four: These would pray one-sixth of the night or one-fifth.Highland five: These would not character an size of the night. He would deserted pray until he became lethargic, and would next have forty winks. Having the status of he woke up, he would pray.Highland six: These would pray two or four rakah.Highland seven: These would stay informed surrounded by the two Isha epoch [the primeval time for Isha and the higher, not compulsory time], and they would sweeten their mornings [with dua]. This way, they would bond the night and morning. The Vision SAWS said: " Extremely in every night is a time wherein if the worshipper asks Allah for something good, He give bound it. And this is in every night." [Narrated by Muslim]The factors that make Dim Prayer easyImam Abu Hamid AlGhazali mentioned some ascend and homewards factors that make Dim Prayer easy.Float up factors are four:1: That the branch out should not eat or bite too a good deal. Later have forty winks give conquer him, and waking up give be harmful.2: The personality should not bore stiff himself in the era with things of no skilled.3: He should not diversion the mid-day nap while it helps with regards to waking up.4: He should not make sins in the era while that give rail him from night prayer.Local factors are four:1: The force should be free from these: acrimony towards the Muslims, bidas, and prodigious sequential interests.2: The force should organize a lot of distraction and not too a good deal count on.3: He should know the abet of night prayer.4: The best motivation: Eagerness of Allah, and having strong iman that in his prayer every square that he utters is freeing him from the telling off of his Member of the aristocracy.Source: