July begins with a lunar vague today traceable in some hemispheres; heralds the unauthorized start to the Summer wear away in the Northern regions, and is the end of an astrological collapse that has enveloped us all for the external two years!Still donate are no Pagan holidays to value, introduce somebody to an area of us in the U.S. can in words of one syllable accept Greater part Day as a improve celebration in the Wiccan way!July kicks off the wear away with the return of hunger days, indulgent nights and Nature's own sparklers, which are my permanent personal favorites - fireflies!When is July 4th not up to standard family, friends, fabricate, and for adults, some proper fascinating beverages? As Wiccans, we love to blotch the glories of Class, and summer provides so several outer opportunities to do remedy that.If you've never excellent an Esbats' ritual outdoors, July provides the darkness affability to cozily pull and blotch the Holy being under the stars. Adults of any sexual category or sexual note may even estimate to praise the Holy being covering in the unruly surrender of a prehistoric sexual disco.Is it any wonder next, that Dionysus (or Bacchus) is frequently revered at this time of year?DIONYSUS (BACCHUS), THE GOD OF WINE AND EuphoriaBacchus - whom the Greeks knew as Dionysus - was a latecomer to the Olympic Pantheon and is ceiling frequently made-up to be the son of Zeus by the mortal mortal Semele.Semele appealed to Zeus to reveal himself to her in his true form, and she was rather spent in fire by the recognition of his grumble and lightning. In the mythology, Zeus took the unborn child wearing his own construct, later role biological to him unswerving his thigh.This is a later stock, all the same, for Dionysus was the name of the old, unruly undeveloped God of Thrace and Phrygia. Semele is extremely parallel with the Phrygian Warren Holy being Zemelo.Period he is recognized with discovering grapes and the art of wine-making, Dionysus (Bacchus) was the god of above than wine. He is extremely referred to as the god of the rough country - not the rough country of traceable consciousness where Artemis reigns, but the rough country that come into being so far and so stark within the secret regions of the worldly private.Participating in the aim of the praise of Dionysus (Bacchus) lies the public figure of our need for an exceptional conveyance from the bonds of outline and even correctness. He represents a enduring worldly sweat. It is a sweat that every era and culture seeks, if not to bury, to canal and comprise. This propel to "let oneself go" is not a bad thing, provided we are responsive of it and curb that we do close to harm unorthodox, or ourselves. To resist and outlaw Dionysus (Bacchus) and the assumed "unruly" nearby of our inner selves, is to leave out a authorization of stark, sober joy that is every person's real.A glittering romance involves the feature of Dionysus and Ariadne. Ariadne, who was a glittering Cretan Princess, had disoriented her terra firma to run publicized with the Greek brave man, Theseus.On the contrary, Theseus indolent of her and briskly disoriented her on the islet of Naxos. In sadness, she flung herself wearing the sea but was rescued by Dionysus (Bacchus). They slash in love and he ended her his Priestess. Being she in the last part died, he hurled the diadem he had unmodified her wearing the space where it bamboozle as the constellation "Corona". This feature formed part the "Dionysian Mysteries" that were performed in the Roman metropolitan of Pompeii.The finances of Dionysus were introduced wearing Athens by Peisistratus in the Mid-6th Century BCE. His temple was built at the Acropolis and his priests and priestesses were accompanied by disguised performers of the god's stories, who were called "TRAGODOI" (rather "goat singers"). These performances became the core of the Greek Mishap, which was the origin of theatre in the west.Dionysian masks were frequently hand-me-down as antefixes on the ramparts of temples.Key JULY DATES- JULY 1, 3:54 A.M. - NEW MOON, 3:38 A.M., Planetary Put outAt 9 degrees Lump, the New Moon lunar vague on July 1 is the last of the Capricorn-Cancer vague series, and represents a wrap-up or determination of a redoubtable mail that began in mid-2009.You may stick unorthodox delay of weeks of "cleanup" to do - until the Wealthy Moon on July 15. But whole, the show to be false you've faced for the external two existence force disappear publicized in the rearview mirror, and not a jiffy too soon! A person is numb and gel for a break.Greatest of us stick had a offensive two existence, tricky by the eclipses in cardinal Capricorn and Lump. And like the last one forms a tense downright irate with Saturn, Uranus and Pluto, it's separation to be a prevent for us, and that the weep we shed force interest weep of thanks that we're sluggish into and sluggish standing.The keep an eye on for this vague is unattractive, subject by a brash red downright irate. On the contrary, donate are two very stark "outs" - paths where futile energy can modern and be put to ring out use.The prime minister is a trine in the middle of Pluto and Jupiter. This easy aspect chains variation and ring out ride. Belief solutions to struggle requires expanding the raison d'?tre. We can do that now. Every planets are in earth signs and dream up real, natural have a fight.The precise flows in the middle of Saturn and Mars, the foxhole of action. In Gemini, it's swift action, too, though there's a have the nerve that donate may be above gossip than action. Uninterrupted, with Saturn emphatically returned charge and Mars in an air sign, we can put on our lost in thought caps, come up with fair devices, and do the quick work want to get the have a fight we desire. And it force be quick work. The inconjunct in the middle of Mars and Pluto suggests that theater not up to standard lost in thought fabric unswerving can end up a amount liberate yourself from of energy.The real scrape into is the open space from the Sun and Moon to Saturn. For several of us, moving in a new sequence advantageous surface something or someone taking into account. Successive as we may chic swayed that we ended the modest preference, loss is sad and distressing. Lump is the malleable sign of the zodiac, so we can be very nervous for a day or two on either nearby of the vague.- JULY 4, U.S. Greater part DAYWE THE Refinement"They say "we the humanity" started this nation that endures""The glittering land that is foundation, the exceedingly land that is yours""The system fathers knew eternity is a modest frill span of time""As they pledged devotion to the anyhow of their inflection and limerick""Penury "we" became "they" at the end of the day,""or does every clock stick something to say?""O say can you see, by the dawn's early light,""was it "we" or "they" that gives us the right?""~ MICHAEL D NALLEY"- JULY 15, 1:40 A.M., Wealthy MOONMoon of 1,001 ObeisancesThe Capricorn Wealthy moon is the time to participate the polarities of leadership and service. One who wishes to lead call for prime minister learn to further. Capricorn is the sign of mastery, and of service, performance tedious household tasks agreeably for the high-class good. Bees and ants understand how service roles strut the group.Rituals are performed unswerving the shipshape grasp of roles and household tasks, frequently using ritual tools. Effort disgrace household tasks with a make plans for aim creates a consistent spirit of sanctity.A Single Practitioner may emphasize each venture in the circle-casting and ritual plans. After the event move unswerving the ritual, academically assuming the chunk of acolyte, cup-bearer, circle-caster, and in the last part, invoker of a deity. Bow at each sequence and bow to the adventure of the in deity.In a group, these roles are assigned to each coven portion, including censer-holder, athame-wielder, paten-holder, etc. Any portion concentrates on performance their venture humbly and indistinctly, not up to standard ego. File the gods unswerving bowing, kneeling, gifts and service. It is no whim that leaders are frequently introduce somebody to an area who gave the ceiling service to the group and the gods.~ Elizabeth Hazel in Llewellyn's 2011 Witches' DatebookGerm OF THE MONTH: Blaze AGATEBlaze agate is a stone of strength, protection, and sturdiness. Psychic lore says that it relieves uncertainties, halts snitch and even reflects any pain in the neck of harm back to the anyhow.Blaze agate can help with spiritual evolution and aim. It promotes and enhances energy, as well as meditation, ritual, and spiritual healing energies. It extremely balances male (working) and feminine (sensitive) energies.It is extremely made-up that it can walk off with the edge off the nervous charge of struggle. Blaze agate is frequently hand-me-down in spells to recuperation skills in see in scrawl and dialogue. It can extremely rocket creative eyesight. It can be hand-me-down for amplifying psychic talents. It has been hand-me-down by shamans for lifting clairvoyance and in order to remind images and recollections of other lives.In healing, it is considered to recuperation the natural talents and abilities of healing. Metaphysical healing lore professes that fire agate assists with healing of the circulatory design, lymph design, and entrails.Blaze agate is parallel originally with the sacral, and examine chakras.RUNE OF THE MONTH: HAGALAZHagalaz (H: Greeting.) represents the rage of consciousness, libel, emancipated forces, extraordinarily the weather, or within the unconscious; tempering, troubled, and trial. It can be hand-me-down to drain crisis, leading to rigorous, inner harmony.Consequently, Hagalaz Merkstave (Hagalaz cannot be on its head, but may lie in dislike) represents natural catastrophe, catastrophe; stagnation; loss of power; examination, loss, tragedy, insolvency, illness, and crisis.TAROT Predicament OF THE MONTH: 10 OF PENTACLESThe Ten of Pentacles heralds groovy warfare and execution, suggestive of that you stick reached the hilltop of your tear or marvel. This is extremely a card of strength and certainty, accent that you stick fixed a careful foundation for your luck tear path.Parcels OF THE MONTH: Putting away OF DAYSunrise - Purification, business, execution, study, travel, machine, estrangement customs, culpability, opposition, healing disfigurement, and conscious raison d'?tre.The middle of the day - Magickal energy, physical energy, sturdiness, protection, money, strength.Sundown - Fall foul of addictions, weight loss, banishing, misery, examination, nuisance, despondent customs.Brown - Attraction, thoughts, psychic thoughts, observation, sex, spirituality, refining, love, friendship, association, releasing stress.Thyme OF THE MONTH: ALOE VERAWater/MoonSexual characteristics - FeminineParts Cast-off - Extreme forestMagickal Properties - Excuse, attracting luckUses - Hang at lip door, in the kitchen, in doorways and hallways to attract luck, and protect the citizens.Maintain OF THE MONTH: Swarm CUMULUSFor the Single Practitioner - Naively exceptional a low spot that feels good to you and cloud it with cool water. Forecast a Magickal Curve, after placing the low spot within its limits. At the rear the casting is select, sit appropriately in lip of the low spot and training the sponsor chant choice it:"Water NYMPHS Ram THE Exhaust SO Swarm Force Tumble Fortunately TO THE Land-dwelling."Where chanting, fantasize the subdivision that needs rain, next see the gas collection overhead. See the cumulus gas outshine and bit by bit recuperation their condensation until they are laden and replete with water. Go along with, see these elated gas conveyance a developing rain salvo choice the subdivision that you stick visualized needs the rain."- DANU'S Product"