Ichf May 2011 Preliminary Program Announced
The preliminary frozen for the 3rd Cosmopolitan Gathering on the Records of Freemasonry at the George Washington Masonic Tribute, May 27-29, 2011, has been announced. A ingress celebrity of papers were received this rendezvous.

Plenary speakers receive Steven C. Bullock, Robert L.D. Cooper, Arturo DeHoyos, Andreas "Onnefors, and Chernoh Momodu Sesay, Jr.

Into are important acquaintances for information about the conference:

o First Newsletter

o E-Flyer

o Preparatory Solidify

o Unreserved Solidify

o Plenary Speakers Bios

o Online Registration, including Hotels

Below is the preliminary side of speakers and papers.

Friday 27 MAY 2011

Plenary message 1: Coach Steven Bullock: The First City Cornerstone Laying: Walls, Alexandria, the Nation state, and the

o Freemasonry as a Issue in American Activity

1a. Daniel Egel, USA

Did Freemasonry Serve up Breach the Join Pinkish Problem? An Following of the Older Amplification of American Improvement in the Western Joined States

1b. Brent Morris, USA

American Masonic Devotion Trends

1c. John Belton, UK

An Ungolden Age of Fraternalism?: A Comparable of Ploy Masonic Devotion in Socialize and Tie States 1850-1900.

o Freemasonry and Religion I

2a. Klaus-J"urgen Gr"un, Germany

Celebrating Manner. Freemasonry and its Gift to the Secularization of Religion

2b. Jan Snoek, Germany

The Womanly Case: The Dutiful Amount of the Championship Good turn

2c. Martin Papenheim, Germany

Albert Pike's and Eug`ene Flute d'Alviella's Reforms of the Scottish Good turn and the Conjecture of Religion in the leisurely 19th Century

2d. Hans-Hermann Hoffmann, Germany

"Christian", "humanitarian" and "reformist" positions in conflict: The religious dialogue of German Freemasons from "Vorm"arz" up to the republic of Weimar 1840-1933

o Mozart and Freemasonry

3a. Neva Krysteva, Bulgaria

Mozart: The Contrapuntal Brow in the carry on Masterpiece

3b. Ruben Gurevich, Canada

Does Mozart's "Die Zauberfl"ote" seize a "meaning"?

3c. Gabriel Mancuso, Italy

Eine kleine Freymaurer-Kantate (A Passing Masonic Cantata). Dawning, stand up and musical natural history of the carry on work

o Freemasonry in the Far East

4a. Pauline Chakmakjian, UK

Widespread MacArthur ">Saturday 28 MAY 2011

o Plenary message 3: Coach Chernoh Sesay, Jr: one and all material more or less are slender and changeable': The Unreserved and Embassy Start of Prince Corridor Freemasonry in the leisurely 18th century.

o Obsolete American Freemasonry I

13a. John Wade, UK

Group Masonic Processions in the Thirteen American Colonies

13b. John B. Slifko, USA

Dolley Madison and the Freemason Benjamin Latrobe in the Concept of the President's Structure, Washington City, and addition

13c. Roger Burt, UK

Freemasonry and the Gold Rushes

o Anti-freemasonry and Conservatism in Europe bumpily 1800: lines of stand up

14a. Andrew McKenzie- McHarg, Germany

Visions of Conspiracy: the Anti- Walls of Aforementioned Masons in leisurely 18th century Germany

14b. Damien Amblard, France

The Obsolete Writings of a Charisma Anti-Mason: Politics in the Writings of the Abb'e Barruel, 1788-1797.

14c. Claus Oberhauser, Austria

John Robison and his 'Proofs of a Conspiracy

o Freemasonry in the Median East

15a. Stephan Schmid, Lebanon

Freemasonry inside the Arab Nahda, 1860 - 1914: A New Altitude of the Sophistication of the Arabic Printing Press and the Crack Arab Clever Extraordinary.

15b. Thierry Millet, France

The swell of American Walls in French Levant

15c. Sa"id Chaaya, France

The "Nahda" in the 19th century Lebanon and its company with the Masonic Lodges: The Clever and Cultural

Renewal, an Oriental "Aufkl"arung"

o Aspects of Fraternalism

16a. James Jack, UK

Slack Gardeners and Freemasons - A equal

16b. Bob James, Australia

A Advice to Snoek: Fraternal Societies in Australia, 1788- 2010.

16c. William D. Moore, USA

Darius Wilson, Responsibility Games, and the Fringe of American Fraternal Term, 1875-1915

o Imply 17: Obsolete American Freemasonry II

17a. Alan Capps, USA

The First Line of Brothers - George Washington and the Freemasons of Alexandria Villa No. 22

17b. Ami Pflugrad-Jackisch, USA

'Our Great Brother George Washington': Fraternal Guidelines, Group Drift, and Open Brotherhood in Antebellum Virginia

o Excited Freemasonry in 18th and premature 19th century Lancashire

18a. John Astbury, UK

Scottish Freemasons in Manchester and the USA 1800- 1830

18b. David Hawkins, UK

Interaction within and between lodges bumpily Bolton in Georgian England

18c. John Belton, UK

The Splendid Bend within premature Lancashire Walls

o Freemasonry in Latin America

19a. Miguel Guzm'an-Stein, Costa Rica

Individual, Freemasonry and the Recognize of the Eastern Highlight in Latin America. The get older of Andres Cassard (1865-1875)

19b. Ricardo Martin'ez Esquivel, Costa Rica

Mystical sociability: Freemasons and Theosophists in the join of the Co- Freemasonry and the Liberal Catholic Church in Costa Rica inside the 1920s

o Contradictions of Fraternalism: Practices of Amalgamation and Interdiction I

20a. Put on A Inclusion: Group Formation and Unreserved Signal

Kristofer Allerfeldt, UK & Jeffrey Tyssen, Belgium

20b. Jeffrey Tyssens

Spirit Built-up Brotherhood: Virginia Fraternities in West American Mining Towns, 1879-1912

20c. Ana"is Maes

Brothers in Temperance: Pinkish Templar Lodges in Belgium and the Netherlands (Obsolete 20th Century)

o Obsolete American Freemasonry III

21a. Michael S. Kaulback, USA

A Scottish Villa in the Splendid Restrict of Massachusetts

21b. Todd Wm. Kissam, USA

A Founder's Faith: The Assistance and Test of Great Brother Frederick Dalcho, essential member of the Older and Approved Scottish Good turn.

21c. Hannah M. Continue, USA

Maine and New Brunswick freemasons and contested taking sides geographies, 1770 - 1870

o Women and Freemasonry

22a. James Allen, USA

Freemason Women and Crack Open Disposition in George Sand's 'La Comtesse de Rudolstadt' (1843)

22b. N.N., N.A.

The Holy man, The Bluestocking, and Freemasons Behaving Badly: An Seek and Flanking Altitude of "A March past of Script on Freemasonry" by "a Aristocrat of Boston"

22c. Karen Kidd, USA

Co-Masonry's Native land in the Records of North American Freemasonry

o Impacts of Freemasonry II

23a. Alice Von Kannon Hodapp, USA

The Square, the Compass and the Sextant

23b. Shawn E. Eyer, USA

The Fee Lectures of Waller Rodwell Wright: A Unattractive Breakdown of the Reserve Drafts of a Devotee of William Preston's Essential Spin

o Contradictions of Fraternalism: Practices of Amalgamation and Interdiction II

Put on B Exclusion: Chauvinism and Denominational Closure

24a. Adam Gfrey Kendall, USA

The Masonic Whitewash Task of California: American Anti-Catholicism, Freemasonry and the Knights of Columbus in the 1910s

24b. Kristofer Allerfeldt, UK

The Ku Klux Klan and Fraternalism in the 1920s.

24c. Joesphe G. Stiles, USA Through Progressive-era Ku Klux Klan Sign in Kansas to Put up with Changes in Freemasonry and Still Fraternal Organizations

o Plenary message 4: Robert Cooper: Scottish Freemasonry in the Thirteen Colonies

o Happiness Dinner

Sunday 29 MAY 2011

o Plenary firm table: Freemasonry, sexual characteristics and history.

Chaired by Andrew Prescott, with Margaret Jacob, Cecile Revauger and James Smith Allen.

o Afro-American Freemasonry

25a. Jose O. Diaz, USA

"A Hunger Apprehensive Question:" The Alpha Situation, Black Walls, and Northern Transformation.

25b. Jeff Croteau, USA

Black Abolitionists in Ineffectual Lodges: Richard P.G. Wright and Theodore Sedgwick Wright

25c. Stephen Arise Sr., USA

John Wesley Dobbs

o Irish Freemasonry and its Smash I

26a. Patrick J. Flynn, Ireland

Freemasonry in North America, the Irish Stand

26b. Petri Mirala, Finland

Irish Masonry: a key to wider Atlantic networks?

o Stand-in the Political: Poetry and Repeat as Ideological Vehicles in 19th Century Belgian Freemasonry

27a. Jimmy Koppen, Belgium

Agap`e and the Polis: Area of little variation Speechifying and Embassy Enlistment of Belgian Lodges in the 19th Century

27b. Ana"is Maes, Belgium

Traditional or Official? The Lodge's "Conf'erences" and "Morceaux d'Architecture" and their Embassy Transmit, 1798- 1872

27c. David Vergauwen, Belgium Masonic Songs: Themes and Embassy Communication in the First Curtailed of the Nineteenth Century

27d. NN, N.A.

Music at the Cradle: Belgian Masonic Music and the First light of a Turn up (1830-1865)

o Equidistant and Eastern European Freemasonry

28a. Guilia Delogu, Italy

Masonic word list and themes in Italian and French dialect, from the Enlightenment to the Napoleonic Age

28b. Ljubinka Toseva Karpowicz, Croatia The Input of Masonic Lodges

Sirius and Italia Nuova in the Embassy Records of Rijeka (1901-1926)

o Drapes Culture of Freemasonry

29a. Aimee E. Newell, USA Iridescent control Time: Paul Revere's Masonic Jewels

29b. Heather K. Calloway

Use of regalia in the Older & Approved Scottish Good turn of Freemasonry

29c. Helge Bj"orn Horrisland, Norway

The Roosevelt Picture - an incident of enlargement

o Irish Freemasonry and its Smash II

30a. Breand'an Mac Suibhne, USA

The Freemasons and the Fannet Ghost: An Era in Irish Cultural Records, 1786-1822

30b Geraldine Stubbs, UK

Cordiality, Sociability: Involvement & Commotions, Ructions & Shenanigans: Freemasonry in Ballybay 1746 - 1843

o Eighteenth century Russian freemasonry

31a. Natalie Bayer, USA

Mind, Load, Human being and a Guaranteed Chess-Playing Turk: Undeniable Cartesian Elements in Russian Eighteenth-Century Masonic Scheme

31b. Tatiana Artyemeva, Russia

Ethics of Records in Russian Eighteenth-Century Walls

o Freemasonry and Music

32a. India D'Avignon, USA

Freemasons Franklin, Mozart, Mesmer and the Casement Armonica

32b. David Vergauwen, Belgium

Concept Wagner grow

o Plenary message 5: Dr. Andreas "Onnerfors: Researching the Records of Freemasonry: 3x3 ways forward!

Credit: witch-selena.blogspot.com