It is an error previously a life form says that: My mysticism is conspicuous from your mysticism. He has not yet broadcast what mysticism register.
Grant cannot be innumerable mysticisms; bestow is one mysticism. Grant can innocently be one wisdom. It is the error of mankind that bestow is Eastern and Western wisdom. As crave as Eastern and Western is attached to wisdom, it is not wisdom. If that is passed, he touches wisdom, the
inheritance of mankind.
It is the divine origin that man has, no affair to what part he belongs. It is whichever an error previously man distinguishes amongst occultism and mysticism. This error is prepared by restricted man who does not know what he says. The one who requests to think he knows, he does not know.On one occasion a life form pictures mysticism as a land of the tree which is truth, he is dishonest, and previously he says that mysticism is a land and all other matter are brushwood, he is dishonest. Religion is the stick to which all others are attached.
Nowcoming to the inquest, what really mysticism is. Religion is the way by which to all-inclusive the truth.
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