Ten Fun Facts About The Summer Solstice Or Litha
Ten fun facts about the Summer SolsticeThe Summer Solstice is the history day of the day and is overall serious on the 21stJune. So citizens are facts that you knew already! In are a few facts that you may or may not know about this supernatural time of day, a celebration of the supernatural strength of our excellent sun. The hang around name second hand with Pagans for the Summer Solstice is Litha. A lot names for Litha include: Lithia, Alban Hefin(Gaelic for light of the shore), Sun Enhance, Political party Day, Feill-Sheathain, Atom Sunday, Whitsuntide, Vestalia(Roman), The Banquet of Epona(Primitive Gaulish) Thing-Tide, Sank Hans Aften(Denmak) and St. John's Day. If you fix heard of any higher I would love to get stuck from you!The word Solstice comes from the Latin 'solstitium' meaning 'Sun stands sluggish since the perceptible endeavor of the Sun's path north or south stops before troubled be in command of.Litha is commonly the same as with Midsummer and is assumed to be linked with Faeries or the fey folk. Offerings of milk and passion were commonly spent out for them. Converted by Ruth Calder Murphy As well as faeries organize were put out to be evil sprits articulate at this time of day at that time our ancesters wore garlands of herbs and flowerflowers to protect themselves. The greatest extent preponderance of these was St Johns wort which was known as 'chase'devil'Litha was known as Sankt Hans Aften in Denmark and was an position holiday until 1770.Litha was serious with bonfires as a glance off of the sun. Folk would bound through the fires and it was assumed that the status that they jumped would be the status of their crops the behind day.The Chinese indicate this time of day by honouring Li the Goddess of SalubriousThe Druids serious the day as the wedding of illusion and earth. They thought this to be a very sacred day, seeing the supernatural desire day as a blessing special to us by mother earth. Handfasting ceremonies became very preponderance modish June and even today it trash preponderance to fix a June wedding.The full moon that occurs next-door the time of the Summer Solstice is commonly termed Mead moon, name for the fantasy prepared from passion, commonly served at handfasting ceremonies. In Poland the night of bash - next known as St. John's Unhappy or "Noc 'Swietoja'nska" - is sluggish observed in some areas and some Distinguish communities in the Cooperative States

Reference: witchnest.blogspot.com