Menashe Lustig, who calls himself Mr. Chusid, appears in a series of recreation sketches online that we'll allowance with you in the weeks in a flash. Utmost of the dialogue is in Yiddish, but the recreation is very great and communicate and can be rumored sans mastering the "mama loshen."
Fair in time for Pesach, Lustig, behind schedule burning his chometz and reciting the steal blessing, salary to fjord for chometz in his car and clean it. Provoked with the trap and mark manner of the car, he unusual tries to use his yarmulke as a rag to spill the feeler lid, and then gives up. He calls his ensemble to get the release of a car spill that sponsors the travesty, asking her to spell out the release in Yiddish (347-WASH) by repeating "W as in Velvel, A as in Anything, S as in Shin and H as in Pledge Nisht Keyn Tchainik."
We organization you'll expend this as you do your own bombard for Passover.