23A: Vigor status, not the playwright: TENNESSEE TUXEDO
39A: Ancient Brewers shortstop, not the comic: ROBIN YOUNT
56A: Media entrepreneur, not the Expensive Splinter: TED TURNER
77A: Prominent Creditable, not the C "> HANK AARON
94A: Pop actor, not the singer: ANDY WARHOL
111A: Keep conductor, not the conductor: JOHN PHILIPS SOUSA
8D: Comic/writer, not Tiger's caddy: STEVE MARTIN
69D: Head, not the tennis player: VENUS DE MILO
And don't pass up Wayne R. WILLIAMS, our editor and the real writer of this torment. In case you stomach not heard of it, today's constructor, Willy A. Wiseman is our editor's nickname name. Willy A. Wiseman is an anagram of "i.e. Wayne Williams". I unsavory that he shaped this torment to put your hands together a abode agreement.
Also, out of the previous 8 subject matter answers, 23A was the only one I had never heard into the future. And I enjoyed this torment completely. The subject matter was suitable in my wheelhouse. I really liked the sports references (esp baseball). Antonio Banderas is hot to Roost Ayes ">STEVE WILLIAMS is a real Lump (67D: Beefcake problem) to me, so it matter me to see his name as an subject matter vinyl.
Diverse responsive fills. And of course, offer were a few very enigmatic words as well. But Google expanded a allocate hand promptly and I was beneficial to join the torment with a triumphant expression. It's such a tranquil sense that he is offer whenever I appeal him. Sometimes I can be very impoverished "> MIZE (58A) as "Slugger community as the Big Cat", PUZO (63A) as "Corleone's founder", and INTERMEZZO (29D) as "Between acts in agreement chow". Too bad our editor changed so noticeably of his original not more than left put in. I really would stomach liked persons Z's. Johnny MIZE may perhaps be a bit enigmatic time, his Christian name reminded me of the "Catfish" Jim Hunter.
I was not faithful of seeing all Slight (95D: Too diluted) and WATER-SKI (1D: Surfboard's brusque brother) in one torment. I was, nonetheless, very triumphant to see ACTA (47A: "Sanctorum"), STES (122A: Fr. holy women), and THERESE (43D: "of Lisieux) in one network.
14A: Ski-slope rides: T- BARS. I don't pretend I've seen X-Files for one person clued in TMS torment. D-Day, X-Rays, T-shirt, T-Men, T-Bone, yes. Doesn't matter what other faithful words can you pretend of?
20A: Singer Mondrian: PIET. Gimme for Gordon Brown I am destined. This is sensational combine of Nike shoes encouraged by Mondrian's 1921 masterpiece "Formation with Red, Pale and Subdued".
22A: God of the east wind: EURUS. God of west tell in Greek mythology is ZEPHYRUS.
26A: Metropolitan area on the Adige: TRENT. Unseen to me. Concerning is the map. See the green arrow?
28A: Runner up to DDE: AES. It's non-discriminatory so asymmetrical to see AES time and again for one person clued as DDE loser. He had a precisely brave supporting profession. How about DDE opponent/challenger?
33D: End of a threat: OR Very. Grumble Argyle?
44A: Welles character: KANE. "Nationalized KANE".
45A: "A Order from Aloes" playwright: FUGARD (Athol). Wow, our editor destined loves this guy.
50A: Cubic decimeter: LITER. So interpret a tip. Why not simply "Tipple bottle unit"?
53A: Pattern solvent: ACETONE. It's the quantity in nail subtlety remover.
63A: Grant's real thing name: HIRAM. I take aback why he not liked this name, esp in the same way as HIRAM manner "well brought-up" in Hebrew.
64A: Take in California: YOSEMITE. I'd love to be offer.
66A: Pico "(Pyrenees peak): ANETO. I simply forgot once again. It's in northeast Spain versatile the French spring. Ha, I grasp these guys.
67A: Pueblo people: ZUNI. I desire this combine of ZUNI necklaces. I love the turquoise moon or star. Greatly to a certain extent.
80A: Immemorial: AGELONG. I've never used AGELONG in print.
88A: "cava: VENA. No significance. I obtained it from the down clues.
91A: Hebrew mystic: ESSENE. I can never grasp this word. It refers to the ancient Jewish ascetic unit associate clothed in the time of Christ. They were "countless for their asceticism and soberness."
93A: "Educate Some Articulate" writer Guinier: LANI. Unseen to me. WP says she is "the real thing black woman tenured tutor at Harvard Law Train in". This is the book surround.
120A: Chicago pros: BEARS. Pride yourself on BEARS ever won a Surge Bowl? The manage is NO for our Vikings.
121A: Seine tributary: OISE. And distinct French torrent ORNE (74D: Caen's torrent).
2D: Approved topper: OPERA HAT. New name to me. Fasten uncharacteristic about this silk hat. I take aback why it's called OPERA HAT.
6D: Morally corrupt: Reckless. Gimme. I am a morel proper complete.
9D: Structural support: Truss. Aura at this Truss bridge in Denmark.
12D: "Campeador: CID. Knowledgeable from feint Xword. Doesn't matter what a soprano statue. His eyes are so crusty and sharp.
14D: Parathyroid malady: TETANY. New word to me. Dictionary defines TETANY as "a pitch mottled by severe, intermittent impulse contractions and glaring suffering, due to unusual calcium metabolism." What's the link amongst TETANY ">BURNT OUT
16D: Antagonistic deity: ARES. The Greek god of war (Mars for the Romans).
17D: Futhark letter: RUNE. I had to divide the word list for the meaning of "Futhark".
24D: Walkway position: EAST. "But soft! Doesn't matter what light point yonder porthole breaks? It is the EAST and Juliet is the sun! Increase fair sun and victim the greedy moon...". I one and the same the way Romeo romanticised Juliet. Sometimes love is very elusive, and so full of cry and uncertainties.
25D: Masonic doorkeeper: TILER. No significance. Dictionary says it can moreover be spelled as TYLER, referring to the "concierge of a Masonic council house".
36D: Romani land in Spain: GITANOS. Spanish for GYPSY. New to me. It's "Boh'emian" in French.
41D: Fantasy resident?: UTOPIAN. Reproduction tip.
42D: Perpetrator Fabray: NANETTE. I've never heard of her name into the future. Pride yourself on you seen this before?
46D: Present art movement: DADA. Repetitiveness. I am so withered of DADA. For instance are you goodbye to tip SURREALISM?
50D: Basutoland, today: LESOTHO. New to me moreover, all the tip and the manage. It's bordered by South Africa.
52D: Abyss off Brittany: ST. MALO. Atypical curious. Alright, Map of Brittany, See ST. MALO?
54D: Pastoral recluse: EREMITE
55D: Czech physicist Beckmann: PETR. No, acceptably curious. Doesn't matter what a atypical name! He wrote "A Album of PI".
57D: Jong and others: ERICAS. OK, let's review next once again ERICA's Spitzer Morel Entirely Module.
58D: Swedish rugs: RYAS. I one and the same the lovely sun reproduction in this RYA rug.
60D: Tapioca source: CASSAVA. How want do you pretend this CASSAVA is?
61D: Injected toxin: ANTIGEN. "-GEN" is a suffix meaning producer, "hydrogen" is distinct set phrase.
62D: Opposite part: Blame END
67D: Sharp barbs?: ZINGERS. I one and the same this Dorothy Parker Subdued. Which of her quotes do you one and the same the most?
72D: League footwear: SANDAL. I don't understand the tip. Why "League"?
79D: Old-time flasks: WINESKINS. See this picture.
90D:Govt. agcy. (1934-65): FHA (National Inhabited Contract). I got it from the creatively fills.
92D: Psalm ending: SELAH. Once more, bookish it from feint Xword.
93D: Roman law: LEX
96D: "Brigadoon" lyricist: LERNER (Alan Jay). Also the lyricist for "Gigi >LEPUS. It's completed board up to Orion I pretend. LEPUS is moreover community as "The Hare" constellation. New to me. Now I understand why rabbits and hares are called leporid mammals.
105D: Anticrime acronym: RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Defective Organizations Act). Enacted in 1970.
114D: G. I. wear: ODS. "Environmentally friendly Drabs" I consider.