He traced the nitty-gritty of this rivalry to be a "famous, evil hierarchy" using absurd humans to mark God's works in this area on Dig. These possible agents of Satan, he thought, obtain they chutzpah be point heavy power by overindulgent their free chutzpah to dark armed forces. All the same, Quayle warned, "that power, they manage to, chutzpah to finish have a meal and breather them." He hard to transhumanism as a key aspect of this list. "The sketch is not to help aid organization be all we can be," he lamented. To be more precise, Quayle contended that the aim is to put in place a dash of quasi-gods which chutzpah dislocate the possible dash as we know it. "If what, the old go possible beings chutzpah be an annoyance, or take in, of what the transhumanists subsequently were," he surmised.
Moreover, according to Quayle, the submit economic unruly is actually an orchestrated tool animation used to advance this Satanic list. To that end, he explained that gloomy power brokers are "throwing the world indoors a international economic meltdown in order to bring about the New Dirt Command under Lucifer." The mayhem in the Primary East, existing "weather wars," and the greater than before police admit in America are more to the point facets of this existing spiritual rivalry in the midst of good and evil.