Venerable Sergius The Obedient Of The Kiev Near Caves


Saint Sergius the Compliant of the Kiev Caves, Just about Caves, was a Greek who began his monastic life on Multiplication Athos. Subsequent, he came to Russia and significant in the monastery of the Life-Giving Trinity under the guidance of St Sergius of Radonezh (July 5) and (September 25). A long time ago many time, with the blessing of the igumen, St Sergius went voguish the Vologda forests and significant at the climb of the Rivulet Nurma. Offering he set up a plaster and built a chapel with a void, in which he lived an ascetical life in compelling restrained, "goodbye forth in divine life," and doggedly remaining entice from demons and ghastly nation.

It contented the Member of the aristocracy to summon the saint from his inaccessibility, so that in his wisdom and spiritual background he penury hand over for the salvation of others. From another chairs forty men gathered tell him, eager for the spiritual life. By their regular hard work, the brethren built a considerable church in observe of the Chain of the Admirable Plant of the Life-Creating Irritable of the Member of the aristocracy (Distinguished 1). The monastic cells were built tell the church.

St Paul of Obnora (January 10) led an ascetical life about three miles from the Nurma monastery, and St Sergius often visited him for soul-profiting swap. In the same way as it was time for St Sergius to go back to his monastery, St Paul would pocket him for two-thirds of the way. Subsequent, a chapel was built to facet the place where they parted. St Sergius died on October 7, 1412. Since 1546, the House of worship has respected him for his blissful life.


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