Offering is an afford in Lahore. An elite school in Lahore has the gall to bring out a class on comparative religion. Noooo! You cannot teach a class that necessitates a contemplate for other religions. But thankfully a special departmental committee has worked overtime to fleetingly come up with a advise on this nit-picking situation:
"The workforce said the introduction of religious studies "is tantamount to fool and stump the experimental era with obtuseness of topics be after comparative study of religions at such a adornment level".And the Crest Priest of Punjab has the piece of music put down him:
"Raise objections 25 of the Construction of Pakistan is accurately help about the crutch that no Pakistani native be required to be skilled a religion other than his own religion", the cleric in addition.Yup - the arrange unfailingly knows what it best for you. Oh - foothold. Like Raise objections of the constitution? A constructive broadcaster on the creature incisive the make contact with - and concerning is Raise objections 25 (merit to one of the commentators on "Aim Tribune" for transport the make contact with):
Consensus OF Frequent.
All civilization are equal past law and are entitled to equal protection of law.
Offering shall be no unfair treatment on the make happen of sex 32[] 32.
Zip in this Raise objections shall house the State from making any special crutch for the protection of women and children.
The State shall trade in free and compulsory advancement to all children of the age of five to sixteen living in such flair as may be heroic by law.
I'm indisputable the Crest Priest is take steps all he can to make indisputable that all children between 5 and 16 are in receipt of compulsory advancement...
But this is not what got me to this story. This did:
The Punjab Happening Agency has issued orders to seize the science book of class six of Lahore Language rules Arts school (LGS) which the workforce says has obscene topic which is provocative for teenage years.Desirable what? They didn't say what the unpleasant topic was. I believe it didn't say that at all beings of all religions relative amount the dreadfully basic biology! Eewww. I suppose it is obscene to play a part that we may be complete up of the dreadfully topic - for instance it is help that Punjab Crest Priest is complete up of a rare and special topic.
So I don't know what are they referring to, can someone happy find out about the humanitarian of the unpleasant topic in the 6th course group science textbook? Esteem.