Magickal History Of July
At first the Romans called this month Quintilis, but subsequent to renamed it Julius formerly Julius Caesar. The Greek Olympian was reasonable for about a week in July. This parade in tax of Zeus consisted of competitions in training, amuse yourself, music, and other performance. Concerning the time of the Olympian, all participants were restricted safe-conduct to and from the games. The durable petite Greek squabbles were put aside. A defeat in the Olympian was a unlimited play, both for the species and for their conurbation.

Two of the Roman holidays reasonable participating in this month were July 8 - 9 taking into account the Holy being Juno was lucky and the Neptunalia on July 23, taking into account Neptune, the god of the seas and earthquakes, was placated.

In Japan, the Full Moon of July saw the O-Bon, or Performance of Lanterns. This was a combination of Buddhist and Shinto beliefs that lucky the dead. Homes, tombs, and ancestral prescription were painstakingly cleaned. Altars and shrines were decked. The precincts were hung with lanterns to light the way of the dead so that they could adjacent with their families for the three-day turmoil.

The Egyptian New See ax in July, as did the Opet Performance, which commemorated the marriage of Isis and Osiris. Their sexual overtone was assumed to bring good luck to all staff. Thereabouts the exact time in Rome, the love of Venus and Adonis was ostentatious. The Egyptian appointment was painstaking adjacent to the Nile and its once a year irritating floods. This was as a consequence the time of the advantage of Isis and Nephthys, Osiris, Set, and Haroeris. These days were the ones won by Thoth for these deities; births; in other words, grant were the crucial days to make the lunar and lunar calendars pastime.

The Incas had a turmoil called Chahua-huarquiz, Chacra Ricuichi, or Chacra Cona, which theoretical Plowing Month. Era the Northern Hemisphere was beginning its agricultural harvests with the reaping of the bump pointer, the Southern Hemisphere was upright beginning to break home for planting.

Buddha's Start and Preaching, as a consequence called the Image Anniversary, was ostentatious in Tibet.

From: Moon Magick