Blessed Yulewinter Solstice
Today is the Winter Solstice. Robust, legally, this afternoon at 5:47 UTC (coordinated complete time) is Winter Solstice. A number of good pagans were up with the sun comport yourself their rituals (Bex....Liz....), but I worked after carry night, and the God forgives me for comport yourself my ritual in the twilight.

In fact, I'm about to get primed to go back to work. But, never angst, I shall be home in the twilight, in concert carols, making sweets, and pounding up a delicious Yuletide banquet. (And seeing AVATAR!) As well as, basically for fun, Friend and I are leave-taking to be enjoying an Ice Wine. I didn't know that Ice Wine existed, but it sounded large - a bit dear, but large - and I dent, "Hmm... Ice Wine...for the "Winter" Solstice. That works!"

Below are the words that I use in the field of my Yuletide ritual. In all probability you might use them in yours, or alteration them up a bit, or conceivably you won't form at them at all. Either way, I absolutely wish all of you Rioters the happiest, highest blessed Solstice/Yule/New Appointment. You decision me with your words, your have a weakness for, your listening and investigation, and the fact that you incite me to be go beyond every isolated day.

Sugar and Lyte,

Hack Lyte

"Yuletide Bonus

Deified be the See the future Force of potion, that which turns the rudder from the Old Appointment to the new.

Recommendation be to the God who gives commence to the God, and is now done grief.

Recommendation be to the God who brings back the sun, and is natural once more.

Deified are we who detain time-honored the blessings of the Noble and Peer of the realm in the carry court.

Elevated God and God, pick up our wishes for the New Appointment, and bless us.

Deified be the Triple God, Maiden, Close relative, and Crone.

Tonight life begins once more, the days confer on begin to prolong, and Rational confer on be brought back to the world.

Deified Be!