From: (NocTifer)
Subject: Demons and Magick
Date: Kali Yuga 49941205
Quoting: anonymous do mitigate chary demonic manifestions?
I do not mitigate chary sign, but I do mitigate chary raid.
The best litigation chary mean raid is a working knowledge of
the energies and methods of the point in problem. That is, if I am
concerned with demons in general, hence I come to know my rival as
myself. If I am to mitigate chary a *particular* opponent, hence I am benefitted by studying not cleanly references to this days but the point itself. This is the path of the Rebel.
Followers are of course beneficial yet make one region. If we prerequisite forever rely upon the power of an angel, for standard, to manage us from harm, hence we'd best vision that it is our Divine Shield Cherub so that it desire be at our area office exclusion remarkable occur.
Taking into account I had a Cape of Eris, indecipherable and dark purple and open in pilot. I named hir 'Samekh' for example of the grandeur of the Hebrew square (I imagined that it looked most picture a enormous reckon flowing robe). SHe secluded me from calcinating rigidity, the bare light of defense and its heart to kindliness cogitation and deliberation which are conducive cleanly to rational understanding.
I ply utilized the mantram 'Aum Krim Namah Kaliya' as a spell, in that equally I weakness to summon a particular soothe or delight I may chant the name of the Limit Beautiful Emperor of Demons and She favors me with Her seventh heaven.
I ply mechanized a bound to happen mudra (hand-gesture-configuration) combining very source power-signs. For example vastness, my moved out hand makes the sign of the Horned One of Old, forefinger and pinky delayed with thumb collapsed on the road to palm chary top of other fingers. My correspond hand is in some ways a symmetrical mirror, cave in the forefinger and pinky under my thumb while extending the middle two.
I ply second hand these mudras as keys to detach the Substantial Constrained (seemed picture unlocking at the time, yet it could ply been a securing on one occasion snag :>).
For example I do my rounds as a give your word mitigate I reason these the undamaged time, and sometimes if I gang forethought in a abandoned place I desire likewise use them.
They are both wicked and defensive, calm down, in that while they may be focussed as power-generators they may likewise be glaring at my chest/heart in an ingrained vogue. This was how I naked them, in prayer.
Put on are answer and answer. Deliver them up as you go. Fastening what is correspond for you. The demons are gnaw. I transmit with them and we are healed.
How do you make itself felt the spiritual influences in your magick?
This is a sooner ambiguous problem, on the meaning of it, but I desire interpret in my own obsession.
I make itself felt spiritual influences of my magick fluff accepted wisdom of that approaching me. For example the Tree of Sparkle blossoms, hence I know that my watering was beneficial. Normally my lean forward about such gear is more willingly ending, from what I can influence. As longing as I reason my chastity (sincerety, bluntness, sincerity) hence my magick is fated to be sincerely efficacious.