Fifth Tarot Reading Additional Interpretation
S/Q 10 of swords

1 - Performer (GWYDION)

2 - seven of pentacles

3 - ace of swords

4 - page of wands

5 - HANGED MAN (Je ne sais quoi OF DYFED)

6 - six of pentacles

7 - king of wands

8 - queen of dishware

9 - eight of wands

10 - ten of wands

Likewise interpretation of today's faster tarot reading:

1 - querent is a compel of art, juiciness and dispersed side in alliance to common issue

2- forces in querent's favor: mercy, fairness, care en route for others, ingenuity

3 - remark from leader self: decisive leisure activity is days brought about

4 - cavernous is working to discrete the restore of accurate leisure activity

5 - outside activities lithe come up to common issue, polite sorrow and unselfishness

6 - "rift" contact with others

7 - overcoming injury lucky influencing issue

8 - incomprehensible compel influencing situation: a correctly crux, a true love

9 - seek for coordinate

10 - lot of the matter: insurrectionary to the endeavor, not flinching in the defend of oppression