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What's incredibly ironic is that the same people who reject spirituality for being belief-based and obsessed with future reward like heaven or enlightenment, go on living in their beliefs about themselves and others and focusing on future happiness rather than the present. They rightly point out the faults of religion, and then go on doing those same things (in a harder-to-see way) as part of everyday consciousness.In the everyday mode of consciousness, you find all the faults that people condemn about religion: -Not being in touch with reality.-Trusting in ritual. -Shoulds, condemnations, rules for oneself (Rumi says, meet me in the place beyond rules, beyond good and evil).-Unnecessary hatred and fighting with others. -Unsubstantiated beliefs. -Suffering now in hopes of future reward ('once I get this dissertation done isn't so different from 'once I get to heaven'--both are in the future, and who knows if the happiness you hypothesize will exist then?).In spirituality/awake-ness, there is everything people want in humanism, rationalism, skepticism, etc.: -Seeing things for what they are, not what we want them to be. -Lack of beliefs. -Not taking anyone's word for it, experiencing it yourself. Spirituality -being awake/alive - awareness, is the most rational, skeptical, "humanist" (in the sense of believing in our potential and evolving) thing there is!- - -
