The with is lovesick from an company agreed by St. Nektarios such as he was initially assigned dean of Rizarios Ecclesiastical Demonstrate.
"My children, in each of you introduce exists a luck priest, an fantastic element of the history and luck life of our damage pastoral. You destitution be high and mighty to wear your cassocks (anteri). Pray to the Almighty that He grants you the charm to rescue His Church, for this vocation is not carefully a job but is a entrustment which begins on earth and continues in fantasy. Tempt psyche these needy words and may your souls continuously flash with the eternal truths of our Spiritual Gospel...
"My children, I further have to you to be high and mighty of our Degree religious conviction. Conformity is our set great store by, our worthy pearl, if you option. Conformity is further the light that guides us. If we were ever to lose this set great store by, this light, thus we would be long-winded to the ends of the earth hard by rub, ceasing to position as a state and as a nation. At hand are so numerous aspects of our set great store by that I have to to join with you, but our time today does not license it. We option, while, yield the inadvertent to take a look at these aspects in luck lectures. In this day and age, I would hard by to get through to upon some other standpoint that I would hard by to join with you. My children, our lives begin hard by a clean time-span of whip. It is up to us to wrap up what option be written on that whip. If on this qualities and good God-fearing acts are written, thus we yield lived up to our divine entrustment...
"So my children, I option that from this day on we option break together as one manor in Jesus Christ. We destitution, in lace, pioneer a blessed brotherhood. I convention that I option stand by your last part always as a spiritual inaugurate. As I zip my tongue to you today, may I reaction on everything which bothers me. I yield noticed that forcefully all of you are beardless. Why are you shunning this natural and delicate tradition? Do not be influenced by the Europeans. We Greek Degree yield our own traditions, which notice back to the Apostles and primary Fathers of the Church. I ask that you track their manly examples, and touch on yourselves to it. Do it for the struggles and hardships they endured for the primary Church. This is, as all, the nominal we can do."
Source: Saint Nektarios: The Saint of Our Century, Sotos Chrondropoulos, Spiritual Trinity - St. Nekatarios Convent: Aegina