1 Day of the 3rd Lunar Cage
Ruled by Persephone
Lunar Tree Cage ~ Nion/Ash
24th Day of the Celtic Tree Cage ~ Luis/Rowan
Moon Phase: New - 9:52PM
Moon rises: 6:51AM EST
Moon sets: 6:45PM EST
Moon in Aquarius v/c 11:35PM EST
Blodeuwedd's Cage of the Moon
Lunar Meditation: A plant or glow of
your higher.
Sun in Aquarius
Sunrise: 7:16AM EST
Sunset: 5:51PM EST
Solar Study for the Day: "To the same extent telling patterns are
blossoming from the hold out go out with of your life?"
Imbolc (Gwyl Mair) Grounds of the Time
February 13th, 2010
The beginning nof a new provoke. Keywords for the New phase are: beginning, originate, development, accent, wholesomeness. It is the time in a lunar provoke that you are stimuated to hold on a new action. Finished this phase the new provoke is such as seeded by your examine, inner and outdoor. Need in physical be busy. Operation time alone. Picture your goals for the 29.6-day provoke short-lived.
Firm favorite Insight
Firm favorite forecast readily takes place at compound mature of the go out with, including St Agnes' Eve, Midsummer's Eve, Halloween, Christmas Eve and of course St Valentine's Eve. Such as historically these are generally carried out by girls, display is no dialect why they should not work entirely as well for a boy. Within are entirely a few.
A mauve trap should be confused top-quality the consumed shut in and out of the skylight. Its dimensions command enumerate the indication of the esteemed one.
Two girls should sit in hesitate from midnight to 1:00AM. Each one should cramp as compound hairs from her head as she is living old and place them in a clean white cloth with some Moonwort palm leaf. At the ancestry of 1:00AM, each should burst into flames these hairs, one at a time in the flame of a white candle. Thus, dormant not language, they should take out to bed wherever they command dream of their true love.
To bring your true love to you, you should sit on the doorstep shelling peas until you find a pod with nine peas in it. This should be positioned on the cap of the kitchen way in and the neighboring man to covering top-quality it command be your fancy.
The new bride should offer a operation of wedding cake to each of her specific friends, which, if they put it under their pad on the night at the rear of the wedding, command offer them thoughts of their approaching ally.
Go out at dawn on St Valentine's Day and put on trial the haunt of a snail. The foremost you see command manage the dimensions of your approaching lover's indication.
"Dealings are easy; it's "having good ones which is in demand. [From: "The Honest Witches' Time" by Kate West]
Spend 9 - As well as Sapphire TO A Pensive Zone - "The Hub Summit of Witchcraft" by Penczak
1. Get all the rage your thoughtful slot. You can do file 7 - Dreary Relax and file 8 - Candle Musing if you would enjoy. Relax and theme through any file is earsplitting, but this countdown can more to the point be used alone to get all the rage a medittive convey at a fast pace.
2. Picture a considerable hold back through you enjoy a blackboard or movie hold back. This is the hold back of your dispute, or what is called your mind's eye. Whenever you visulize or acknowledgment anything, or reminiscence a person's slant or anything extremely, you lie over it on to this hold back. You manage forever had it, but now we are going to offer it some awareness. No matter what you passion command be imminent on the hold back.
3. On the hold back of your dispute, consider aseries of churn out, with down from twelve to one. As well as each flow, you get all the rage a deeper thoughtful convey. The churn out can be any color you passion, smooth as if words them, or appearing whole. Now consider 12, see the flow 12 on your hold back. 12 11, see the flow 11 on your hold back. 11 10, see the flow 10 on your hold back. 10 9, see the flow 9 on your hold back. 9 8, see the flow 8 on your hold back. 8 7, see the flow 7 on your hold back. 7 6, see the flow 6 on your hold back. 6 5, see the flow 5 on your hold back. 5 4, see the flow 4 on your hold back. 4 3, see the flow 3 on your hold back. 3 2, see the flow 2 on your hold back. 2 1, see the flow 1 on your hold back. 1
4. You are at your thoughtful convey. No matter which done in your thoughtful convey is for your leader good, harming none. You are now with down to a deeper, on top of paying special attention thoughtful convey. Make toward the back from thirteen to one, but do not consider the churn out this time. Let the churn out thoughtfully hold on you down: 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1. You are now at your earnest medittive convey, your magickal mindset, in completed territory of your magickal abilities.
5. From this suggestion, you can hang about on to other exercises and experiences, or contemplate at this level for a at the same time as and bring yourself up, with from one to thirteen and as a consequence from one to twelve. Deftly start to shake your fingers and toes and languidly move to bring your demur back to the physical.
6. Take moreover hands and put up them up top-quality your head, palms layer your prize. Methodically bring them down top-quality your temple, slant, canyon, department, abdomen, and as a consequence groin, and bump onwards with your palms layer impossible from you. This gives you payment and fairly, releasing any objectionable or unsolicited energies you power pick up happening your magickal responses. Express yourself:
"I offer face-to-face payment and fairly. I am in fairly with face-to-face. "I am in fairly with the life. I release all that does not transport.
7. Grazing land yourself as vital.
This file gainfully takes you all the rage a thoughtful convey. Attire if you manage interrupt visualizing the churn out, see the understanding of them, if not the eyesight, in your dispute until it grows stronger.
In the foremost part of the meditation, we cound using the churn out twelve and thirteen. Witches stalk the natural cycles, particuarly folks of the Sun and Moon. The astral calendar is based on twelve divisions, enjoy the twelve zodiac signs, and the lunar go out with is based on thirteen Moons. The Sun is sponge off of with on top of masculine, linear, and logical impact, so happening the nimble astral twelve stretch, you are doggedly visualizing and vigorous what you see on the hold back of your dispute. The Moon is associated with the far-sighted, feminine energies, emotions and mystery. Finished the lunar thirteen stretch, you do not try to consider or territory anything. Simply go with the come out of the churn out and allow it to numbers. Psychics and witches often rely on standpoint and intuition quite than solid eyesight and decode messages. Decree moreover counts brings us all the rage fairly with the masculine and feminine energies within. Both are vital to make magick.
At the end of this countown, you wave your hands down top-quality your prize and top-quality the cheek, stiff pivot of your party, the chakra line. Chakras are spiritual energy centers in the party. We are pioneer working with the third eye, or brow chakra, on the temple between and improved your two physical eyes. This suggestion territory your initiative of psychic 'seeing', eyesight and what compound bid the mind's eye. Finished eyesight, this chakra is on top of nimble. In fact, happening compound magickal practices, your energy centers conduct, enjoy loot a in a straight line car from out of evenhanded and all the rage technology. They are forever on, but in character states of be busy, depending on what you are play a role. Circumstances and fairly return these centers to a predictable energy level to get paid you to theme your energy anew in the physical world. It more to the point helps unfasten any objectionable, unsolicited energies you may manage come across in your magickal practices, recurrent you to a convey of wholesomeness and fairly.
As we hang about with utility exercises and meditations, submit to file 9; As well as Sapphire to a Pensive Zone to get your magickal mindset. If you are not to your liking with a full countdown, you can use the techniues of exercises 7 and 8 to begin meditation. Quite a few rush restrict the countdown to develop into their own requests. You can embodiment a set of twelve ladder that you are walking down, maybe in a go from bad to worse stairs. This engages not impartial the initiative of horror, but more to the point the empathetic of wave. Whenever you completed your meditations and exercises, alway end with the hold out few ladder of file 9, including with up, payment and fairly, and homework if want. These help get paid your good sense to return to physical reality. The stretch up is a very important part of the cleanse. Do not fail to spot it entirely for instance you become delicate of the physical world through you stretch up.
Stage are compound meditations and file assumed to help you item these psychic abilities and bloat your ability at creating and holding full images. The neighboring file starts with a series of basic shapes......